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The continuing fall and decline of PHT.


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I been here 10 years. I have to admit, I'm addicted to Soxtalk. I hate this board so much at times but I can't stop from logging in. 2003-2006 was the goldenage of Soxtalk. Everybody was cool, witty, funny, etc( I'm calling out Kalapse, qwerty and Felix for not bringing their knowledge to PHT). Gamethreads were so much better back in he day. Now gamethreads consists of Caulfields long-winded rants and soxfest one-liners. Terrible. This board site is in decline and soxtalk bosses must do something. This is soxtalk. Not Hawkstalk. This board should be about the White Sox 95% and like 5% everything else. Filibuster is a joke (lol@Jenks and strange, get a f***ing you boring dickheads). I'm insulted. The best thread on this board is the nba thread because of me. I want 2005 Soxtalk back. Mods, make it happen.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 03:07 AM)
I been here 10 years. I have to admit, I'm addicted to Soxtalk. I hate this board so much at times but I can't stop from logging in. 2003-2006 was the goldenage of Soxtalk. Everybody was cool, witty, funny, etc( I'm calling out Kalapse, qwerty and Felix for not bringing their knowledge to PHT). Gamethreads were so much better back in he day. Now gamethreads consists of Caulfields long-winded rants and soxfest one-liners. Terrible. This board site is in decline and soxtalk bosses must do something. This is soxtalk. Not Hawkstalk. This board should be about the White Sox 95% and like 5% everything else. Filibuster is a joke (lol@Jenks and strange, get a f***ing you boring dickheads). I'm insulted. The best thread on this board is the nba thread because of me. I want 2005 Soxtalk back. Mods, make it happen.



Since when have you contributed anything to a Gamethread?


You're the one who spends all your time arguing about LeBron FREAKIN' James, and you wonder why SoxTalk sucks now?


Maybe if you actually paid attention to what was going on with the team more closely, actually watched the majority of their games...actually had something constructive to say about a topic other than Snooki, but whatever.


Here, have your stupid gamethreads to yourself the next two months. STOP THE ---- complaining and do something about it instead of acting like a whiny -----.


I expect YOU, since you're calling everyone out, to do something to make this site better. What value have you brought?


So I'll give up posting for the next 6 weeks or so in them, since even Fathom hardly posts on gamethreads anymore, and leave you to talk about the White Sox to your heart's content. You can fix things, just like Mr. Hahn. So nice to see one person here wants to be accountable for the sad state of things. Improve away...



Edited by caulfield12
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I don't disagree with J4L on game threads. I just stop posting and reading them instead of starting a thread and ripping people. Too each their own.


The NBA Thread is only good because of you? I don't know if you are serious or just trying to play the heel. You are pretty much the only one that agrees with you in there and that should tell you something.


Different opinions for different people. You can alwats block certain people or stay out of certain threads. It's a free country.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 04:07 AM)
I been here 10 years. I have to admit, I'm addicted to Soxtalk. I hate this board so much at times but I can't stop from logging in. 2003-2006 was the goldenage of Soxtalk. Everybody was cool, witty, funny, etc( I'm calling out Kalapse, qwerty and Felix for not bringing their knowledge to PHT). Gamethreads were so much better back in he day. Now gamethreads consists of Caulfields long-winded rants and soxfest one-liners. Terrible. This board site is in decline and soxtalk bosses must do something. This is soxtalk. Not Hawkstalk. This board should be about the White Sox 95% and like 5% everything else. Filibuster is a joke (lol@Jenks and strange, get a f***ing you boring dickheads). I'm insulted. The best thread on this board is the nba thread because of me. I want 2005 Soxtalk back. Mods, make it happen.

Coming from a guy calling people bots. You got a high opinion of yourself NBA thread is good because of you what nonsense. You do not like the board f***ing leave. What the hell have you contributed to just one single game thread any different than anyone else.......NOTHING. Keep my name out of your cryfest, you have a ignore button use it instead of whining in a 4 AM rant.

Edited by Soxfest
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We all should relax, it's the frustration that this season has brought that has people edgy, to each it's own. I post what I feel and a lot of people don't agree with me and so what, that's what the board is for to express your feeling about the game or comment on something about it. I do agree that at times there are a few smartalec's that think they are smarter than anybody and try to ram they're points of view down people's throats. But it is what it is, at least it gives me some people to talk too about the thing I love which is the sox and baseball in general.


So people just sit back relax and strap it down. The board is for all our enjoyment!



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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 04:37 AM)
Since when have you contributed anything to a Gamethread?


