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NBA Thread 2013-2014

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 11:30 AM)
I think the larger point is that we don't want to be the Heat. We can see that the best way to build a team is to have good players outside your mega-salary players


Sorry, but i will gladly take 4 straight Finals appearances and 2 trophies. We do want to be the Heat. There is only one team that does not want to be the Heat, and they just won


QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 09:11 AM)
It's nice seeing lostfan post again, btw.


dont count on it being frequent, he is too busy being Mr Cosplay to hang out with us nerds

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Also, for as much as the spurs "are not the heat" the core of Duncan (greatest PF of all time), manu and parker is better than what the bulls have. They've been able to identify and develop late and cheap talent better to keep those tools around.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 09:45 AM)
Also, for as much as the spurs "are not the heat" the core of Duncan (greatest PF of all time), manu and parker is better than what the bulls have. They've been able to identify and develop late and cheap talent better to keep those tools around.

I really don't see how the Heat are that much different then the Bulls. Our core, which at one point included Deng, Rose, and Noah, was comparable with a very strong bench. Now the core has changed slightly, however, the fatal flaw has been the fact that our star (Rose) has not been able to stay on the court. I fully believe the Bulls were going to win the title the year Rose went down and to be frank, they probably could have had a chance this year as well (although hard to say that as the Spurs clearly played tremendously in the finals).


A lot of "ifs" in there, but the Bulls, much like the Spurs, have done a great job bargain shopping in free agency and hitting on draft picks despite not having top picks. Mrotic, Taj, Butler, Asik (Picks); Bellinelli, Nate, MDJ, DJ Augustin (FA Signings). Note, I'm not using this as an example of why not to make a move because our core is getting older and I am a proponent of moving Noah for Love and then going all out for Lebron. I say that because I believe in extending our core we should add more superstars. I love Noah and hope he stays with the Bulls, however, he's getting old and having a chance to get a superstar who is 5 years younger seems like a no brainer to extend the overall window (while also still allowing flexibility for a LBJ / Melo). However, I have no idea if we could pull two of those guys.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 11:45 AM)
Also, for as much as the spurs "are not the heat" the core of Duncan (greatest PF of all time), manu and parker is better than what the bulls have. They've been able to identify and develop late and cheap talent better to keep those tools around.


Outside of Duncan, none of that team has been top picks, or can't miss players. They have done an unreal job of picking guys and turning them into players that fit what they do in San Antonio. That is the most amazing thing of all down there. Does anyone think Kawhi Leonard is a star anywhere else? Tony Parker was a 28th overall pick. Ginobli was 57th. Their free agents have all been fill in guys, and not top dollar guys. They haven't had a draft pick higher than #24 since Tim Duncan.


San Antonio is just a freak of nature in professional sports.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 15, 2014 -> 09:57 PM)
Except I feel like J4L will own up to it instead of bailing.



QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 15, 2014 -> 09:59 PM)
He will, he hasn't ran away when he's been wrong before. He hasn't been on here since the finals started though, weird.


Thank you. At least I can count on you two. I been here 11 years and some think I would run because of a prediction (in which I lost nothing) went HORRIBLY wrong? I think not. Family issues (father) came up the tuesday before game 1. Funny how things like basketball and message boards and life in general just doesn't mean a whole lot when that happens. Anyways, yes, this turned out to be my worst prediction yet. And I don't care. The Spurs got in dat ass and left no doubt who the best team was in '14. My basketball life doesn't revolve around what the Heat do or don't do. Heat lost, great. I hope y'all got to ejaculate. Now what are the Bulls gonna do? '98 was so long ago that I can't remember anything from it without youtubing it.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 01:07 PM)
We don't want to be the Heat because we don't have LeBron. One non-LeBron superstar and no bench/depth does not a great team make


Well, saying you want to be the Heat means you are doing their formula, which worked very well for them.


You want to be the Heat. What you dont want to be is a cheap version of the Heat

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 04:59 PM)
I really don't see how the Heat are that much different then the Bulls. Our core, which at one point included Deng, Rose, and Noah, was comparable with a very strong bench. Now the core has changed slightly, however, the fatal flaw has been the fact that our star (Rose) has not been able to stay on the court. I fully believe the Bulls were going to win the title the year Rose went down and to be frank, they probably could have had a chance this year as well (although hard to say that as the Spurs clearly played tremendously in the finals).


