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2013 Video Game Thread


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 03:03 PM)
Serious question. Has this EVER happened?

Yes, it has. I'm not the most organized person. If I need to clean up quick or when I move, I tend to just put things in a box or in the closet, and this leads to misplacing things. It's still somewhere, but finding it can be an adventure.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 03:23 PM)
I wonder if xbox will have a way to prevent letting your friends log in on your account and play games you paid for while youre not on your xbox since theyre saved to your account via cloud. If not that could be interesting.

Probably not. Kinect uses facial recognition.

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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 03:21 PM)
I don't play sports games, so that was never relevant to me. I can't think of any used games I've purchased and haven't been able to install updates or play multiplayer.


Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed) doesn't allow you to play multiplayer without buying a new code. God of War was another I think.


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 03:03 PM)
Serious question. Has this EVER happened?


I couldn't find my copy of Madden or NCAA '07 for the original XBox for the longest time. I freaked out, looked in all my cases, looked in places the game could never have possibly gotten. I almost got the point of buying a new one, but this was like 2009, after the 360 had come out, and GameStop still wanted like $12 for a used copy. I said, verbatim, "fudge you mothertruckers, I'm not fudging buying a sucking 2 year old sports game for effing $12, get the fudge real."


I found it under my TV stand, between the base and the swivel top. Great success!

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 04:22 PM)
Have they explained the reasoning behind having to constantly be connected online? I might be in the minority but I've never had any of my gaming systems connected to the internet.

It's my understanding that it is to make sure that 2 people aren't playing the same copy of a game at the same time.


If they didn't require this, you could install the game on your system and play online, while you give the disc to someone else to play offline.


I'm sure they state that it's also so they can update apps and games immediately, but that's not the main point.

Edited by SexiAlexei
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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 04:22 PM)
Have they explained the reasoning behind having to constantly be connected online? I might be in the minority but I've never had any of my gaming systems connected to the internet.

You are definitely in the minority. Mine's always connected, really. I just don't think about it.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 04:35 PM)
You are definitely in the minority. Mine's always connected, really. I just don't think about it.


I just can't imagine alienating a portion of your customer base like that, no matter how small it is.


That's like a store saying "Sorry, you haven't shopped here in X amount of time so you can't shop here anymore."


Sorry, you didn't make any phone calls yesterday so we are shutting off your phone.


Just a horrible idea all around.

Edited by Iwritecode
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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 03:04 PM)
I know Nintendo has many faults. They drive me insane. Some slight tweaks and they could be right up there with Sony and MS, but they just refuse to take the big leap.


But damn when they deliver, I am very happy.

I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but I'm actually disgusted by them as of late, at least on the console side. The Wii U is a complete joke right now. The GamePad is still just a gimmick and there is literally no software right now. What's even more concerning is there is very little coming out the rest of the year. I count four key exclusives over the next 6 1/2 months: Pikman 3, The Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong Country, & 3D Mario World. And BTW, I don't count Wind Waker as an exclusive either. It's nice bonus game but plenty of Wii U already own it on GameCube.


Where's the killer ap? Where's the game that shows what the Wii U is all about? A 3D Mario game should do that. It's the game that rewards the hardcore Nintendo loyalists who go months without anything worthwhile to play. Instead we get a ripoff of a handheld game that will appeal to casual gamers. That right there pisses me off like nothing else. We won't be getting a true successor to Super Mario Galaxy for at least three years now. And what about Retro Studios? Instead of a cool, new IP or even a Metroid Prime sequel (which could have made use of the GamePad), they made a cookie cutter sequel to a Wii platformer. What a waste of an incredibly talented studio, although not surprisingly, a lot of the talent is actually leaving, probably due to a lock of creative control.


I get that Mario Kart & Smash Brothers will sell some systems, but they don't come out until 2014. By then there will be four other consoles on the market if you consider the current gen, and Wii U will be caught dead in the middle, probably without any 3rd party support. That's a bad spot to be in, especially when the GamePad gimmick doesn't translate to cheap sales like the Wiimote did. Nintendo had to come big this holiday season and they've failed. The system is quite f***ed IMO.

