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Zambrono Gets Screwed out of a NoNo


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Or at least keeping the shot going. With 2 outs in the 8th inning he gives up a softly hit grounder to 3rd. Aramis Ramirez makes an awesome pick and throw to Simon who makes an unbelievable strecth and the guy is out by half a step.


The UMP calls him safe though. Absolute joke. I was watching it live and knew there was no way in hell he was safe and the replay showed it.


I know Carlos is a Cub, but he's one of my favorite pitchers. He now has 2 outs in the ninth and has only given up a hit. The game should no be over and it should be a no hitter.

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Or at least keeping the shot going.  With 2 outs in the 8th inning he gives up a softly hit grounder to 3rd.  Aramis Ramirez makes an awesome pick and throw to Simon who makes an unbelievable strecth and the guy is out by half a step.


The UMP calls him safe though.  Absolute joke.  I was watching it live and knew there was no way in hell he was safe and the replay showed it. 


I know Carlos is a Cub, but he's one of my favorite pitchers.  He now has 2 outs in the ninth and has only given up a hit.  The game should no be over and it should be a no hitter.

Who cares. I'm glad he got screwed.

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That was horrible.  I feel so badly for him.......

If I were the commish, I'd go out and call it a no no. Geeze, I expected him to be called out either way, cause i just couldn't see a guy getting jobbed on a call.


Either way...AWESOME game Carlos. He can't get the final out though.

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If I were the commish, I'd go out and call it a no no.  Geeze, I expected him to be called out either way, cause i just couldn't see a guy getting jobbed on a call.


Either way...AWESOME game Carlos.  He can't get the final out though.

Yeah its a given you give the pitcher the benefit of the doubt there. I have NO idea what that ump was thinking.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah that was a crap call... i feel bad for him.... where was dusty to argue that one... dont tell me hes takin the jm comatose approach to ball managing........

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Even though he deserved that call....it was moot.. he gave up a hit in the ninth.


Carlos is definitely a pitcher I'd take on this team.... tell him he can bring along the Prior guy as well.

Not true. The entire situation would have different. Also, i believe he allowed the hit with 2 outs in the 9th. If the ump had made the proper call, that batter would never had come to bat. :huh:

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Even though he deserved that call....it was moot.. he gave up a hit in the ninth.


Carlos is definitely a pitcher I'd take on this team.... tell him he can bring along the Prior guy as well.

Not true. The entire situation would have different. Also, i believe he allowed the hit with 2 outs in the 9th. If the ump had made the proper call, that batter would never had come to bat. :huh:

There is no possible way to predict what would have happened if that guy was called safe. Maybe Zambrano pitches a different way with the no-no in the ninth and gives up 5 runs and he loses. he gave up 2 hits..... bottom line.

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Even though he deserved that call....it was moot.. he gave up a hit in the ninth.


Carlos is definitely a pitcher I'd take on this team.... tell him he can bring along the Prior guy as well.

Not true. The entire situation would have different. Also, i believe he allowed the hit with 2 outs in the 9th. If the ump had made the proper call, that batter would never had come to bat. :huh:

There is no possible way to predict what would have happened if that guy was called safe. Maybe Zambrano pitches a different way with the no-no in the ninth and gives up 5 runs and he loses. he gave up 2 hits..... bottom line.

Thats exactly why your orginal statement was totally wrong. You have no idea what would have happened, so the point wasnt moot.

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It was a terrible way to lose a potential no hitter. He should have been given the opportunity to achieve it. He could have come out in the 9th all fired up, instead he had to be somewhat deflated. Fact remains, he got screwed. :angry:



Couldn't have picked a better team for it to happen to, though. :D

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But the incompetent ump goes into his whole unscathed. When they make an obvious bad call that is critical to the game's outcome, or in this case to a no hitter, the guy should be publicly disciplined. Suspended for 2-3 games w/o pay, probation after the second or third offense. Umps should not be exempt from matters dealing with the integrity of the game.

