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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:44 PM)
I'm going to take the last part first and this is going to be a tangent from diet or health or w/e




Thanks for the straw-man, but that's not actually the "liberal" position and it certainly isn't mine! But look at this:




Look at that last sentence, then step it back a generation. That is exactly, exactly what I'm saying here. Growing up in poverty gives any number of huge disadvantages. One of the strongest lines from the link, to me, was "Being poor is having to live with choices you didn’t know you made when you were 14 years old."


So these people you're telling are irresponsible and ignorant today? Maybe lazy, too? Aside from a whole lot of people in poverty actually busting their ass every day literally just to survive the next month, week or day, these are the same people you're talking about in all caps above. The people who weren't in a great position from the start, the people with a whole hell of a lot less room for error than you or I had. People who grew up around more crime and terrible schools. People that didn't grow up in a household that valued education, people that didn't grow up knowing anyone that successfully navigated the maze that student loans and college applications can be. People who worked a decent job earning a living, but got sick, missed work, lost their job, lost their car and lost their place to live. People, good people, no different from any of us here, who struggle and sacrifice probably more than a lot of us ever have, maybe ever will. People who make some bad choices, just like we do. People who aren't perfect, are lazy sometimes, are ignorant or irresponsible other times, just like us. Poverty is a lot of things, but it isn't a moral failing, something inflicted on people for being bad or worse than we are.

Yeah, we could write tomes sympathetic to the plight of those in poverty.


What you are reducing them to is a state of completely lacking of any knowledge about how their bodies work, how they feel, how to get produce out of a grocery store instead of buying the Big Mac at McDonalds.


You're basically equating them to being about as intelligent as some of the less intelligent animal species.


They are in poverty. They are not unable to have basic thought.

Edited by iamshack
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:49 PM)
You're jumping all over the place. I can call someone lazy as an insult and still not think they are a bad person.


My fatass sister is lazy - she eats like a slob and never works out. I don't think she's a bad person, though.

yeah I wasn't clear there. Not a universally bad person, but accusing them of having some bad trait, making it about a moral failing.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:46 PM)
I love in a thread where people are confused that cheese is fattening and they don't need to count calories, they have the self will to moderate, are the same people saying everyone elses choices are so dumb! And that was my answer to all of this! Government meals! pat yourself on the back russ!


Is there going to be a nice soxtalk meetup soon where we can all b**** about how we can't grab our secretaries asses, reverse-racism and how stupid and lazy poor people are? let me know!

Pat pat pat

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:54 PM)
Yeah, we could write tomes sympathetic to the plight of those in poverty.


What you are reducing them to is a state of completely lack of any knowledge about how their bodies work, how they feel, how to get produce out of a grocery store instead of buying the Big Mac at McDonalds.

You're basically equating them to being about as intelligent as some of the less intelligent animal species.


They are in poverty. They are not unable to have basic thought.


I agree 100% with this. Is there really anyone out there who doesn't understand that McDonalds isn't healthy?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:55 PM)
yeah I wasn't clear there. Not a universally bad person, but accusing them of having some bad trait, making it about a moral failing.

It is a moral failing to be lazy and get fat as f*** and eat s*** food just because it tastes good and is easier.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:46 PM)
I love in a thread where people are confused that cheese is fattening and they don't need to count calories, they have the self will to moderate, are the same people saying everyone elses choices are so dumb! And that was my answer to all of this! Government meals! pat yourself on the back russ!


Is there going to be a nice soxtalk meetup soon where we can all b**** about how we can't grab our secretaries asses, reverse-racism and how stupid and lazy poor people are? let me know!



Do you think all foods that have animal fats in them are bad? Do you realize that animal fats actually help you digest your food more easily, Mr Know-it-all?


And how did our ancestors EVER MANAGE to stay healthy without knowing the caloric values of EVERYTHING they ate? How did they know when to stop eating? How did they not explode because they ate too much of that goat they slaughtered?


GMAFB, Mr. Smarty pants...if EVER there was a person on soxtalk who was self-righteous, it was you.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:52 PM)
Really, now that I think about it, the real cause of fatness is women and the suburbs. As soon as my white, affluent "slightly obese" ass got married and moved away from the city, the pounds started to pack on. Ugh. Women. Suburbs. Their fault, not mine.

Suburban sprawl and the way neighborhoods/subdivisions are laid out is actually a factor that people look into. It's very practical to walk down the street to any number of stores in a lot of urban neighborhoods. For me, it'd be about a two mile walk through dumb twisting subdivision roads and then down a main throughway to get to the store. Sprawling strip malls mean maybe you hit up one or two stores, but then you get in and drive a block down to the other end of the gigantic parking lot.


City planning can make things more difficult to walk/bike or not, and that's going to influence your choices!



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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:57 PM)


Do you think all foods that have animal fats in them are bad? Do you realize that animal fats actually help you digest your food more easily, Mr Know-it-all?


And how did our ancestors EVER MANAGE to stay healthy without knowing the caloric values of EVERYTHING they ate? How did they know when to stop eating? How did they not explode because they ate too much of that goat they slaughtered?


GMAFB, Mr. Smarty pants...if EVER there was a person on soxtalk who was self-righteous, it was you.

