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The Wussification of America


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 12:34 PM)
Why, because it offends you and you are entitled to never be offended on the internet now? You are simply proving the wussification theory.

No, because the only thing you ever want to do is be a troll.

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I hate it when schools teach responsible gun ownership!


Like, don't let kids even pretend they are running around with guns. Particularly, we don't point our guns at our friends. I had no problem following the same kind of rules at my grade schools and then letting my parents teach me how to use guns.


Also, yes, it's a shame that women aren't home taking care of my babies.


But mainly...why are we afraid of a government takeover? Do you realize who runs the government? Who populates the military? The only way to "take over" is to win a war of ideas. I'm dubious that a radical change in ideology is possible in the information age, but regardless at this point the way gun advocates talk about their guns just alienates people. It alienates me, who wants to own guns.

Its a kid who's playing. He's just messing around.


Who runs the government? Well a combination of people, bureaucrats, banking interests, corrupt politicians and defense contractors are the big ones.... but there are others. We aren't part of the equation, if that's what you were getting at.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 11:41 AM)
Censor all who oppose.


next step is to get a 'message' from Northside72 explaining that you have offended sensitive Balta and if you would please refrain from such posts 'for at least a little bit'.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 12:45 PM)
next step is to get a 'message' from Northside72 explaining that you have offended sensitive Balta and if you would please refrain from such posts 'for at least a little bit'.

This s*** ends now. It ends with this post. It ends in this thread. You want to go back to the original post or topics, fine.



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And thank you again for proving my point.

I'm not the one who wants to close the thread because I disagree with it. I never call for any of the liberal toons and their barrage of condescending posts and threads to be put in the gutter.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 12:50 PM)
I'm not the one who wants to close the thread because I disagree with it. I never call for any of the liberal toons and their barrage of condescending posts and threads to be put in the gutter.

And you think you're the only one who ever gets a warning or suspension or closed thread?


This has nothing to do with the topic.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 11:49 AM)
This s*** ends now. It ends with this post. It ends in this thread. You want to go back to the original post or topics, fine.


That's fine Balta, a little more civility in the filibuster would be breath of fresh air. I am more than happy to lead by example.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 09:36 AM)
Ok, since this seems to have become the defacto argument people like to use when it comes to this, let me be the first to shoot it down. It's an argument people make without actually giving it any thought...and, well, it's a bad argument.


First and foremost, the "army" you speak of is made up of civilians, most of which will NOT fire upon the citizens of their own country (aka their own friends and families) even when commanded to do so. MOST of these men and women will turn these "air strikes" you speak of back on the very people who ordered them. Yes, some of them WILL remain loyal to the government that commands them to turn arms on their own people, some of them are brainwashed enough by their corrupt leaders to do this...and those are the ones that this armed militia will kill off, with the help of the many others that do NOT follow orders to kill their own.


Simply put this is not true at all.

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I don't think Duke would turn his guns on me so I'm similarly unafraid of our military and government.

That's because I have nothing to gain by running every facet of your life under the boot of totalitarianism. Our military establishment and government might stand to gain a little more from that, however.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 01:01 PM)
That's because I have nothing to gain by running every facet of your life under the boot of totalitarianism. Our military establishment and government might stand to gain a little more from that, however.

No one has anything to gain by that.


But not allowing our cities to be flooded with guns, or not wanting bullying in schools, or whatever the "you're a wussy" line this thread comes from...not wanting that is not wanting the boot of totalitarianism.


Not every change in this world leads you to a dictator.

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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 09:55 AM)
Simply put this is not true at all.

This. How many countries have done exactly that.


And it's funny how Egypt was able to overthrow their government and they have some of the fewest guns per capita in the world.

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Ok, Duke what in the hell were you talking about?


I meant that someone with a rifle has no shot against the US military.


If a foreign power beats our military and invades, your Wal-Mart assault rifle will be less than child's play to them.


Also, I'll be the first to say it, "wussification" is a b**** word that sounds like it's out of the 1950's like most of the ideas expressed in the opening post.

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No one has anything to gain by that.