You're the one who spends all your time arguing about LeBron FREAKIN' James, and you wonder why SoxTalk sucks now?


Maybe if you actually paid attention to what was going on with the team more closely, actually watched the majority of their games...actually had something constructive to say about a topic other than Snooki, but whatever.


Here, have your stupid gamethreads to yourself the next two months. STOP THE ---- complaining and do something about it instead of acting like a whiny -----.


I expect YOU, since you're calling everyone out, to do something to make this site better. What value have you brought?


So I'll give up posting for the next 6 weeks or so in them, since even Fathom hardly posts on gamethreads anymore, and leave you to talk about the White Sox to your heart's content. You can fix things, just like Mr. Hahn. So nice to see one person here wants to be accountable for the sad state of things. Improve away...



I agree.

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I don't know. I joined this site about a month ago, and I've certainly noticed the dejection and lack of tolerance of some more active posters, but I kind of like that. It's hard to be good natured and/or enthusiastic when you're watching this horse sh*t every day (but for some Godforsaken reason, I can't help but do it). I'd be unhappy if posters here blissfully wandered through a season like this without getting pissed off and ornery. That would make us Cubs fans.


The only other team message board I'm part of is dedicated to University of Colorado football, and you should check out one of those if you want to see something really depressing. Hopefully this can be a more exciting place if and/or when the organization's future looks less hopeless, but I'll keep coming back in the meantime. I didn't see the board 7-8 years ago, and certainly disagree with some of the thoughts expressed, but I still enjoy the discussion today.

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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 01:05 PM)
This kind of stuff always seems to happen when your team sucks. Fans attack other fans. Creating a thread to call out certain people is immature and that is a contribution to the degradation of any forum.

First, knowing J4L this is all going exactly to his plan. There's no frustration on his behalf in regards to the team, believe me. He masterfully threw out the bait and sat in the corner twiddling his thumbs awaiting the bites.


However, as one of those 10yr veterans of Soxtalk this thread is an example of EXACTLY the time of atmosphere that existed in the "golden age" (definitely from 2003-2004). Reflecting back, I recall Old Roman, BMR, Cluer, Beastly (or WSC), JimH constantly instigating trouble and riling up everyone. There was no message board decor or rules, it was literally the equivalent of a youtube comments section.


Also, consider that 10-11 years ago when this site began most of the active members were in the 16-25 age range. I'm sure this same age range is represented across all message boards. Most within this group were either in school or just finishing and had the available free time to regularly post. Now, consider a decade passing; these same people have careers and families draining their lives and free time. I was 18 when I joined here, and having just started college my time was devoted to not only following the White Sox and our minor league system, but those of other teams. Enough to where, when draft time came around I could have probably created my own Top 30 draft board. Now, I'm practically baseball retarded outside the White Sox. With my career and other obligations I'm lucky to post once a week.


This issue isn't on the Soxtalk moderators, really. Through the years an unexpected incident would arise that would ban a few people, and as a result new rules would form. It's the natural progression of any site. It probably helped this place survive so long. I've always felt, the chat room is where the fun is. I remember numerous nights of past years where several of us would be up long after the end of a game. Unfortunately, I haven't been around to promote it and I don't believe others have had the motivation, either.


Personally, I'm content with Soxtalk. I still check this board every day even if I don't post, and I'm sure other old-timers do the same. There's always a new influx of posters to replace those that have since stopped contributing. Without it, there'd just be Fathom and ss2k5 talking to themselves.


But as always, f*** WSI. That sentiment hasn't changed over time.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 01:34 PM)
First, knowing J4L this is all going exactly to his plan. There's no frustration on his behalf in regards to the team, believe me. He masterfully threw out the bait and sat in the corner twiddling his thumbs awaiting the bites.


However, as one of those 10yr veterans of Soxtalk this thread is an example of EXACTLY the time of atmosphere that existed in the "golden age" (definitely from 2003-2004). Reflecting back, I recall Old Roman, BMR, Cluer, Beastly (or WSC), JimH constantly instigating trouble and riling up everyone. There was no message board decor or rules, it was literally the equivalent of a youtube comments section.


Also, consider that 10-11 years ago when this site began most of the active members were in the 16-25 age range. I'm sure this same age range is represented across all message boards. Most within this group were either in school or just finishing and had the available free time to regularly post. Now, consider a decade passing; these same people have careers and families draining their lives and free time. I was 18 when I joined here, and having just started college my time was devoted to not only following the White Sox and our minor league system, but those of other teams. Enough to where, when draft time came around I could have probably created my own Top 30 draft board. Now, I'm practically baseball retarded outside the White Sox. With my career and other obligations I'm lucky to post once a week.


