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Breaking News: Sox acquire Scott Sullivan


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im thinking my words are hurting everyone else.. i feel no pain about them at all..... ;) like i said before dont like what i say skip it i dont care one way or the other.........i voice my opinion just like the rest of you do......

Ahhh .. but HSC isn't it possible that you built up your PTC wins when the team was struggling & now that they are winning your negativity could be clouding rational PTC choices? :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1

im thinking my words are hurting everyone else.. i feel no pain about them at all..... ;) like i said before dont like what i say skip it i dont care one way or the other.........i voice my opinion just like the rest of you do......

Ahhh .. but HSC isn't it possible that you built up your PTC wins when the team was struggling & now that they are winning your negativity could be clouding rational PTC choices? :D

ahh how quickly you foreget.. i took a few weeks off here and there and did not put in picks..... ;) as if it really matters who cares about it .. its not like its for money or anything....... :D

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im thinking my words are hurting everyone else.. i feel no pain about them at all..... ;) like i said before dont like what i say skip it i dont care one way or the other.........i voice my opinion just like the rest of you do......

Ahhh .. but HSC isn't it possible that you built up your PTC wins when the team was struggling & now that they are winning your negativity could be clouding rational PTC choices? :D

ahh how quickly you foreget.. i took a few weeks off here and there and did not put in picks..... ;) as if it really matters who cares about it .. its not like its for money or anything....... :D

That's how I felt until I became tied for 1st! Me SOOOO Happy :D :lol: :P

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Guest hotsoxchick1

im thinking my words are hurting everyone else.. i feel no pain about them at all..... ;) like i said before dont like what i say skip it i dont care one way or the other.........i voice my opinion just like the rest of you do......

Ahhh .. but HSC isn't it possible that you built up your PTC wins when the team was struggling & now that they are winning your negativity could be clouding rational PTC choices? :D

ahh how quickly you foreget.. i took a few weeks off here and there and did not put in picks..... ;) as if it really matters who cares about it .. its not like its for money or anything....... :D

That's how I felt until I became tied for 1st! Me SOOOO Happy :D :lol: :P

and look how freakin long it took ya to get there ........lmao......... :lol: :cheers

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had we still been considered in the west we would have been toast a long time ago


This is an absurd statement. If the Yankees were in the NL East, they wouldn't be in first place this year, but if Boston was in the NL Central, they would be. You are in the division you are in, plain and simple. Talking about the Sox being part of the AL West speaks volumes about your negativity towards this team. That was 10 years ago. If we win the division we are in, guess what, we make the playoffs and if you get to the playoffs our regular season records go out the window. We all start at 0-0 and anything can happen. Instead you choose to blame upper management for not going out and signing players "like bonds et el... to play for us for one season to win it all". If this is your thinking then, if I may use your quote, you are the one "with your blinders on". Personally, I wouldn't want it that way. I'd rather see some of the guys I've been watching for a few years "earn" a World Series title.


Just an opinion, of course.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Just an opinion, of course.
and of course your entitled to it.... when we dont go anywhere this season ill be happy to bring this back up to you and remind you of your blind spots......... ;)
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and of course your intitled to it.... when we dont go anywhere this season ill be happy to bring this back up to you and remind you of your blind spots......... ;)

I never mentioned we were going anywhere this season. :P


"If we win the division " is how I stated it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah well.. what difference does it make......those are still alot of big IF's.....which will add up to a lot of disappointment in the end.......

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yeah well.. what difference does it make......those are still alot of big IF's.....which will add up to a lot of disappointment in the end.......

I'll stay optimistic and you stay pessimistic, but you gotta admit this year has been one roller coaster ride and it's getting pretty fun right now. I admit, I love this team one day and the next I question why I root for them.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I'll stay optimistic and you stay pessimistic, but you gotta admit this year has been one roller coaster ride and it's getting pretty fun right now.  I admit, I love this team one day and the next I question why I root for them.

well ill just stay realistic.. i wont allow my hopes to get up too high because they have been smashed by this team year after year after year.. i choose to ride it out one game at a time.....its fun for now or when we play at home because we do great here.. but geez us when we are on the road we suck to the high heavens and it makes for alot of aggervation.....ive been rootin for them over 30 years now and have alot of time, money, sweat and tears invested in them and it just gets frustrating with each and every year to see so much talent on this field and no one knows how to utilize it correctly or we cant seem to find the correct winning combination here......i swear it will be the death of me yet.....(and im sure some of you hope that happens soon lol...) :P oh well what ya gonna do.......

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Oh I know, but I'd rather string people along about baseball then something serious like a new law or economics.