But not allowing our cities to be flooded with guns, or not wanting bullying in schools, or whatever the "you're a wussy" line this thread comes from...not wanting that is not wanting the boot of totalitarianism.


Not every change in this world leads you to a dictator.

Skipping the fact that you think the government has nothing to gain by ripping up the Constitution and dissolving the republic.... and that our cities, which have the toughest gun laws, are flooded with guns anyways...


As a country, were addicted to outrage and sensitive to everything that happens to us (even s*** we do to ourselves). Kid get bullied, we act like its a war-crime. Girl gets date-raped, move over World War 2 and the Black Death there's a new Greatest Tragedy in the History of Mankind. A CEO of a company donates to organizations that dont fit a pro-gay agenda, were at DEFCON 0 THE MISSILES ARE IN THE AIR.


Look, all of that s*** is bad. From hating the gays to kids getting bullied, I'm not saying this should be happening and that we should encourage it. However that doesn't mean we have to mobilize ourselves every couple weeks and demand the government come swooping in to fix all of our problems. That's not the right move. Because every time we do that the government winds up doing something, maybe it isn't as dramatic as a law but its always something; a new (or expanded) bureaucracy, a new executive order, a change in policy from the executive, hidden amendments to benign spending bills... it all comes around. None of it actually makes us safer, or does anything to stop any of the bad s*** that happens, but that's not the point. The government really is God to people, we come to them humbly begging their favor and even if they dont deliver we keep trying. That's like the definition of blind faith.


Meanwhile we keep have our rights limited, the government's power expands and grows (mostly with no function other than to just expand and grow), lawmakers pass more useless laws and the establishment sits comfortably on their throne.


Bad things happen. 20 kids are going to die sometimes in tragic fashion, that's not a new human phenomenon (though rabid media exposure is), doesn't mean we need to ban guns. A bridge is going to collapse in Minneapolis that kills a few people, doesn't mean we need to greenlight billions in pork spending. Terrorists are going to attack us and people are going to die every once and while, doesn't mean we should wage two unwinnable wars for a decade. s*** happens, and government is almost never going to be able to stop that. Worry about what you can control, and that's your actions and your attitudes... because when we stop trusting ourselves to do the right thing government and its pals are right there waiting to take all they can from us in exchange for instilling a false sense of security.

Edited by DukeNukeEm
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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 12:37 PM)
Skipping the fact that you think the government has nothing to gain by ripping up the Constitution and dissolving the republic.... and that our cities, which have the toughest gun laws, are flooded with guns anyways...

As a country, were addicted to outrage and sensitive to everything that happens to us (even s*** we do to ourselves). Kid get bullied, we act like its a war-crime. Girl gets date-raped, move over World War 2 and the Black Death there's a new Greatest Tragedy in the History of Mankind. A CEO of a company donates to organizations that dont fit a pro-gay agenda, were at DEFCON 0 THE MISSILES ARE IN THE AIR.


Look, all of that s*** is bad. From hating the gays to kids getting bullied, I'm not saying this should be happening and that we should encourage it. However that doesn't mean we have to mobilize ourselves every couple weeks and demand the government come swooping in to fix all of our problems. That's not the right move. Because every time we do that the government winds up doing something, maybe it isn't as dramatic as a law but its always something; a new (or expanded bureaucracy), a new executive order, a change in policy from the executive, hidden amendments to benign spending bills... it all comes around. None of it actually makes us safer, or does anything to stop any of the bad s*** that happens, but that's not the point. The government really is God to people, we come to them humbly begging their favor and even if they dont deliver we keep trying. That's like the definition of blind faith.


Meanwhile we keep have our rights limited, the government's power expands and grows (mostly with no function other than to just expand and grow), lawmakers pass more useless laws and the establishment sits comfortably on their throne.


Bad things happen. 20 kids are going to die sometimes in tragic fashion, that's not a new human phenomenon (though rabid media exposure is), doesn't mean we need to ban guns. A bridge is going to collapse in Minneapolis that kills a few people, doesn't mean we need to greenlight billions in pork spending. Terrorists are going to attack us and people are going to die every once and while, doesn't mean we should wage two unwinnable wars for a decade. s*** happens, and government is almost never going to be able to stop that. Worry about what you can control, and that's your actions and your attitudes... because when we stop trusting ourselves to do the right thing government and its pals are right there waiting to take all they can from us in exchange for instilling a false sense of security.