This issue isn't on the Soxtalk moderators, really. Through the years an unexpected incident would arise that would ban a few people, and as a result new rules would form. It's the natural progression of any site. It probably helped this place survive so long. I've always felt, the chat room is where the fun is. I remember numerous nights of past years where several of us would be up long after the end of a game. Unfortunately, I haven't been around to promote it and I don't believe others have had the motivation, either.


Personally, I'm content with Soxtalk. I still check this board every day even if I don't post, and I'm sure other old-timers do the same. There's always a new influx of posters to replace those that have since stopped contributing. Without it, there'd just be Fathom and ss2k5 talking to themselves.


But as always, f*** WSI. That sentiment hasn't changed over time.



Well, said.


Last year was a lot of fun until the end of the season, and it was totally unexpected and a breath of fresh air. Still remember how exciting it was in June when we added YOUK and he was getting the GW RBI every other game and then Liriano and Myers. Oh, well.


That said, going 9-24 or whatever the current string is going to destroy the morale of any fanbase or messageboard, especially coming off the disappointing conclusion from the previous season and then adding Jeff Keppinger during offseason.


This was bound to happen eventually, that the Sox would have to bottom out.


Can't imagine Marlins or Astros fan boards would be much fun these days...especially Miami, or the Brewers, with the Braun issue overhanging. Maybe the Cubs and Astros fans have more players on their farm to look forward to, but everyone's basically in the same boat. You can add the Mariners too, although they're bringing up some more youngsters (Franklin, Miller, Zunino, plus they have Hultzen and T. Walker) that are reinvigorating some interest in the Pacific NW.




Double trouble



Posted by scotgregor on Sat, 06/29/2013 - 14:39


Well, that was fun.



To be truthful, Friday's White Sox-Indians doubleheader was some of the worst baseball I've seen in two decades on the beat.

I still remember the twinbill against the Boston Red Sox in August of 2007, when the White Sox dropped both games and were outscored 21-4.

And, if I remember correctly, former Sox manager Ozzie Guillen apologized to the media afterward for having to witness the carnage.

I'm sure Ozzie was happy he wasn't in the dugout Friday afternoon, Friday night and early Saturday morning.

It was a long, long day, and the White Sox lost Game 1 of a doubleheader to Cleveland 19-10 and lost Game 2 9-8.

"It seems like when things go bad, they go bad," Adam Dunn said. "Real bad."

Well said.


Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (bbilek1 @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 10:49 AM)
With WSI as the other option, this place will always be fine by me.


At least the mods here are knowledgeable and post about baseball instead of parading around policing like they're the gestapo.


J4L would get the boot for life if this were WSI. Something to consider...

Missed this post, but it is absolutely right.


When I first saw the thread that wite was a mod I was like "ah f*** this is the guy that's gonna s***can me" but it turns out I like wite even more as a mod, in fact, he's actually pretty awesome, very level headed as well. Something about the water the mods here drink. I thought Kyyle would send me down ban river too, but nope. Hmm. Mods here are great. Even the WSI mods I liked though, they would get ban happy but as long as you knew what you were talking about & cared about the team they wouldnt perma ban you. I probably got banned like 10 times over there but I was always on good terms with the mods. This site is better though because there arent as many mod pets, who will jump all over you when you say something ban worthy & pretend they're mods. Hall monitors, that's what they are, there are tons of hall monitors over there at WSI who would porbably slurp a mod dick just to be a mod for a day. But us Soxtalkers have too much respect for that, and besides I dont even wanna be a mod anyway, I'd just ban everyone for no reason and that wouldnt be good for the site. I agree with you though mr bilek.

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QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 04:24 PM)
Missed this post, but it is absolutely right.


When I first saw the thread that wite was a mod I was like "ah f*** this is the guy that's gonna s***can me" but it turns out I like wite even more as a mod, in fact, he's actually pretty awesome, very level headed as well. Something about the water the mods here drink. I thought Kyyle would send me down ban river too, but nope. Hmm. Mods here are great. Even the WSI mods I liked though, they would get ban happy but as long as you knew what you were talking about & cared about the team they wouldnt perma ban you. I probably got banned like 10 times over there but I was always on good terms with the mods. This site is better though because there arent as many mod pets, who will jump all over you when you say something ban worthy & pretend they're mods. Hall monitors, that's what they are, there are tons of hall monitors over there at WSI who would porbably slurp a mod dick just to be a mod for a day. But us Soxtalkers have too much respect for that, and besides I dont even wanna be a mod anyway, I'd just ban everyone for no reason and that wouldnt be good for the site. I agree with you though mr bilek.


