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That scene with Walt and Skyler was awesome...loved it.


Don't want to spoil anything so, to be extremely vague, I felt that one particular part was a bit unrealistic but, all things considered, appropriately unrealistic given the character.


Aaron Paul's ride summarized the ride that this series gave us, the viewers.




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Oh yeah, and in that final scene where Walt is around all the cooking supplies, I thought we were going to see him die with a meth pipe in his mouth. I thought maybe since he thought he was going to die anyway, he would go ahead and try his creation that got everyone killed. And then we could have tied that part in to the "he takes over the traits of those he kills" theory, because before he killed Uncle Jack, Uncle Jack grabs his cigarette and takes one last drag. I wanted to see Walt smoke some meth, and then close his eyes as the camera floats away, not knowing if he closed his eyes because he is feeling the euphoria, or because he is dead at that moment.


But obviously that didn't happen, and maybe it's because that would have been a little TOO out of character for him.

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Walt smoking meth at the end would have been completely out of character. Him admiring the lab and all he did was perfect.


I believe Walt made it a point to never actually do meth, just manufacture it in the beginning of the series. Even getting on Jesse for using.


What happened to Skyler? I'm pretty sure we are to assume she gave the DEA the info that Walt told her to give them so she could either get off totally or with minimum punishment.


They have the 9+ million coming to them, described as a trust fund rather than from Walt so they will be fine.


I guess Jesse is just going to walk the earth, like Kane in Kung Fu.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 05:29 AM)
Walt smoking meth at the end would have been completely out of character. Him admiring the lab and all he did was perfect.


I believe Walt made it a point to never actually do meth, just manufacture it in the beginning of the series. Even getting on Jesse for using.


What happened to Skyler? I'm pretty sure we are to assume she gave the DEA the info that Walt told her to give them so she could either get off totally or with minimum punishment.


They have the 9+ million coming to them, described as a trust fund rather than from Walt so they will be fine.


I guess Jesse is just going to walk the earth, like Kane in Kung Fu.


I feel like Jesse would be dead of an OD within a month, if not sooner. Talk about a tortured soul.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 01:11 AM)
Oh yeah, and in that final scene where Walt is around all the cooking supplies, I thought we were going to see him die with a meth pipe in his mouth. I thought maybe since he thought he was going to die anyway, he would go ahead and try his creation that got everyone killed. And then we could have tied that part in to the "he takes over the traits of those he kills" theory, because before he killed Uncle Jack, Uncle Jack grabs his cigarette and takes one last drag. I wanted to see Walt smoke some meth, and then close his eyes as the camera floats away, not knowing if he closed his eyes because he is feeling the euphoria, or because he is dead at that moment.


But obviously that didn't happen, and maybe it's because that would have been a little TOO out of character for him.

So you don't like that we don't know for sure what happened to Skyler but you wanted an open ending with Walt?

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 01:11 AM)
Oh yeah, and in that final scene where Walt is around all the cooking supplies, I thought we were going to see him die with a meth pipe in his mouth. I thought maybe since he thought he was going to die anyway, he would go ahead and try his creation that got everyone killed. And then we could have tied that part in to the "he takes over the traits of those he kills" theory, because before he killed Uncle Jack, Uncle Jack grabs his cigarette and takes one last drag. I wanted to see Walt smoke some meth, and then close his eyes as the camera floats away, not knowing if he closed his eyes because he is feeling the euphoria, or because he is dead at that moment.


But obviously that didn't happen, and maybe it's because that would have been a little TOO out of character for him.


I really can't imagine a worse ending than this one.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 08:07 AM)
So you don't like that we don't know for sure what happened to Skyler but you wanted an open ending with Walt?


We know what happened to Skylar. Her life was ruined, her work was gone, her son probably hated her, and she was alone in the world. Even at the end she didn't even have her sister to talk to, without her begging to pick up the phone. She is miserable and deserted.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 09:26 AM)
We know what happened to Skylar. Her life was ruined, her work was gone, her son probably hated her, and she was alone in the world. Even at the end she didn't even have her sister to talk to, without her begging to pick up the phone. She is miserable and deserted.