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 05:04 PM)
I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but I'm actually disgusted by them as of late, at least on the console side. The Wii U is a complete joke right now. The GamePad is still just a gimmick and there is literally no software right now. What's even more concerning is there is very little coming out the rest of the year. I count four key exclusives over the next 6 1/2 months: Pikman 3, The Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong Country, & 3D Mario World. And BTW, I don't count Wind Waker as an exclusive either. It's nice bonus game but plenty of Wii U already own it on GameCube.

Where's the killer ap? Where's the game that shows what the Wii U is all about? A 3D Mario game should do that. It's the game that rewards the hardcore Nintendo loyalists who go months without anything worthwhile to play. Instead we get a ripoff of a handheld game that will appeal to casual gamers. That right there pisses me off like nothing else. We won't be getting a true successor to Super Mario Galaxy for at least three years now. And what about Retro Studios? Instead of a cool, new IP or even a Metroid Prime sequel (which could have made use of the GamePad), they made a cookie cutter sequel to a Wii platformer. What a waste of an incredibly talented studio, although not surprisingly, a lot of the talent is actually leaving, probably due to a lock of creative control.

I get that Mario Kart & Smash Brothers will sell some systems, but they don't come out until 2014. By then there will be four other consoles on the market if you consider the current gen, and Wii U will be caught dead in the middle, probably without any 3rd party support. That's a bad spot to be in, especially when the GamePad gimmick doesn't translate to cheap sales like the Wiimote did. Nintendo had to come big this holiday season and they've failed. The system is quite f***ed IMO.

I think the gamepad will function a little bit more than a gimmick, but I can't disagree with most of what you said.

I am pretty sure they are waiting in the weeds with Starfox and Metroid
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QUOTE (danman31 @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 06:30 PM)
Nintendo may lose this gen, but can still recover. The decision to go with current gen graphics 7 years after the fact is very odd.


They exist in their own little bubble

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I'm a Xbox guy but Microsoft hasn't s*** the bed this hard since the Windows ME disaster. Very disappointing. I've got no qualms about jumping ship back to Sony if they can't get their s*** together.


Now, that said, I see right through what Sony is doing - they're letting Microsoft take the PR hit on the DRM thing. It's amusing to me that yesterday they took that standing O and they're acting all holy about it, like they never thought about trying to curb the used game market. They miss that revenue just like Microsoft does, they just won't want to be the first ones to jump. Example: Sony (and the fanboys) have been saying for years their multiplayer is free and touting it as an advantage over the 360... Now they have the chance to charge and guess what they're doing?

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So I guess preordering a console doesnt work like preordering a game.. it keeps prompting me to pay full price for the system when I just wanna throw down $5 bucks and pay it off when I pick it up in November

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QUOTE (TRU @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 08:32 PM)
So I guess preordering a console doesnt work like preordering a game.. it keeps prompting me to pay full price for the system when I just wanna throw down $5 bucks and pay it off when I pick it up in November

You're in amazon?

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 07:33 PM)
You're in amazon?


Ive tried best buy and gamestop.. I dont want to do amazon because I feel like its too risky to have a piece of equipment like that in the hands of some slobby delivery man who might toss it in his truck or something like that.. am I wrong for having this concern?

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Pro-Xbox One arguments I've been given:


1) It'll stop piracy! (what?)

2) Sharing games will be easier! (WHAT?)

3) All the games I own will be in one place! (You don't own any of the games, can't upgrade hard drive).

4) IT'S THE FUTURE (which is already here)

5) I get free, REAL GAMES like Fable with XBL. (PS+ has been doing this for a while now).


Meanwhile, Sony keeps building a large stable of indie developers, has the best development studio in the business as first party, has KH3 and FF15 which could be killer apps, and is riding the massive positive PR wave right now.


If Xbox drops it's announced price before it launches, it'd be a hilarious admission of defeat.

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QUOTE (TRU @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 08:36 PM)
Ive tried best buy and gamestop.. I dont want to do amazon because I feel like its too risky to have a piece of equipment like that in the hands of some slobby delivery man who might toss it in his truck or something like that.. am I wrong for having this concern?

If something like that happened (it almost never does) then amazon has a system set up to rectify it that's pretty hassle free

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