;) spoken like a true gm.........string em along...... :lol:

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HSC, I know you are no KW fan, but I think he has made the moves to help us compete, if we get in playoffs we have a solid 1-2-3 rotation and could beat anyone, and I know we have traded some kids, but nothing that we cannot replace. I think KW has done a solid job, up to JR to sign them now after the season, I think we can be good for some time. Pitching wins and we have it.


Unfortunately we play 25 games vs teams over .500 the rest of way and Minny only has 9 and KC less than that.

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dont like what i have to say then dont f***in read it.. ok.. no  ones forcin you to......get real..... at the begining of the season (soxfest to be exact) kw stated and i quote..... WE WILL DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO PUT A WINNING TEAM ON THE FIELD WE ARE DEDICATED TO BRINGING A WORLD SERIES WINNER TO COMISKEY PARK...... so that should include getting QUALITY players here instead of this trial and error  b.s. hes been doing.....WHAT EVER IT TAKES  means just that......you do all or nothing... and so far hes done patch work, while depleating anything we had in the farm system for the future......if he and the rest of the org. were totaly serious about putting a contending team on the field they would go out and get TOP calibur players..........think about this for a minute, the only thing thats even got us this far is the fact we are sitting in a s***TY DIVISION..... had we still been considered in the west we would have been toast a long time ago.....do you seriously think we will get past the likes of seattle, new york, boston (if they are the wild card) or oakland (if they are wild card) your fooling yourself......so if you want to sit around with your blinders on and hope and wish that we go somewhere, when we were basically promised we would go somewhere then so be it.. i for one am tired of the bull s***..... its all or nothing.....period.........  its just another bunch of crap talk from the upper management here........

I don't understand what you want from the guy! Wait, scratch that...I understand, and it's not realistic. Did I miss something and was Barry Bonds or ARod available and KW took a pass? Was Zito or Maddux there for the taking? Not all of his moves may work, but at least he's trying, and it seems like he's getting better at his job. Most, if not all, of his moves have been good ones this season. Loaiza, Everett, Alomar, getting rid of Jimenez, and now adding Sullivan. Seems like only Rios and Schoenweis may be misses, and Schoenweis seems to be getting better. Oh, and Koch, but Foulke needed to move on and that is more on Koch, IMO. He's taken the cards he's been dealt and done a good job. If you thought that doing anything it takes meant spending $100 million, no wonder you're disappointed, and a bit delusional.


If you're not excited about this team, I'd hate to have seen you in the late 80's. The Reid Nichols Era, no?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

your right you didnt want to know how i felt in the 80's era........ what i want from the guy is what he said he would deliver.... nothing more, nothing less.... he shouldnt have opened up his big trap in the first place if he couldnt deliver........never promise what you cant guarentee......... ;)

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If Jason doesn't get a GM gig by the time he's 30, he ought to go into politics.

Having spent an enitre week with jason, I can vouch for him being a good GM, but I think he might be more well suited for truck driver.... the kid just kept on drivin.....

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your right you didnt want to know how i felt in the 80's era........ what i want from the guy  is what he said he would deliver.... nothing more, nothing less.... he shouldnt have opened up his big trap in the first place if he couldnt deliver........never promise what you cant guarentee......... ;)

Well, I guess that's what I want to know. What, to you, would be delivering on his promise? Whenever an opportunity to improve the team has presented itself, he's taken it. He's got the team in first place, s***ty division or not. If you want to blame anyone for their record not being better, look at the players who are playing below par or their coach.

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For those of you that don't know, I can attest to the fact that HSC is a very, very knowledgable baseball fan. I can understand why she is not quite investing all her hopes with this team, as I have been a Sox fan for 40 years or so. You learn to hold back a certain amount. Just like if you've been burned in love, the next time out you take it a bit more caustiously.


Having said that, I have to respectfully disagree with HSC on the job KW has done this year. I believe he has made a solid effort to put together a team that has the potential to win the whole enchilada. I believe this team CAN win it all. I'm not saying it WILL win it all. We had a need for some lefthanded bats and improved infield defense, and KW went out and got two very solid, hardnosed veteran ballplayers in Everett and Alomar. We weren't using Glover, so KW tried to improve the pen by getting Schoenewhatever. That has worked out like hoped, but it's still possible that it will. Picking up Sullivan was a great move. We were in desperate need of a quality righthanded reliever, and Sullivan fits that description to a tee. There is no way I can criticize the overall effort and philosophy that KW has approached this race with. Some of his moves may be questionable to some, but I'll trade prospects for a legitimate chance to win it all this year.

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For those of you that don't know, I can attest to the fact that HSC is a very, very knowledgable baseball fan.  I can understand why she is not quite investing all her hopes with this team, as I have been a Sox fan for 40 years or so.  You learn to hold back a certain amount.  Just like if you've been burned in love, the next time out you take it a bit more caustiously. 


