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Upgraded PM Size To 100 Messages


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Today I bumped it up to 100 messages. Once you get to that many, I recommend archiving your messages and do it by html. Then go through and delete ones that you don't really need and keep the important ones on there.


By archiving them, it will email you a copy and you can save it on your computer in a condensed format where you can read them all. When you archive them, make sure you do it via html archiving, unless you have excell.

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Today I bumped it up to 100 messages.  Once you get to that many, I recommend archiving your messages and do it by html.  Then go through and delete ones that you don't really need and keep the important ones on there. 


By archiving them, it will email you a copy and you can save it on your computer in a condensed format where you can read them all.  When you archive them, make sure you do it via html archiving, unless you have excell.

Mine is still at 75...?



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Today I bumped it up to 100 messages.  Once you get to that many, I recommend archiving your messages and do it by html.  Then go through and delete ones that you don't really need and keep the important ones on there. 


By archiving them, it will email you a copy and you can save it on your computer in a condensed format where you can read them all.  When you archive them, make sure you do it via html archiving, unless you have excell.

Mine is still at 75...?



You should now be able to get up to 100...unless I forget to put the change in effect. I'll go check right now.

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Silly Jason. You edited the wrong thing...you made it so they could list 100 pm's on one page, but that's kinda pointless if they can't hold 100 pm's. You have to go into Edit user Groups to do that. it's up at 100.



Now you owe me 37 cans of coke. :headbang :cheers

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So, Jason, when I upload all of my messages to html form and save them to my hard drive, I can save them to a disk and let everyone know about all the PM's you flood my box with??? ;) :lol:

Ya, sure ya can, lol. Although I don't know who your gonna impress with like one message from me :lol:

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