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Explosions at end of Boston Marathon


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That is a question of fact and why ultimately most defamation/slander cases go no where. Just to difficult to prove unless its blatantly obvious.


But that doenst mean that people should just go around starting witch hunts either. We all have a responsibility.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (Reddy @ Apr 23, 2013 -> 03:07 PM)
so... saying i feel bad for the younger brother isn't exactly what I mean... obviously he deserves every BIT of what he's going to get and then some, but ... damn man I feel like this is just a kid who was obsessed with his older brother, whose parents were back home in wherever, and he just... got f***ed up and corrupted by his only father figure and idol, who it seems was the real mastermind.


f***ed up stuff. ugh.


Dude was 19. He knew exactly what he was doing and he could have easily said no.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 23, 2013 -> 03:46 PM)
Dude was 19. He knew exactly what he was doing and he could have easily said no.

Seriously, we're not talking about someone being peer pressured into driving drunk or shoplifting. This kid purposely murdered and mutilated dozens of innocent people. I don't give a f*** if he looked up to his brother. That's no excuse for being a b****-ass coward.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 23, 2013 -> 03:46 PM)
Dude was 19. He knew exactly what he was doing and he could have easily said no.

Since when is 19 a kid with no brain? 19 year olds can serve in the military. I dont get the age defense.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 23, 2013 -> 05:52 PM)
Since when is 19 a kid with no brain? 19 year olds can serve in the military. I dont get the age defense.


19 year olds aren't trusted to drink alcohol so there is that age defense but I feel no sympathy for the kid he wasnt forced into what he did he made the decision and now has to face the consequence whatever that ends up being. Has he said why they did it yet?

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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Apr 24, 2013 -> 12:37 AM)
19 year olds aren't trusted to drink alcohol so there is that age defense but I feel no sympathy for the kid he wasnt forced into what he did he made the decision and now has to face the consequence whatever that ends up being. Has he said why they did it yet?



Religious beliefs

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 23, 2013 -> 05:16 PM)
lol at all the excuses being made for the bombers


From my end, it's not sympathy for the kid so much as it is trying to figure out why he did this. I keep thinking about the way Charles Manson brainwashed a bunch of girls into committing gruesome murders for him. I don't know that's the case here, but it's what popped into my head the other day.


Doesn't mean the kid is any less culpable for what he did in this case and it certainly doesn't mean I'm making excuses for him. I'm just trying to figure out why a 19 year old kid who, by all accounts was a smart, fairly well adjusted stoner would do this. Religion certainly played a part but I think stopping at religion is probably overly cursory.

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QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Apr 24, 2013 -> 08:28 AM)
I'm honestly surprised that I haven't heard anyone saying it was his marijuana use that made him go crazy. I don't believe it, but I've often heard people exaggerate marijuana affects.


Because I think at this point in time, people have sort of realize that you don't go psycho crazy like this when using marijuana. Maybe PCP, but not marijuana.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 24, 2013 -> 10:37 AM)
This is like Chicken Soup for the Agendas Soul


Immigration check

Muslims check

Truthers check

Gun Control check

CTE check

Jews check

The "false flag" or "government conspiracy to police state" crowd too

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 24, 2013 -> 10:30 AM)


He's just another Jihad idiot


Mother Jones documents just how clueless these guys were:


1.Wear a backwards hat and no sunglasses. Unlike his older brother, Dzhokhar made little effort to prevent cameras from capturing his face, making him easier to identify when the FBI released security camera photos on Thursday. Indeed, classmates at University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth did see him in the photos, but dismissed the similarity because it seemed so far-fetched.


2.Not react to the explosions. For three days, investigators pored over all available photos and surveillance videos of the blast area searching for abnormal reactions. The complaint filed in federal court on Monday specifically cites Dzhokhar's reaction to the first explosion as a giveaway; per the complaint, he glanced in the direction of the first blast only briefly.


3.Leave the car in the shop. The Wall Street Journal reported that Dzhokhar stopped by an auto-body shop in Watertown on Tuesday to pick up the Mercedes he'd brought in for repairs.


4.Stay in Boston. The second bomb exploded at 2:49 p.m. last Monday. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan carjacked a Mercedes at 10:39 p.m.* on Thursday. What did they do in the interim three days? Go to the gym, check in on their busted car, and, in Dzhokhar's case, go to a party on the UMass–Dartmouth campus. During the three-day window in which their involvement was unknown, they made no attempt to flee.


5.Kill an MIT police officer. Why did the brothers shoot 26-year-old Sean Collier? The murder at 10:30 p.m. on Thursday set in motion the events that would ultimately lead to their capture.


6.Run out of cash. When Dzhokhar carjacked a Mercedes on Thursday night, he and his brother had one thing in mind: Get cash, and fast. They emptied $800 from an ATM using their victim's PIN number, before they reached the account limit. Holding up a stranger for money suggests a woeful lack of planning on their part (they hadn't budgeted) that helped alert them to the authorities.


7.Not understand how ATMs work. After reaching the daily withdrawal limit at one ATM, the Tsarnaevs, apparently not realizing that the machines are part of an interconnected system, decided to try their luck at two different machines. The quest to find a working ATM was how they ended up, coincidentally, at a 7/11 in Cambridge around the same time it was the scene of an armed robbery, and were spotted on the store security camera.


8.Confess to the hostage. According to the complaint, when Dzhokhar got into the Mercedes, he immediately told the driver, "Did you hear about the Boston explosion? I did that." That meant their cover would be immediately blown if the driver escaped. Which brings us to…


9.Stop for snacks. The Los Angeles Times reported that the hostage escaped after the brothers stopped at a gas station on Memorial Drive to buy snacks.


10.Keep the hostage's phone. The Tsarnaevs continued on without their hostage—but they did have his phone, which allowed police to track their location via GPS.


11.Bring a BB gun. The weapons used by the two suspects, according to police: a pressure-cooker bomb, seven IEDs, an M4 carbine, two handguns, and a BB gun. Why a BB gun?

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 1, 2013 -> 11:19 AM)
Boston Police Dept.@Boston_Police 11m Three additional suspects taken into custody in Marathon bombing case. Details to follow.

All three are accused of removing items from Tsarnaev's dorm room at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth after the bombings, which killed three people and wounded more than 260, federal officials said.


Law enforcement officials believe they helped destroy evidence that might further implicate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the bombing by disposing of fireworks and his laptop, a U.S. government official said.


One official said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev contacted the three after FBI agents released photographs of Tsarnaev and his older brother Tamerlan -- but before they were identified by name -- and asked them to dispose of the items. The suspects said they did not know the significance of what they were doing, the official told CNN.


Another federal law enforcement official said two of three lied to the FBI when asked about whether they had seen the suspects or knew of their whereabouts after the bombings.


That official said the suspects threw out backpacks of fireworks from the dorm room, leading to a two-day search of a New Bedford landfill last week.


Alan Dershowitz, a prominent defense attorney and Harvard law professor, said called the obstruction charge "weak," suggesting it was meant to pressure the suspects into providing more information on Tsarnaev.


"If that's the best the feds have now, then they're just squeezing," Dershowitz told CNN. "It doesn't sound like they have very much new here."

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