Having said that, I have to respectfully disagree with HSC on the job KW has done this year.  I believe he has made a solid effort to put together a team that has the potential to win the whole enchilada.  I believe this team CAN win it all.  I'm not saying it WILL win it all.  We had a need for some lefthanded bats and improved infield defense, and KW went out and got two very solid, hardnosed veteran ballplayers in Everett and Alomar.  We weren't using Glover, so KW tried to improve the pen by getting Schoenewhatever.  That has worked out like hoped, but it's still possible that it will.  Picking up Sullivan was a great move.  We were in desperate need of a quality righthanded reliever, and Sullivan fits that description to a tee.  There is no way I can criticize the overall effort and philosophy that KW has approached this race with.  Some of his moves may be questionable to some, but I'll trade prospects for a legitimate chance to win it all this year.

I agree 100 percent, as i usually do with YAS.............. :cheers

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For those of you that don't know, I can attest to the fact that HSC is a very, very knowledgable baseball fan.  I can understand why she is not quite investing all her hopes with this team, as I have been a Sox fan for 40 years or so.  You learn to hold back a certain amount.  Just like if you've been burned in love, the next time out you take it a bit more caustiously. 


Having said that, I have to respectfully disagree with HSC on the job KW has done this year.  I believe he has made a solid effort to put together a team that has the potential to win the whole enchilada.  I believe this team CAN win it all.  I'm not saying it WILL win it all.  We had a need for some lefthanded bats and improved infield defense, and KW went out and got two very solid, hardnosed veteran ballplayers in Everett and Alomar.  We weren't using Glover, so KW tried to improve the pen by getting Schoenewhatever.  That has worked out like hoped, but it's still possible that it will.  Picking up Sullivan was a great move.  We were in desperate need of a quality righthanded reliever, and Sullivan fits that description to a tee.  There is no way I can criticize the overall effort and philosophy that KW has approached this race with.  Some of his moves may be questionable to some, but I'll trade prospects for a legitimate chance to win it all this year.

I agree 100 percent, as i usually do with YAS.............. :cheers

You know, I used to disagree with you quite a bit. You must be getting smarter. :D

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For those of you that don't know, I can attest to the fact that HSC is a very, very knowledgable baseball fan.  I can understand why she is not quite investing all her hopes with this team, as I have been a Sox fan for 40 years or so.  You learn to hold back a certain amount.  Just like if you've been burned in love, the next time out you take it a bit more caustiously. 


Having said that, I have to respectfully disagree with HSC on the job KW has done this year.  I believe he has made a solid effort to put together a team that has the potential to win the whole enchilada.  I believe this team CAN win it all.  I'm not saying it WILL win it all.  We had a need for some lefthanded bats and improved infield defense, and KW went out and got two very solid, hardnosed veteran ballplayers in Everett and Alomar.  We weren't using Glover, so KW tried to improve the pen by getting Schoenewhatever.  That has worked out like hoped, but it's still possible that it will.  Picking up Sullivan was a great move.  We were in desperate need of a quality righthanded reliever, and Sullivan fits that description to a tee.  There is no way I can criticize the overall effort and philosophy that KW has approached this race with.  Some of his moves may be questionable to some, but I'll trade prospects for a legitimate chance to win it all this year.

I agree 100 percent, as i usually do with YAS.............. :cheers

You know, I used to disagree with you quite a bit. You must be getting smarter. :D

Or.......................you are getting dumber. :lol: :stupid

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Guest hotsoxchick1
For those of you that don't know, I can attest to the fact that HSC is a very, very knowledgable baseball fan.  I can understand why she is not quite investing all her hopes with this team, as I have been a Sox fan for 40 years or so.  You learn to hold back a certain amount.  Just like if you've been burned in love, the next time out you take it a bit more caustiously. 


Having said that, I have to respectfully disagree with HSC on the job KW has done this year.  I believe he has made a solid effort to put together a team that has the potential to win the whole enchilada.  I believe this team CAN win it all.  I'm not saying it WILL win it all.  We had a need for some lefthanded bats and improved infield defense, and KW went out and got two very solid, hardnosed veteran ballplayers in Everett and Alomar.  We weren't using Glover, so KW tried to improve the pen by getting Schoenewhatever.  That has worked out like hoped, but it's still possible that it will.  Picking up Sullivan was a great move.  We were in desperate need of a quality righthanded reliever, and Sullivan fits that description to a tee.  There is no way I can criticize the overall effort and philosophy that KW has approached this race with.  Some of his moves may be questionable to some, but I'll trade prospects for a legitimate chance to win it all this year.

I agree 100 percent, as i usually do with YAS.............. :cheers

You know, I used to disagree with you quite a bit. You must be getting smarter. :D

or your gettin dumber....... :o :o :o :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

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