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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 10:25 AM)
Nah they never do. Classic BB.



I am so happy Helen is gone, the pushiest holier than thou player in awhile. Her good vs evil schtick was ridiculous.

The HoH I get, but thought for sure we'd actually see the whole comp to get back into the house, oh well, it's done now.


And I'm with you on Helen, couldn't stand her.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 10:57 AM)
The HoH I get, but thought for sure we'd actually see the whole comp to get back into the house, oh well, it's done now.


And I'm with you on Helen, couldn't stand her.

Did you search spoilers? Good person to return to the game, but the WORST HOH.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 11:03 AM)
Amanda annoys the crap out of me. She's playing the best but her DR sessions make it seem like she is trying way too hard in there.

Players like her get evicted in the final 5-6 so I think she is done soon. McCrae is smart that if he gets put up next to her then she goes and he stays.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 11:24 AM)
Players like her get evicted in the final 5-6 so I think she is done soon. McCrae is smart that if he gets put up next to her then she goes and he stays.


That's the thing, if she's evicted, who really deserves to win. McRae? If Elissa goes beast mode in comps now, her? No way Aaryn who has been a puppet.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 05:07 PM)
That's the thing, if she's evicted, who really deserves to win. McRae? If Elissa goes beast mode in comps now, her? No way Aaryn who has been a puppet.

Nobody. I'd almost lean towards Aaryn though, puppet or not she's managed to keep herself in the game after being extremely hated at the beginning and has anyone ever won as many competitions as her in a season?


Amanda and Helen were really the only two controlling the social game and Helen is gone and Amanda is god awful at comp's.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 05:07 PM)
That's the thing, if she's evicted, who really deserves to win. McRae? If Elissa goes beast mode in comps now, her? No way Aaryn who has been a puppet.

Aaryn has a case because of comps, Elisa will lose points because of MVP. Honestly, right now, Andy is playing well. Floating and aligning with everyone.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 23, 2013 -> 11:03 PM)
Aaryn has a case because of comps, Elisa will lose points because of MVP. Honestly, right now, Andy is playing well. Floating and aligning with everyone.


Andy is spineless and in no way should win, unless he's in Final 2 vs Spencer.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 25, 2013 -> 09:56 PM)
What did Jesse just realize?


I was confused too, but what happened was Huell pickpocketed Jesse's dope that he had in his pocket. When Jesse was waiting for his ride, he realized his dope had been pickpocketed. Then he realized when he pulled out his cigarettes that the "missing ricin cigarette" must have been because Huell lifted it off of Jesse, and he put the dots together that Walt DID poison Brock, thus his JesseRage we saw at the end.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Aug 25, 2013 -> 08:42 PM)
Oh my god, that DVD that Walt made and gave to Hank........wow, I rarely ever catch myself physically responding to something on the TV, but my jaw dropped and I just kept saying "Whaaaaaaaaaaat!!!" for about a minute straight. f***ing incredible scene, I am still cracking up about how amazing it was.


This exactly. That was just great stuff.

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BB is officially overtaking The Sopranos and The Wire on my all time best TV shows list. The Wire was great but had at least two seasons that were just OK (or portions of seasons that were just OK - the dock storyline and the newspaper storyline). And most of the middle of The Sopranos was just meh.


BB is just thrilling. Nearly every episode has an edge-of-your-seat moment. Think about the dinner scene with hank/marie and walt/skyler. Like 20 words were said but it lasted 5 minutes and was f***ing insane. And then you have the DVD scene. And then you have the Walter/Jesse conversation in the desert. And then you have the Jesse/Saul scene at the end. I mean geez. There's no holding back with this show.




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