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Just watched it. Anyway, accuracy in gun fights goes down a ton. As the standoff was progressing, you can see Hank and Gomez begin to position themselves behind the engine block, which is exactly where you'd want to be. In reality, they're safer there than the skinheads are on top of the trucks or in the door frames. The better question is how Walt didn't get shot inside the SUV. And they likely didn't show their badges because they know they're gonna be shot anyway, and reaching for it would make them even easier targets. They're definitely out of rounds, though. They are both probably killed in the opening of the next episode. It WAS odd to see Todd look so frazzled after shooting the kid so easily and accurately before.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 10:46 AM)
Just watched it. Anyway, accuracy in gun fights goes down a ton. As the standoff was progressing, you can see Hank and Gomez begin to position themselves behind the engine block, which is exactly where you'd want to be. In reality, they're safer there than the skinheads are on top of the trucks or in the door frames. The better question is how Walt didn't get shot inside the SUV. And they likely didn't show their badges because they know they're gonna be shot anyway, and reaching for it would make them even easier targets. They're definitely out of rounds, though. They are both probably killed in the opening of the next episode. It WAS odd to see Todd look so frazzled after shooting the kid so easily and accurately before.


Easier to be frazzled when the target is returning fire, vs sitting on a dirt bike.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 10:46 AM)
Just watched it. Anyway, accuracy in gun fights goes down a ton. As the standoff was progressing, you can see Hank and Gomez begin to position themselves behind the engine block, which is exactly where you'd want to be. In reality, they're safer there than the skinheads are on top of the trucks or in the door frames. The better question is how Walt didn't get shot inside the SUV. And they likely didn't show their badges because they know they're gonna be shot anyway, and reaching for it would make them even easier targets. They're definitely out of rounds, though. They are both probably killed in the opening of the next episode. It WAS odd to see Todd look so frazzled after shooting the kid so easily and accurately before.


OK seriously, as a cop, there is no way you get into a gun fight being out manned and out gunned like that. I mean, what's the point of returning fire like that when you have limited rounds. Are you just praying to take a few of them down before you die?


Walt didn't get shot because of the obligatory, "get down and pray no bullets hit you" technique.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 11:10 AM)
OK seriously, as a cop, there is no way you get into a gun fight being out manned and out gunned like that. I mean, what's the point of returning fire like that when you have limited rounds. Are you just praying to take a few of them down before you die?


Walt didn't get shot because of the obligatory, "get down and pray no bullets hit you" technique.


Haha whatever you say.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 11:46 AM)
Just watched it. Anyway, accuracy in gun fights goes down a ton. As the standoff was progressing, you can see Hank and Gomez begin to position themselves behind the engine block, which is exactly where you'd want to be. In reality, they're safer there than the skinheads are on top of the trucks or in the door frames. The better question is how Walt didn't get shot inside the SUV. And they likely didn't show their badges because they know they're gonna be shot anyway, and reaching for it would make them even easier targets. They're definitely out of rounds, though. They are both probably killed in the opening of the next episode. It WAS odd to see Todd look so frazzled after shooting the kid so easily and accurately before.


This shot shows that they are not out in the open like the close-ups make them appear.



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QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 11:53 AM)
This shot shows that they are not out in the open like the close-ups make them appear.


Alright, that does look a little better, but to disagree with what a poster said earlier, I would have been absolutely satisfied if they slow motion showed Hank and Gomie get shredded to pieces on that initial round of firing. I understand it's a TV show and they want to let the drama play out, but we as the audience know that Hank and Gomez have to die, Hank just got done telling Marie he loved her, and it just seemed appropriate to me to see an instant death.


But oh well, it's only because this show has set the standard so damn high that anyone is questioning a scene like this.

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As far as predictions go, I've seen on the interwebs that a theory is that the nazis kill Hank and Gomez, and then essentially kidnap Jesse to force him to cook for them. Walt takes his family and runs away to New Hampshire to get them away from everything, and then goes out and buys a gun and heads back to ABQ to kill all the nazis (with help of a rival gang?) and free Jesse. The ricin is for himself because once he secures his family's safety (and his/their money) and rescues Jesse, he is allowing himself to die on his own terms before the cancer officially knocks him off. So then the show ends with him ingesting the ricin and dying while Jesse and his family live on.



