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Hey, I don't like SUV's either...


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what the f*** is wrong with SUV's?  :huh:

That whole rollover, unsafe factor's got something to do with it. I personally think they look stupid, and when I'm driving behind them I can't see through the windows to see the car in front of them, which I can do with smaller cars. They f*** up defensive driving.

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There are so many things that are wrong with SUVs


-environmentally terrible


-hard on your wallet after buying


-when you buy an SUV you are paying half for the vehicle and the other half for the term SUV


-rollover rate absolutely astounding, and frankly surprising that anyone would risk their lives


-i believe around 90% of SUVs never go off-road


-unsafe to other drivers on the road


SUVs are one of the most retarded purchases a person can make and frankly I'm happy somoene torched all those SUVs. If they aren't going to stand up for getting them off the road, no one else will. Especially with today's governments.

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can someone point me to a site that shows the roll over rate of SUVs? If 90% of SUVs never go off-road, where and how are they rolling over?


Living in SUV/Truck-land, otherwise known as Texas, you kinda have to drive one...Freakin' soccer moms driving Expeditions all day. It's like the middle east, everyone has a gun, or Bush's foreign policy...attack everyone who's a threat. It's called pre-emptive defense, or maybe it's called acute paranoia..who knows



by the way, I drive a volkswagen golf.

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I'm not sure of the numbers but I'm sure they can be found somewhere on the internet. The reason for the high roll over is the stupid design of SUVs. They have too high a center of gravity. They don't respond like normal vehicles in emergency situations and all too often when they make an abrupt turn they roll.


:finger SUV and lots of Texans

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This is not about SUV's it's about mpg's.



If a car you wish to purchase is on that list, you don't give a s*** about the environment, victims of terrorism, or the fate of the planet.


As long as the World continues to increase demand for gasoline/oil the Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia will continue to fuel terrorism with their unending control on the price of oil world-wide.


If you really care about the victims of terrorism you'll direct that sympathy & compassion towards you next car purchase.


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can someone point me to a site that shows the roll over rate of SUVs? If 90% of SUVs never go off-road, where and how are they rolling over?


Living in SUV/Truck-land, otherwise known as Texas, you kinda have to drive one...Freakin' soccer moms driving Expeditions all day. It's like the middle east, everyone has a gun, or Bush's foreign policy...attack everyone who's a threat. It's called pre-emptive defense, or maybe it's called acute paranoia..who knows



by the way, I drive a volkswagen golf.

and vehicles there and at three other dealerships were spray-painted with slogans such as "Fat, Lazy Americans."


Fat, lazy Americans...they hit that one on the head.


On average, 1 out of 10 SUV's go off-road. I have the sources, but they are on the computer downstairs [it's packed up since I'm moving to college tomorrow].


SUV's have a very high center of gravity and, as said before, they roll over during emergency turns...they even make fun of that fact in the episode of the Simpsons with the Canyonero. The end, when she makes it roll over to get the rhinos away from Homer and says that they have a very high roll over rate.


I have my brother's Thunderbird at the current time but in another year or so I think I'm gonna trade it in and get a new car. Just gotta find a decent one.

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Dd it ever occur to you people that some people have SUV's for a reason? Things like towing, carrying capacity, and four-wheel drive? I know that around here you're not getting up hills and driveways in the snow without four-wheel drive. And good luck towing a boat or a trailer with a taurus. People act like SUV's are the only cars that damage the enviroment. Yes, the MPG is not as good as with other cars, but they have more powerful engines that require more gas. And 3-5 MPG difference between most SUV's and smaller cars is splitting hairs. ALL CARS DAMAGE THE ENVIROMENT. As far as the whole rolling over deal, as long as you don't drive like a complete moron you're not going to flip over an SUV. I know people with altimas and grand ams that drive like maniacs cause they know there's less chance of flipping over. Me, I drive more cautiously because of the possibility, but I've never even come close to doing so.