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Al, You are correct. A single bad call does not reflect on the integrity of the game. A series of bad calls by the same ump MIGHT, and those guys should have some system of public accountability. For years they were without scrutiny. Somewhat improved now. We have seen several obvious calls go against us this year, a few when the ump was grossly out of position. What are you supposed to do, look the other way, say "Oh, well," when that happens? Twice this year within one week the lowly Rockies were flat screwed out of games by bad calls, one on the last play of the game when the ump was not in positon to make a routine call at first. What else does he have to do but to be there and make the right call? What happens the next day --- nothing. Absolutely nothing, and that is wrong. That's what I'm talking about. I don't have any magical solution, but there should be some system of public accountability by the umps who f*** up. After that Rocky game I frankly questioned the ump's integrity, it was so bad.


As a postscript, I still remember the last playoff game the Sox played (against Seattle in 2000 for you youngsters). There were two awful calls by umps against us in a very tight game.


Again, I don't have a solution, I'm just babbling. I fully realize that bad calls are part of any game on any level. But big league umps should be scrutinized more than they are.

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Al, You are correct.  A single bad call does not reflect on the integrity of the game.  A series of bad calls by the same ump MIGHT, and those guys should have some system of public accountability.  For years they were without scrutiny.  Somewhat improved now.  We have seen several obvious calls go against us this year, a few when the ump was grossly out of position.  What are you supposed to do, look the other way, say "Oh, well," when that happens?  Twice this year within one week the lowly Rockies were flat screwed out of games by bad calls, one on the last play of the game when the ump was not in positon to make a routine call at first.  What else does he have to do but to be there and make the right call?  What happens the next day --- nothing.  Absolutely nothing, and that is wrong.  That's what I'm talking about.  I don't have any magical solution, but there should be some system of public accountability by the umps who f*** up.  After that Rocky game I frankly questioned the ump's integrity, it was so bad.


As a postscript, I still remember the last playoff game the Sox played (against Seattle in 2000 for you youngsters).  There were two awful calls by umps against us in a very tight game.


Again, I don't have a solution, I'm just babbling.  I fully realize that bad calls are part of any game on any level.  But big league umps should be scrutinized more than they are.

Once again, umpiring is what makes baseball, baseball. Its one of the biggest part of the game and unlike football, they dont have instant replays. The ump calls what he sees, and I'm sure you'd rather have a person calling those than some robot.


Theres been a new system installed in some ballparks where they evaluate the home plate umpires calls (I cant think of the name right now). The umps have been squeezing the pitchers so they dont look bad and their calls have been awful. There really is no better solution right now, we just have to live with human errors.

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In general, I am constontly amazed by just how excellent the MLB umpires are. Their accuracy rate on bang-bang plays is fabulous. Sure, you get an occasional stinker in there, but hey, they are human.



For the most part.... Here's to the umps. :cheers

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If I were the commish, I'd go out and call it a no no.  Geeze, I expected him to be called out either way, cause i just couldn't see a guy getting jobbed on a call.


Either way...AWESOME game Carlos.  He can't get the final out though.

Yeah its a given you give the pitcher the benefit of the doubt there. I have NO idea what that ump was thinking.

The Ump has to call each play as if it was the only play of the game. Once they start making calls based on the situation, we have anarchy with the umps picking winners and losers. I don't agree with NBA refs who swallow the whistle the last 60 seconds and "let them play" or a NFL official who allows some extra contact away from the play. Call it like you see it and let the chips fall where they may.

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Jim F, I think and hope that the Commissioner's office does track these blown calls and in the offseason, lets go of the worst couple of umps. It may be that they are doing what you'd like to see them do, but not in the public eye.

I don't agree with automatically dumping the worse X number of umps. I would rather see a system where you need to maintain a Y% of correct calls or you are sent down. This way if X+? could be reassigned if they stick instead of a bad one keeping his job because a few others were worse. Or allows more to stay if they are getting the calls right.


I'm still amazed we haven't seen a woman umpire at the MLB level.

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it was a close call and I heard there was a close call the inning before hand also.


not much you can do, umps make mistakes.


I mean, umps have made mistakes that have costed pitchers runs, this only costed him a no-hitter, which I believe is little bit less important.


s*** happens, but no-hitter or not, it is clearly he pitched one hell of a game, he doesn't need a no-hitter to show for it.

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