I was a long-timer on WSI and left there in disgust in the early 2005 season. I only got a one week ban once at WSI but I thought it was so unjustified it really pissed me off. Ya had to remind me of all that s**t that went on there. Amazingly, it seems to be still the same old place.

J4L, Soxtalk ain't so bad, but if it's the old "golden age" days you want, that's just a thing of the past. Cherish the memories but don't get all down on everyone else here in the present. It is what is and what YOU (speaking figuratively) help make it be.

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re: Gamethreads, it can always be worse. I lurk nsbb.com's boards from time to time- gamethreads consist of one dude who posts absurd info that I don't want to believe anyone actually keeps track of (The Cubs are 16-39 against the Cardinals at new Busch Stadium when there were 7 clouds in the sky over St. Louis and the temperature in Maturín, Venezuela was 86 degrees at the time the first pitch was thrown). Things like that are liable to happen if the season has passed the point of being funbad.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 09:07 AM)
I been here 10 years. I have to admit, I'm addicted to Soxtalk. I hate this board so much at times but I can't stop from logging in. 2003-2006 was the goldenage of Soxtalk. Everybody was cool, witty, funny, etc( I'm calling out Kalapse, qwerty and Felix for not bringing their knowledge to PHT). Gamethreads were so much better back in he day. Now gamethreads consists of Caulfields long-winded rants and soxfest one-liners. Terrible. This board site is in decline and soxtalk bosses must do something. This is soxtalk. Not Hawkstalk. This board should be about the White Sox 95% and like 5% everything else. Filibuster is a joke (lol@Jenks and strange, get a f***ing you boring dickheads). I'm insulted. The best thread on this board is the nba thread because of me. I want 2005 Soxtalk back. Mods, make it happen.

Gamethreads are short because it takes a masochist to watch a 9-inning game these days. I've noticed, however, if somebody like me goes in there and utters a strong opinion, you'll still get responses and the thread will pick up steam. In other words, if anybody cares to go in there and post, the threads will still be interesting. I've noticed because the games don't matter, there are few posts about the actual game. I mean why post something about Robin's strategy failing when we're losing four games at HOME to the f***ing Cleveland Indians? Not worth the effort. Even if the Sox look good on a given night why post during the game? They'll just blow it like Reed's rare implosion against Cleveland.


QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 09:37 AM)
Since when have you contributed anything to a Gamethread?


You're the one who spends all your time arguing about LeBron FREAKIN' James, and you wonder why SoxTalk sucks now?


Maybe if you actually paid attention to what was going on with the team more closely, actually watched the majority of their games...actually had something constructive to say about a topic other than Snooki, but whatever.


Here, have your stupid gamethreads to yourself the next two months. STOP THE ---- complaining and do something about it instead of acting like a whiny -----.


I expect YOU, since you're calling everyone out, to do something to make this site better. What value have you brought?


So I'll give up posting for the next 6 weeks or so in them, since even Fathom hardly posts on gamethreads anymore, and leave you to talk about the White Sox to your heart's content. You can fix things, just like Mr. Hahn. So nice to see one person here wants to be accountable for the sad state of things. Improve away...

Caufield on the warpath! Never seen that before. Caufield is all right. He's even stopped posting about attendance for the most part, which must be killing him. Caufield is a good fan.


QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 05:17 PM)
Coming from a guy calling people bots. You got a high opinion of yourself NBA thread is good because of you what nonsense. You do not like the board f***ing leave. What the hell have you contributed to just one single game thread any different than anyone else.......NOTHING. Keep my name out of your cryfest, you have a ignore button use it instead of whining in a 4 AM rant.


Wow, Soxfest on the attack. Nice post! J4L getting owned here, IMO.

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lol. Dayum. Yeah. tizzle pretty much nailed it. You could tell by the time of the post that I was more than likely drunk and bored and just said f*** it, let's start some s***. I meant everything I said. But it's really not that serious. The mods are fine overall (sans wite, he's just terrible).

Edited by Jordan4life
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The NBA thread is by far the worst thread in this entire forum. It has gotten worse than the days where every thread turned into Daniel Hudson vs Edwin Jackson.


I come to Soxtalk for everything: White Sox, other sports, the tech thread, other SLAM stuff, the 'buster, etc.

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