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QUOTE (daa84 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 09:08 PM)
Todd's uncle and his gang must have gone to the Harry Dunn school of sharpshooting.


"Harry, you're alive! And you're a horrible shot!"


Someone important is going to die in that scene.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 09:31 PM)
I would assume Hank and Gomez both die. I can't imagine the Nazis letting them live or all getting killed. Question is, does Jesse somehow escape?

Yeah after hanks phone call to Marie I have to think he is as good as dead

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 09:08 PM)
Todd's uncle and his gang must have gone to the Harry Dunn school of sharpshooting.


"Harry, you're alive! And you're a horrible shot!"


Hank and Gomez did too, apparently.


I don't know about anyone else, but I felt really bad for Walt when they finally got him. Jesse basically ratted him out even though Walt really did care about him.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 09:35 PM)
Yeah after hanks phone call to Marie I have to think he is as good as dead


I was trying to notice things in the distance, and I swear I saw a figure or two appear on the top of one of the cliffs. I thought right after he said he loved her that we would see a bullet go through his head from a sniper. But either way, it was obvious that the Nazis would have to show up and save Walt, I just figured they wouldn't miss with their first 200 rounds. Seriously, it was like 7 guns pointed at Hank and Gomez, and they weren't even shielded. They should have shredded them.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 11:11 PM)
Hank and Gomez did too, apparently.


I don't know about anyone else, but I felt really bad for Walt when they finally got him. Jesse basically ratted him out even though Walt really did care about him.


Except for that whole "kill Jesse" thing at the end. But yeah, I get what your saying.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 12:10 AM)
Except for that whole "kill Jesse" thing at the end. But yeah, I get what your saying.


Well that was a complete misunderstanding on Jesse's part.


Even when Walt wanted him dead, he didn't want to make Jesse suffer.

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Oh, and we never actually saw Jesse on the other end of that phone conversation with Walt. I mean, we can assume it took place in the car, because they arrived there within minutes, but they never showed if Walt's confession was being recorded or not. Maybe inside the SUV walt will see a recorder with his admission of guilt on it or something.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 09:08 PM)
Todd's uncle and his gang must have gone to the Harry Dunn school of sharpshooting.


"Harry, you're alive! And you're a horrible shot!"


Yeah, if the show wasn't so extremely awesome, I would've been pissed off by that and the cliffhanger ending.


Agree with other poster, after that phone call with Marie, that is textbook for Hank going down. Was trying to think if that is the first time we have heard Hank say "I Love You" to Marie or not.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Sep 8, 2013 -> 09:08 PM)
Todd's uncle and his gang must have gone to the Harry Dunn school of sharpshooting.


"Harry, you're alive! And you're a horrible shot!"


Todd looked like he had never shot a gun before in his life, not sure if that was done on purpose

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 12:10 AM)
I was trying to notice things in the distance, and I swear I saw a figure or two appear on the top of one of the cliffs. I thought right after he said he loved her that we would see a bullet go through his head from a sniper. But either way, it was obvious that the Nazis would have to show up and save Walt, I just figured they wouldn't miss with their first 200 rounds. Seriously, it was like 7 guns pointed at Hank and Gomez, and they weren't even shielded. They should have shredded them.

Yeah - that was a bit weak. They had some heavy artillery and were fully shielded by the vehicles. Only in video games and Sons of Anarchy to firefights with that much ammunition being blasted at someone unprotected have I ever seen something that ridiculous.


I thought Hank was going to get popped while on the phone. I don't know where the nazis reside, but they were pretty far out in the dessert for a 10 minute rendezvous.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 06:36 AM)
Todd looked like he had never shot a gun before in his life, not sure if that was done on purpose



sure had no problem shooting the kid on the motorcycle though....

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 12:10 AM)
I was trying to notice things in the distance, and I swear I saw a figure or two appear on the top of one of the cliffs. I thought right after he said he loved her that we would see a bullet go through his head from a sniper. But either way, it was obvious that the Nazis would have to show up and save Walt, I just figured they wouldn't miss with their first 200 rounds. Seriously, it was like 7 guns pointed at Hank and Gomez, and they weren't even shielded. They should have shredded them.


If TV was like reality, noone would watch that s***. If they got shredded, people would have been like "oh man, wtf!". They could have made it realistic with the episode ending at the standoff and having them get shredded at the beginning of the next episode. However, even cops when outgunned like that probably try to negotiate or lay their arms down. I found that to be extremely unrealistic. Also, why when asked to identify themselves as law enforcement did they refuse to do so? Odd items all around.

Edited by pettie4sox
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 09:35 AM)
That confused me as well. Probably because they knew there was no chance in hell.


No chance in hell they would recognize their authority? Maybe they figured if they lowered their guard they would get iced?


I dunno but maybe just maybe they would have thought twice about killing a fed.

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Time to interrupt the BB discussion...


Boardwalk with a solid opener. I like that we'll get to see more of Capone, even if it means less focus on Atlantic City (though it's been moving that direction anyway). And everyone loves Ron Livingston, even with a funny accent.


Newsroom was great, as usual. Can't wait for the finale next week.

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Boardwalk on the DVR. After watching the Wire this summer just realized in the promo why I liked Omar


In regard to Breaking Bad I guess the cell conversation and Walt giving away everything just goes to re-verify that Hank never thought Jessie would give him up. Why he never thought that, who knows but the frantic race to the money and then admitting everything to Jessie just seems odd and too neat. The only proof Hank had on Walt was the cell phone admission so I am assuming it was taped. The killing of Hank in the desert will further show that Walt while he thinks he is in control, was never really in control as killing Hank would ruin everything he was trying to do in the end game.


My guess is the "war" is with the Nazis and Hank meets his maker.








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