He can't be self-righteous, he's too busy yelling at white people with decent paying jobs.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:57 PM)
It is a moral failing to be lazy and get fat as f*** and eat s*** food just because it tastes good and is easier.


Hey now, for a long part of history being fat was considered a sign of wealth. In France they call Homer a gourmand.


Thankfully for me skinny is in these days.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:54 PM)
Yeah, we could write tomes sympathetic to the plight of those in poverty.


What you are reducing them to is a state of completely lack of any knowledge about how their bodies work, how they feel, how to get produce out of a grocery store instead of buying the Big Mac at McDonalds.


You're basically equating them to being about as intelligent as some of the less intelligent animal species.


They are in poverty. They are not unable to have basic thought.


No, that's not what I'm doing. I'm saying that judging them from your perspective far-removed from poverty is unfair because you're probably ignorant of what their lives are like.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:57 PM)
It is a moral failing to be lazy and get fat as f*** and eat s*** food just because it tastes good and is easier.


Only if being overweight is a moral failing, which I wouldn't agree that it is. I don't think I'm a morally better person because of my diet.


edit: and weight is only a proxy for diet and activity levels, which is why it's problematic to encourage healthy diets and exercise by stigmatizing being fat. I'm skinny, but it isn't because I eat super-healthy foods and exercise like crazy, it's because I've got a high metabolism. A guy in my office who eats better and bikes constantly could be called 'husky' but he's in a hell of a lot better shape than I am.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 03:01 PM)
Moderation is the key. A slice or 2 of your favorite pizza pie is ok. Soloing a large and drinking a 2 liter of coke with it is all on u when u gain weight. Don't blame anyone else.


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:58 PM)
Suburban sprawl and the way neighborhoods/subdivisions are laid out is actually a factor that people look into. It's very practical to walk down the street to any number of stores in a lot of urban neighborhoods. For me, it'd be about a two mile walk through dumb twisting subdivision roads and then down a main throughway to get to the store. Sprawling strip malls mean maybe you hit up one or two stores, but then you get in and drive a block down to the other end of the gigantic parking lot.


City planning can make things more difficult to walk/bike or not, and that's going to influence your choices!

Do you not realize there was a time in human history when stores did not exist? When people actually had to hunt and gather their food? That they had to grow their food? Good thing they didn't all just eat the poisonous plant that was close to their cave...


I get the point, sometimes you do some things out of convenience...but if you really give a s*** about your health, you put in the extra effort.


A larger point is that those in poverty just don't think about 10, 20, 30 years from now. They don't know that they'll even live that long...they just want to feed themselves today. And that is a symptom of poverty, not of a "food desert."

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 08:57 PM)


Do you think all foods that have animal fats in them are bad? Do you realize that animal fats actually help you digest your food more easily, Mr Know-it-all?


And how did our ancestors EVER MANAGE to stay healthy without knowing the caloric values of EVERYTHING they ate? How did they know when to stop eating? How did they not explode because they ate too much of that goat they slaughtered?


GMAFB, Mr. Smarty pants...if EVER there was a person on soxtalk who was self-righteous, it was you.


They weren't healthy. They starved. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't correct you for fear of being condescending. Why don't you tell me some large generalizations about how poor people are stupid and lazy, please. I wouldn't mean to offend you.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 02:58 PM)
Suburban sprawl and the way neighborhoods/subdivisions are laid out is actually a factor that people look into. It's very practical to walk down the street to any number of stores in a lot of urban neighborhoods. For me, it'd be about a two mile walk through dumb twisting subdivision roads and then down a main throughway to get to the store. Sprawling strip malls mean maybe you hit up one or two stores, but then you get in and drive a block down to the other end of the gigantic parking lot.


City planning can make things more difficult to walk/bike or not, and that's going to influence your choices!


Lol, well done.



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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 03:01 PM)
Moderation is the key. A slice or 2 of your favorite pizza pie is ok. Soloing a large and drinking a 2 liter of coke with it is all on u when u gain weight. Don't blame anyone else.

IMO, this is something most people have to learn on themselves. Growing up, you're parents most likely limited this intake, then you move out on your own and suddenly you can drink, eat, etc all you want.


You know the right thing to do is moderate yourself, sometimes it takes a learned lesson (such as gaining weight) to realize that you need to make better choices.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 03:56 PM)
I agree 100% with this. Is there really anyone out there who doesn't understand that McDonalds isn't healthy?


I don't think anyone is arguing that (though McDonalds does have some salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, etc that are actually pretty healthy options).


McDonalds is, however, very cheap if you are ordering off the dollar menu. There aren't a lot of healthy options on the dollar menu though (apple slices maybe?).

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 03:00 PM)
No, that's not what I'm doing. I'm saying that judging them from your perspective far-removed from poverty is unfair because you're probably ignorant of what their lives are like.

And you are doing just the opposite.


You are soooo afraid of being accused of doing what you are accusing me of doing that you are belittling them to the point of being sub-human and incapable of any rational thought whatsoever.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 03:04 PM)
They weren't healthy. They starved. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't correct you for fear of being condescending. Why don't you tell me some large generalizations about how poor people are stupid and lazy, please. I wouldn't mean to offend you.

This is hilarious considering your stereotyping of white people.

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