Other than the current system makes that impossible.


Regulating guns does nothing close to ripping up the constitution.

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Other than the current system makes that impossible.


Regulating guns does nothing close to ripping up the constitution.

Yes it does. As BigSqwerts video showed the dont just all of a sudden ignore entire amendments, they do so incrementally. Little bits at a time.


The 2A has already suffered through the 1934 NFA, the 1986 expansion of the NFA and the 94 ban (which thankfully expired). Guns have already been regulated, that's old news.... its just very clear now that lawmakers are on a march to ban all of them. They cant do it all at once, but if they ease into like they did with the 4A, 7A and the 1A eventually they'll have gotten rid of it.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 01:37 PM)
Skipping the fact that you think the government has nothing to gain by ripping up the Constitution and dissolving the republic.... and that our cities, which have the toughest gun laws, are flooded with guns anyways...


As a country, were addicted to outrage and sensitive to everything that happens to us (even s*** we do to ourselves). Kid get bullied, we act like its a war-crime. Girl gets date-raped, move over World War 2 and the Black Death there's a new Greatest Tragedy in the History of Mankind. A CEO of a company donates to organizations that dont fit a pro-gay agenda, were at DEFCON 0 THE MISSILES ARE IN THE AIR.


Look, all of that s*** is bad. From hating the gays to kids getting bullied, I'm not saying this should be happening and that we should encourage it. However that doesn't mean we have to mobilize ourselves every couple weeks and demand the government come swooping in to fix all of our problems. That's not the right move. Because every time we do that the government winds up doing something, maybe it isn't as dramatic as a law but its always something; a new (or expanded) bureaucracy, a new executive order, a change in policy from the executive, hidden amendments to benign spending bills... it all comes around. None of it actually makes us safer, or does anything to stop any of the bad s*** that happens, but that's not the point. The government really is God to people, we come to them humbly begging their favor and even if they dont deliver we keep trying. That's like the definition of blind faith.


Meanwhile we keep have our rights limited, the government's power expands and grows (mostly with no function other than to just expand and grow), lawmakers pass more useless laws and the establishment sits comfortably on their throne.


Bad things happen. 20 kids are going to die sometimes in tragic fashion, that's not a new human phenomenon (though rabid media exposure is), doesn't mean we need to ban guns. A bridge is going to collapse in Minneapolis that kills a few people, doesn't mean we need to greenlight billions in pork spending. Terrorists are going to attack us and people are going to die every once and while, doesn't mean we should wage two unwinnable wars for a decade. s*** happens, and government is almost never going to be able to stop that. Worry about what you can control, and that's your actions and your attitudes... because when we stop trusting ourselves to do the right thing government and its pals are right there waiting to take all they can from us in exchange for instilling a false sense of security.

Turn this around though. Look in the mirror for just a second.


A school disciplines a couple kids for playing in a way that they judge to be something they don't want to have to deal with. A kid gets suspended for slamming another kid into a locker when 10 years ago no one would have said anything. New bridges are built. A kid who otherwise would have died goes to the hospital and the government pays for the treatment.


Those things are not the end of the world. You say yourself that you don't need to mobilize about small stuff...read through the first post of this thread. The very topic of this thread is a person getting outraged about small stuff, about how it is making people "Wussies". Every example you give of some terrible restriction on your rights is getting outraged and trying to mobilize about small stuff.


Every single thing you argue is a slippery slope. Any time the government does any small stuff, you mobilize like it's the end of the world. If you lost your important right to assault rifles, or to carrying a handgun into the city of Chicago, you call it a "gun ban". My argument is the same as yours...it's not the end of the world when a school overacts. It's not the end of the world when a city wants you to keep your guns at home instead of on their streets. It's not the end of the world when we build a new bridge.


These are not stealing your rights.

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