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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jun 19, 2013 -> 09:08 PM)
Not nearly as much as all the crap Microsoft tried to push but yeah that isn't exactly a good thing. I could be wrong but unless Sony really s***s the bed they definitely have the early advantage, it is too bad they are releasing after Xbox.


Two of my friends were huge Xbox supporters and had planned on getting the next-gen Xbox over the PS4 before they were announced. They then switched. Neither of them wants to switch back to XB1 because they're skeptical of MSoft's ability to be consistent and not simply implement DRM later.

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Really stupid move from Microsoft. It's a shame that apparently the majority of gamers seem to be short sighted idiots. "Used games. Derp!" In fairness to those morons, Microsoft couldn't market water in the desert. Now the next generation of consoles won't be much different than this generation. Hardware can only take you so far when you're pushing it to a 55" "Smart TV." Really, Sony and Microsoft are duping everyone by making you buy a console that barely outperforms your old console. "But, but DDR5!" :lol:


For those few without Internet connections, it would have taken seconds and its called, "tethering."

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 19, 2013 -> 06:13 PM)
Lol Microsoft the damage has already been done


No. This is a fan boy-ish statement. The system isn't going to be released for another 6 months. People have plenty of time to forget what Microsoft was going to do.


QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 19, 2013 -> 07:27 PM)
Can't wait for a two or three years from now when they release the patch adding all this stuff back in after everyone already has it


When has something like this ever happened?

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 19, 2013 -> 11:54 PM)
Nothing will top the red ring of death. Mindblowing that that didn't kill the XB360

Fanboys are so stupid.


"Well, my 360 got the RROD, but um, Microsoft gives you the first fix for free, and I got a buddy who fixed it the next time, and then they just had this awesome bundle package so I bought a new one because it's really a good deal and the online is worth $50 a year because I get to talk to my friend like once a month while we play different games and halo is fun."

Edited by Steve9347
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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 09:17 AM)
Really stupid move from Microsoft. It's a shame that apparently the majority of gamers seem to be short sighted idiots. "Used games. Derp!" In fairness to those morons, Microsoft couldn't market water in the desert. Now the next generation of consoles won't be much different than this generation. Hardware can only take you so far when you're pushing it to a 55" "Smart TV." Really, Sony and Microsoft are duping everyone by making you buy a console that barely outperforms your old console. "But, but DDR5!" :lol:


For those few without Internet connections, it would have taken seconds and its called, "tethering."


These aren't 'next gen' consoles, they're just Xbox 360.2 and PS3.2 now. I have no idea why people want to rail MS for the connect every 24 hours thing and the games 'in the cloud' components. That IS what makes the console 'next generation'...the fact that physical media was being phased out, playability from anywhere you can log into XBL....


But no, idiots hear 'DRM' and go bats*** crazy, or just jump on the bandwagon. Oh hey, Sony fanboys, you DO remember that Sony was the lynchpin behind rootkits in your music, years ago, right? And by all accounts from what we've heard, the PS4 AND the XB1 were both supposed to go the way of 'cloud/digital media', but something made Sony back down late in the game, or they saw the flak that MS was getting about it. Something happened there in the 11th hour.

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 09:39 AM)
It was mostly people with an after-market HDD that had problems.



Aftermaket HDDs, 500GB-1TB ~90%

Stock 500GB models ~8%

Stock 120GB models ~2%

Stock 1st-gen fat models ~ 0%


I have the stock 120GB slim. I had no issue. Thankfully - as some infected need killing this evening during halftime.

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QUOTE (Capn12 @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 02:34 PM)
These aren't 'next gen' consoles, they're just Xbox 360.2 and PS3.2 now. I have no idea why people want to rail MS for the connect every 24 hours thing and the games 'in the cloud' components. That IS what makes the console 'next generation'...the fact that physical media was being phased out, playability from anywhere you can log into XBL....


But no, idiots hear 'DRM' and go bats*** crazy, or just jump on the bandwagon. Oh hey, Sony fanboys, you DO remember that Sony was the lynchpin behind rootkits in your music, years ago, right? And by all accounts from what we've heard, the PS4 AND the XB1 were both supposed to go the way of 'cloud/digital media', but something made Sony back down late in the game, or they saw the flak that MS was getting about it. Something happened there in the 11th hour.


Why would anyone give up ownership rights for something that gives no actual benefit?

QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 02:39 PM)
It was mostly people with an after-market HDD that had problems.



Yeah but it didnt brick anything. Sony is fixing it with another patch.

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QUOTE (Capn12 @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 09:34 AM)
These aren't 'next gen' consoles, they're just Xbox 360.2 and PS3.2 now. I have no idea why people want to rail MS for the connect every 24 hours thing and the games 'in the cloud' components. That IS what makes the console 'next generation'...the fact that physical media was being phased out, playability from anywhere you can log into XBL....


