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Who killed JFK


Who was involved in ther murder of JFK?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was involved in ther murder of JFK?

    • Oswald acted alone
    • Oswald was a patsy for another person/organization
    • There was a second shooter, in addition to Oswald
    • Mafia had him killed
    • CIA had him killed
    • Castro had him killed
    • Other, please list

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When I was younger, I was convinced of a conspiracy (among whom I couldn't be sure), and that there was (at least) a second shooter on the grassy knoll. Among other things, the "magic bullet" theory seemed ridiiculous, the "back and to the left" head movement too compelling, and Ruby's murder of the alleged assassin too convenient.


As I've gotten older (and wiser?), I've gone the opposite direction. I place credence in the theory that there's a real need for people to believe that there are larger, more powerful ominous forces at work behind tragedies rather than accept that some random, loser nobody can have such power over their lives. Its happening right now with Sandy Hook. As a nation, we love our conspriacies, but sometimes s*** just happens, and our government is just too ineffiiceint to have caused or covered up this, Pearl Harbor, the Moon Landing, 9/11, etc.


I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I've read reasonable explanations from credentialed folks for the ballistics and the backward head movement. Someone mentioned Occam's Razor here recently in another thread, and I've come to beleive that it's applicable here. It took just a few years for basically 2 guys to expose Watergate, and the involvement of the White House, CIA, and FBI in that. Fifty years after Dallas, if a conspiracy actually took place, I think something more definitive would have leaked by now. IIRC, there might be some things that still await release and declassification and maybe that will happen then, but thus far the only "proof" is theoretical conjecture.


I beleive Crash Davis was right, "Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone."



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