Part of the reason I'm so sick of this site is people throw out stupid, unsubstantiated arguments and other people just mindlessly agree.


-environmentally terrible


And other cars are enviromentally great?


-hard on your wallet after buying


Generalization. How much you spend on a car depends on how much you drive it.


-when you buy an SUV you are paying half for the vehicle and the other half for the term SUV


This is retarded and it makes no sense.


-rollover rate absolutely astounding, and frankly surprising that anyone would risk their lives


As I stated before, you only roll and SUV over if you don't know how to drive. You're risking your life anytime you get in a car. Driving down the highway in a tiny volkswagen next to an eighteen-wheeler, that's risking your life too.


-i believe around 90% of SUVs never go off-road


Going off-road is not their sole purpose.


-unsafe to other drivers on the road


Another retarded claim. A car is only as safe as the driver.



People railing against the existence of SUV's apparently do not understand supply and demand, or the fact that necessity is the mother of invention.


Why doesn't anyone whine about eighteen-wheelers? They use freaking diesel fuel with terrible MPG, they're huge and dangerous and block everyone's vision. Oh yeah, they serve a purpose.

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And other cars are enviromentally great?


Well you are right many other cars are terrible as well, buit SUVs are by far the worst. Most of the time uneccesarily. Car engineers could do a much better job designing them. I think it's also crucial to point out that it's completely un-neccesary to use a SUV with no passengers to go down to the store and s*** like that.


Generalization. How much you spend on a car depends on how much you drive it.


I don't really get your point of course the price depends on how often you drive it but SUVs cost way more per mile.


This is retarded and it makes no sense.


I don't think I explained this right. For example, a Cadillac Escallade :puke will cost quite a lot of money. Way more than it is actually worth. What I'm saying is that you're not paying just for the car but you are paying just for the brandishing of the vehicle being an SUV.


As I stated before, you only roll and SUV over if you don't know how to drive. You're risking your life anytime you get in a car. Driving down the highway in a tiny volkswagen next to an eighteen-wheeler, that's risking your life too.


An SUV is very apt to rolling over in emergency situations, so whether you are a good driver or not when you have to swerve to miss something you very well could roll.



Another retarded claim. A car is only as safe as the driver.


Well in a head on collision the smaller car is absolutely screwed. Of course if every driver was safe we wouldn't have to worry quite as much. But there are many SUV drivers that think they are the king of the road putting huge risks on drivers of smaller and more economical vehicles.


SUVs take some of the risk out of their own drivers and put it in the hands of smart buying drivers.



-SUVs are used for many other things like towing and hauling but I believe for the most part they are not (soccer moms etc).


-Cars like Denalis, Escallades and Expeditions are designed and marketed towards people with too much money and too little brains.

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My transit bus could kick your car's ass!



a bus! you have got to be kidding me. wow, there is nothing cooler than riding a bus. you must have the chicks all over you when you tell them you ride the "transit bus" :lol:

Well I'd rather not go into by personal life on the boards.


And what do you know about being cool, cool has many different meanings! :finger

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My transit bus could kick your car's ass!



a bus! you have got to be kidding me. wow, there is nothing cooler than riding a bus. you must have the chicks all over you when you tell them you ride the "transit bus" :lol:

Well I'd rather not go into by personal life on the boards.


And what do you know about being cool, cool has many different meanings! :finger

lesson #1 on being cool.... riding the bus is mostly lame. :P

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My transit bus could kick your car's ass!



a bus! you have got to be kidding me. wow, there is nothing cooler than riding a bus. you must have the chicks all over you when you tell them you ride the "transit bus" :lol:

Well I'd rather not go into by personal life on the boards.


And what do you know about being cool, cool has many different meanings! :finger

lesson #1 on being cool.... riding the bus is mostly lame. :P

lesson #2- giving lessons on being cool is not cool :lolhitting


Cool is cool, there are no definitions, there are no boundaries, there are no guidelines.



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