But no, idiots hear 'DRM' and go bats*** crazy, or just jump on the bandwagon. Oh hey, Sony fanboys, you DO remember that Sony was the lynchpin behind rootkits in your music, years ago, right? And by all accounts from what we've heard, the PS4 AND the XB1 were both supposed to go the way of 'cloud/digital media', but something made Sony back down late in the game, or they saw the flak that MS was getting about it. Something happened there in the 11th hour.


Sony doesn't have the network to phase out physical media. To put thing's in perspective, when's the last time you used the optical drive of your computer? A lot of people are just taking the drive out all together. They're no longer needed. Microsoft intended to drive retail down on new games. No more pre-orders for games. No need to head out to the store to buy them. No need to take them over to a friend's house. Everything would have been in your account. Everything from the games you play, to the music you buy, to the TV and movies you watch would have all been through the Xbox network. People really are stupid and fear change.

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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 10:45 AM)
Sony doesn't have the network to phase out physical media. To put thing's in perspective, when's the last time you used the optical drive of your computer? A lot of people are just taking the drive out all together. They're no longer needed. Microsoft intended to drive retail down on new games. No more pre-orders for games. No need to head out to the store to buy them. No need to take them over to a friend's house. Everything would have been in your account. Everything from the games you play, to the music you buy, to the TV and movies you watch would have all been through the Xbox network. People really are stupid and fear change.


From what I can recall, the original idea was to leave the optical drives off of the new consoles all together, both Sony and MS supported that idea. But, someone chickened out at the last second, and now the other is having to do a 180 to save face. Rather sad, as always, the uninformed consumer rules the market.

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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 03:45 PM)
Sony doesn't have the network to phase out physical media. To put thing's in perspective, when's the last time you used the optical drive of your computer? A lot of people are just taking the drive out all together. They're no longer needed. Microsoft intended to drive retail down on new games. No more pre-orders for games. No need to head out to the store to buy them. No need to take them over to a friend's house. Everything would have been in your account. Everything from the games you play, to the music you buy, to the TV and movies you watch would have all been through the Xbox network. People really are stupid and fear change.

Uh, but the benefit to that is still there. Now people just have choice. How does that make them stupid?

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 09:57 AM)
About 40% of the Xboxes in the world are not connected to an XBL account. That's a pretty big chunk of their customer base to alienate.

I definitely call BS on that. There's absolutely no way that that's true. Even if it were, how many of those people don't have the capability to connect to the internet? 5%, at the very most.

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QUOTE (Capn12 @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 04:01 PM)



I dont see anywhere where it says this was their plan. Nor was it some last second decision. 70% of bought games are retail. That number presumably a lot higher on consoles. It would be one of the worst business decisions ever to get rid of the optical drive now.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 11:07 AM)


I dont see anywhere where it says this was their plan. Nor was it some last second decision. 70% of bought games are retail. That number presumably a lot higher on consoles. It would be one of the worst business decisions ever to get rid of the optical drive now.


Sony Corp. considered but ultimately rejected a download-only plan for its next videogame console, people familiar with the matter said, opting to include an optical disk drive rather than break with decades-old industry practice.


Microsoft Corp is planning to include an optical disk drive in the successor to its Xbox 360 console, according to a person familiar with the matter. The software company also had concerns about access to Internet bandwidth, the person said.


Those 2 quotes pretty clearly say that they were on the non-optical drive thought for their next consoles, but other concerns arose. I'm not sure if you're arguing semantics, or maybe just didn't see it.

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While Taylorst and Capn can insult everyone in the thread, it just does not make logical sense what they are arguing from a consumer perspective. Most reasonable people agree that choice is better than no choice. So why would anyone want to have no choice to buy a physical game and instead have to rely on a steam like system.


And even though I have a steam account, I prefer to buy the games in the store and have the physical media. That way I dont have to worry about steam not working, steam screwing up or steam going out of business and not having access to the game.


So yeah, there are plenty of great reasons why I would actually want to have something tangible in my possession. And if Xbox wants to make systems with no optical drive, all online, what is stopping them? Its not impossible. So you can go buy that if you want. Ill keep buying my computers with optical drives, on the off chance I might need one. Because it doesnt slow my computers performance, it doesnt make my computer all of a sudden go from good to bad, so I have no idea why it would at all impact the Xbox performance.


I guess Steam has been around so long I didnt realize that was any sort of future. I thought the gaming industry realized that while some people may be okay with a steam like platform it wasnt for everyone. Saving $5-$10 per game isnt worth not having my own disk to put under my pillow at night, especially as an optical drive does other things like play dvd, blue ray, etc, so I would still rather my next generation machine could do that.


Call me old fashioned though.

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