I think it's a pretty solid theory, actually.

Edited by Chilihead90
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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 12:54 PM)
As far as predictions go, I've seen on the interwebs that a theory is that the nazi's kill Hank and Gomez, and then essentially kidnap Jesse to force him to cook for them. Walt takes his family and runs away to New Hampsire to get them away from everything, and then goes out and buys a gun and heads back to ABQ to kill all the nazis (with help of a rival gang?) and free Jesse. The ricin is for himself because once he secures his family's safety (and his/their money) and rescues Jesse, he is allowing himself to die on his own terms because the cancer officially knocks him off. So then the show ends with him injesting the ricin and dying while Jesse and his family live on.

This is indeed a pretty believable scenario.

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Makes sense, but seems way too plausible IMO.


I also still think Hank has a chance to live. I get the last call and the love you's and all that, but isn't that pretty basic television story telling? Does this show ever do that? Everyone who watched the episode last night is expecting them to die, so isn't this show's m.o. to turn the story on its head and do something that people aren't expecting? Maybe Jesse starts to run away and that causes a distraction and then Hank (and/or Gomez) have some time to either fight back or get in the car and drive away?


To me it's a 98% chance Hank and Gomez are dead. But 2% of me says this is all a set up. Why else roll the credits in the middle of the fight?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 01:05 PM)
Makes sense, but seems way too plausible IMO.


I also still think Hank has a chance to live. I get the last call and the love you's and all that, but isn't that pretty basic television story telling? Does this show ever do that? Everyone who watched the episode last night is expecting them to die, so isn't this show's m.o. to turn the story on its head and do something that people aren't expecting? Maybe Jesse starts to run away and that causes a distraction and then Hank (and/or Gomez) have some time to either fight back or get in the car and drive away?


To me it's a 98% chance Hank and Gomez are dead. But 2% of me says this is all a set up. Why else roll the credits in the middle of the fight?

I think the credits should have rolled/blacked out as gun fire was going off, not make anything obvious until we get to next weeks episode.

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I am surprised though that no one has mentioned either on here on reviews I read that the idea of Hank turning in to Walt was hinted at again last night when Hank called Marie to tell her that he won. When Walt finally took down Gus, he also called his wife on the phone immediately afterwards and said that he had got the guy, that he had won. Also, during both of these phone calls, Skyler and then Marie were standing in the kitchen at Hank's house.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 12:54 PM)
As far as predictions go, I've seen on the interwebs that a theory is that the nazis kill Hank and Gomez, and then essentially kidnap Jesse to force him to cook for them. Walt takes his family and runs away to New Hampshire to get them away from everything, and then goes out and buys a gun and heads back to ABQ to kill all the nazis (with help of a rival gang?) and free Jesse. The ricin is for himself because once he secures his family's safety (and his/their money) and rescues Jesse, he is allowing himself to die on his own terms before the cancer officially knocks him off. So then the show ends with him ingesting the ricin and dying while Jesse and his family live on.



I think it's a pretty solid theory, actually.


That is a lot to get off in three episodes.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 01:13 PM)
I am surprised though that no one has mentioned either on here on reviews I read that the idea of Hank turning in to Walt was hinted at again last night when Hank called Marie to tell her that he won. When Walt finally took down Gus, he also called his wife on the phone immediately afterwards and said that he had got the guy, that he had won. Also, during both of these phone calls, Skyler and then Marie were standing in the kitchen at Hank's house.


The great thing about this show is that just about every character has some serious flaws. Walt obviously kills people, so he's the worst, but everyone else has committed crimes and/or have their bad/immoral moments.


SS2k5, they use montages enough, I think they could get all of that across in a single episode if they really wanted to.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 01:22 PM)
The great thing about this show is that just about every character has some serious flaws. Walt obviously kills people, so he's the worst, but everyone else has committed crimes and/or have their bad/immoral moments.


SS2k5, they use montages enough, I think they could get all of that across in a single episode if they really wanted to.


They are also incredible at making you feel sorry for the most vile and horrible people. The last show that was this good at it was Soprano's. One minute you are rooting for them to die, the next you feel sad for them. It is just great writing.

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