A lot of "ifs" in there, but the Bulls, much like the Spurs, have done a great job bargain shopping in free agency and hitting on draft picks despite not having top picks. Mrotic, Taj, Butler, Asik (Picks); Bellinelli, Nate, MDJ, DJ Augustin (FA Signings). Note, I'm not using this as an example of why not to make a move because our core is getting older and I am a proponent of moving Noah for Love and then going all out for Lebron. I say that because I believe in extending our core we should add more superstars. I love Noah and hope he stays with the Bulls, however, he's getting old and having a chance to get a superstar who is 5 years younger seems like a no brainer to extend the overall window (while also still allowing flexibility for a LBJ / Melo). However, I have no idea if we could pull two of those guys.


Here's the thing, I would be shocked if bulls are first team in history of league to have to legitimately move a player like Noah to the wolves for Love. TBH, I think adding love at expense of Noah is lateral to disastrous. Love would work on Bulls because of Noah.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 01:12 PM)
Well, saying you want to be the Heat means you are doing their formula, which worked very well for them.


You want to be the Heat. What you dont want to be is a cheap version of the Heat


Really it just comes down to Wade. If Wade was Wade, that's a close series. But he was terrible, especially on defense. It didn't help that guys like Chalmers, Allen, Battier fell off too. They not only went cheap, but they stayed old.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 11:23 AM)
Here's the thing, I would be shocked if bulls are first team in history of league to have to legitimately move a player like Noah to the wolves for Love. TBH, I think adding love at expense of Noah is lateral to disastrous. Love would work on Bulls because of Noah.

I think Noah / Love is a very dominant post game but it also crowds the low post as well. I don't think you have to move Noah to get Love, however, if you wanted to get younger while adding another star (such as Lebron / Melo) that would be a way to do it (without giving up valuable draft picks) thus allowing you to have a much deeper team potentially.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 01:11 PM)
Outside of Duncan, none of that team has been top picks, or can't miss players. They have done an unreal job of picking guys and turning them into players that fit what they do in San Antonio. That is the most amazing thing of all down there. Does anyone think Kawhi Leonard is a star anywhere else? Tony Parker was a 28th overall pick. Ginobli was 57th. Their free agents have all been fill in guys, and not top dollar guys. They haven't had a draft pick higher than #24 since Tim Duncan.


San Antonio is just a freak of nature in professional sports.

Kevin Durant hinted at this recently and everyone jumped him

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 05:25 PM)
Kevin Durant hinted at this recently and everyone jumped him


I'm gonna say it, he screams "system guy".


Much like all of those Bulls who played with Jordan, never went somewhere else and played better. They were always much worse.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 18, 2014 -> 09:59 AM)
What makes a system guy though? Is it not utilizing his strengths and working away from his weaknesses?


(that said, I'm pretty sure Kawhi Leonard is dialed no matter where he goes)




But I don't believe that the vast majority of the NBA knows how to do that. How do I know? Look at the piles of dogs*** dumped off by other NBA teams that Thibs turns into useful players. The Spurs are the same way.

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Bill Simmons tweeting that the Celts are in the lead to land Love with the Warriors not wanting to rid K. Thompson and Bulls focusing on Melo.


And the race to end up with neither begins.

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Kawhi Leonard learned how to shoot. He always had the athleticism and physical make up to be a star in this league. Obviously matching up with the right coaching staff helped him get where he is but he'd be just as good somewhere else as he is in SA now.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 18, 2014 -> 04:22 PM)
Kawhi Leonard learned how to shoot. He always had the athleticism and physical make up to be a star in this league. Obviously matching up with the right coaching staff helped him get where he is but he'd be just as good somewhere else as he is in SA now.


Would he learn how to shoot if he was on the Bulls?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 18, 2014 -> 10:24 AM)
Would he learn how to shoot if he was on the Bulls?


He has shot basically the same percentage from 3 every year so far in the NBA. He wouldn't be quite as efficient playing for Chicago as for San Antonio because the Bulls roster lacks guys who can shoot and create but he would still be a really good player.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 18, 2014 -> 10:15 AM)
Bill Simmons tweeting that the Celts are in the lead to land Love with the Warriors not wanting to rid K. Thompson and Bulls focusing on Melo.


And the race to end up with neither begins.


Ye have little faith...want a cookie?


I'm fairly confident, for whatever reason, they'll get one of the 2.


Melo probably makes the more sense since he's probably opting out so it wouldn't cost them draft picks and it wouldn't require completely gutting the team.





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