I really think you see that it is Skylar that does not want to talk Marie and you would think that in time that would work out. The $9M comes into everyone's life and things move on.


I thought the ending was perfect. They even got Badger and Skinny Pete into the action.


Really tied things up tremendously well.

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QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 09:38 AM)
I really think you see that it is Skylar that does not want to talk Marie and you would think that in time that would work out. The $9M comes into everyone's life and things move on.


I thought the ending was perfect. They even got Badger and Skinny Pete into the action.


Really tied things up tremendously well.


Yeah, to me, all of the lose ends are so minor. Even the things that were kind of left open, were pretty clearly defined.


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I liked it. I thought the ending was perfect. People who want to know every single detail are just experiencing the five stages of death.


They are in the denial stage that the show isn't over until it everything is explained.


Let it go, just close your eyes and drift away.

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The finale had some stretches for sure, but they weren't unbelievable. Walt was able to poison Lydia because she always sits in the same exact spot and uses the stevia. He put the ricin in the ONLY packet, ensuring that she'd grab the right one. The gun in the trunk was definitely a stretch in that it was able to get everyone, including the guy outside. But that's something I can accept because it's still possible as long as people are in the right spots when it goes down. Honestly, the hardest part to believe was that Walt would be able to sneak in to speak with Skyler without the cops noticing.


For my money, by far the best show I've ever seen.


The only questions I would've liked to have seen answered, just for personal knowledge, even though they don't matter too much to the plot were:


-What did Gus do in Ecuador that prevented the cartel from killing him originally?

-What exactly happened between Walt and the rich couple (probably a love triangle, I'd imagine)?

-When did Gale give Walt that book? I don't recall the exchange, but they definitely showed Gale's rough draft of the inscription he wrote in the book. I figure since it was the first piece of evidence that put Hank on Walt's tail, they probably should've shown how he received it. But then again, that might very well be a deleted scene that's gonna be on the DVD.

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Gus was from Chile. I assumed an association with Pinochet's death squads.


edit: Vince Gilligan gave this answer back in 2011:


But as to the second point, we talked a long time, my writers and I, about what exactly was Gus’s back story? How bad a dude did he have to have been, back in Chile, for the cartel to spare him, even though they were very insulted by his actions? And we went back and forth, we talked about Pinochet and his government, what did he do back there, precisely? And we borrowed a bit from “Pulp Fiction,” I suppose. Because in “Pulp Fiction,” Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta are carrying around a briefcase, for the entire movie, that the contents of which are only hinted at. At one point, you see a glow emanating from inside the briefcase, but you never do find out for sure what it’s in it. And I always liked that, as a viewer. To me, the audience’s imagination as to who Gus was in his past life is potentially more interesting than any concrete answer we could give them.


I thought they made it pretty clear about the love triangle thing at one point?


edit2: as far as the book, some googling seems to indicate that they never explicitly show the exchange, but it's pretty clear when it happens. When Walt and Gale meet, Gale recites a Walt Whitman poem that Walt doesn't know. Later in that same episode, Walt is seen reading Leaves of Grass.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 30, 2013 -> 12:45 PM)
It's not. You said you wanted us to not know whether he died or was just enjoying meth.


I said when he closes his eyes initially. Obviously when they slowly zoom out and the cops show up on the scene and he isn't moving, he is presumed dead. It would be the exact same shot that we saw, only we would see him close his eyes. BrBa uses misdirection like that all the time, like for when that half second we all thought Gus somehow survived the explosion, until we saw his face. We would see Walt close his eyes not knowing if he is just enjoying the euphoria, then as it zooms out we'd see how he is sprawled out on the ground and cops approaching and know that he is dead.


But yeah, anyway, worst ending ever. LOL.

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