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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 5, 2013 -> 04:42 PM)
Which is crap because we still don't do direct diplomacy and haven't for a long time. It's pretty simple - we talked and they balked, we stopped talking and they balked. At the end of the day they keep providing weapons/training to terrorist groups and continue building their nuclear capabilities and we don't do anything about it but give them MORE money/food/oil whatever.


Well, we were in the 90's and it appeared to work very, very well into Bush came in with his terrible "axis of evil" stuff and, of course, the invasion of Iraq. After that sort of rhetoric and action, wouldn't you begin making it as costly as possible for the US to invade if you were the DPRK?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 5, 2013 -> 04:52 PM)
Right, so why does anyone take that bozo seriously anyway? Why doesn't the head of the military take over?


Its hard to explain but Asia countries seem to fall into "cult of personality" traps. In NK it derives from 1 man, Kim Il-Sung, the eternal president of NK.


Basically many NKers would revolt against the Army if they went against the heir to Kim Il-Sung. The military at this point have no people to really prop up against them.


If anything, they would need a war, to create a new "cultural hero", so maybe that is the reason we are here today. A general needs some victories to create his NK myth.


Its just like Marcos in the Philippines where they create completely unsubstantiated myths to create a god like President that cant be questioned.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 5, 2013 -> 05:52 PM)
Right, so why does anyone take that bozo seriously anyway? Why doesn't the head of the military take over?

One of the tricks leaders use in those types of countries is keeping any military leader from getting too much power so that no single person can take over.


The brainwashing helps make sure many stay in line/loyal as well.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 5, 2013 -> 05:10 PM)
One of the tricks leaders use in those types of countries is keeping any military leader from getting too much power so that no single person can take over.


The brainwashing helps make sure many stay in line/loyal as well.


But almost everyone of these countries was taken over by a military leader, so it really doesnt work well. If you look at Thailand they basically swapped military coups back and forth.


The real reason is that NK has spent the last 60 years propping up Il-Sung as basically a deity, so it would be really difficult for any military commander to usurp that, unless they have their own origin story. Without any sort of military conflict, you cant really create the necessary history to prop up someone, without the threat of the entire country falling to shambles.




Here is an article about his worship:





Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 5, 2013 -> 04:04 PM)
He's not here right now for family reasons, but since I already went on this rant a few pages ago and got the "Take off the D/R blinders", someone has to give you your lecture as well.


You realize that proves they had a nuclear program in 1994 to shutdown, right?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 5, 2013 -> 10:45 PM)
You realize that proves they had a nuclear program in 1994 to shutdown, right?

When did I ever say they didn't? They obviously did, plutonium doesn't appear magically.


That was why there was an agreement in the first place and why there needed to be UN monitoring of their plutonium stash.

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They were trying to shut down the nuclear program before if was known to be a nuclear program, I didn't know that was really a secret or anything. That was the whole point of the negotiations the Bush administration was doing in 2006 although its kind of odd how the press at the time was talking about it like it was something new. It's just more evidence that the foreign policy in the early 2000s was an unmitigated disaster in pretty much all fronts, and this is relevant today because foreign policy is something that happens in a linear way.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 7, 2013 -> 11:35 AM)
"North Korea has lined up nuclear weapons, pointing towards the United States. Take this as a stern warning, MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!" -Seth Meyers on SNL

I feel like my memory of the pacific ocean seems to include something useful...

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 05:14 PM)
North Korea tells foreigners to leave South Korea.


This is bad.


Not sure if you're serious or not but this is pure saber rattling. They are just upping to the nth degree. North Korea knows they are isolated and not even China will help them if they do something stupid.

Edited by pettie4sox
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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 05:40 PM)
Not sure if you're serious or not but this is pure saber rattling. They are just upping to the nth degree. North Korea knows they are isolated and not even China will help them if they do something stupid.


Semi-serious. I can see Kim firing on South Korea because he is bats*** insane.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 05:48 PM)
Nah he wants to stay in power.


The only way this happens is if in NK there is some sort of internal power struggle, where one faction needs to do something to get over with the people.


Otherwise dictators almost always prefer status quo.


The biggest danger is that he believes his own BS. I doubt he does, and like I said earlier, I think he is trying to prove himself and to get some concessions on the side.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 05:50 PM)
The biggest danger is that he believes his own BS. I doubt he does, and like I said earlier, I think he is trying to prove himself and to get some concessions on the side.


The reason I dont think he believes his own BS is that he studied outside of NK, and for the most part had access to western stuff etc.


I think this is a reaction to China backing off their support. Basically NK has to act even crazier now because without China they have so little leverage and they know that the noose is going to tighten very quickly.

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