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The continuing fall and decline of PHT.


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 09:19 AM)
not as many people are interested in message boards these days thanks to twitter, facebook, tumblr etc.


This is the biggest change of all. More than changing ages or anything else. Just like anything, there are more options today.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 12:14 AM)
If you want to do that, fine. But don't let me or anybody play ANY role in your decision whatsoever. That's lame. I get more s*** in the NBA thread than anybody here anywhere. And I don't give a f***. I'm the smartest person there (besides brother quinarvy). Nobody will ever chase me from that thread.

We all love each other here guys.....come on, lets hug this s*** out.

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I believe J4L is now sitting back in his chair, fingers tented, saying, "Excellent."


Seriously, though, the game threads are essentially as good as the actual games. Therefore, the game threads this season have not been very good. And with the dissolving of the catch all thread, there has been an increase in the number of threads that are not very good.


We're all frustrated with this team, and there is no doubt that we (I say "we" as the board as a whole) take out our frustrations on each other. The one little thing that bothers us about a certain poster gets magnified by the fact that the Sox got swept by the Indians...at home.


I've been a member for nine years, and although I didn't post much for seven of those years, I still read a lot. There has been a definite downturn in the quality and overall comradery. This year it certainly seems worse, and again I blame the way the Sox have been playing. There is much more jumping to conclusions and personal attacks when the team sucks.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 08:58 AM)
We all love each other here guys.....come on, lets hug this s*** out.



50% is the fact that nothing's going to change with this team's defense/fundamentals/style of play until at least after the trading deadline.



If the starting line-up changes, then paying attention and getting upset (a bit) might be more warranted if there are still no improvements.


Right now, it's like crying over spilled milk.



PS: Sorry for leaving you off my list of favorite posters, lol...maybe you don't want to be on that list, haha.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 10:15 AM)
I'm going to the game tomorrow, and if they don't win I'm going to jump on this board and pick a fight with Greg.


Be a man and drive to Kansas and do it in person




























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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 10:17 AM)
Be a man and drive to Kansas and do it in person




























I'm glad I kept scrolling. I was just getting ready to pull up Google Maps.

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Seeing that I've been here since '05, I would say the convos generally follow the path of the team and the team has blown for years.


So it does get to a point where it's like: what do we talk about? Clearly the team needs to be blown up--I don't think anybody has any reservations about that anymore.


I personally feel like I've been watching the same tired team for years. When AJ left it felt like the last person with any fire (okay Peavy) took off. The only bright spot of late has been Sale. Becks has been whatever, Paulie's in decline, Alexi has vanished defensively and don't even get me started on Dunn.


What would probably enliven the forum is laying out everybody's idea moving FORWARD and that can include management besides players. Something clearly needs to change. 2005 was obviously a fluke--but I'll take it--and we need to realize that the system in place isn't working.


Before anybody whips out the whole "But we were in first place most of the season that year..." excuse, who gives a toss? Do you think the Hawks would use that excuse had they not made the playoffs or been ousted again in the first round?


In fact, since they're the exemplary franchise in the city in everything from their farm system to marketing, maybe there's a thread right there: WWTHD?

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I think the place will get a little better over the next month once the Sox start making some trades. There will still be frustration from a contingent of posters, but there will finally be some relief and resolution once some young players start making an impact.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 11:52 AM)
I think the place will get a little better over the next month once the Sox start making some trades. There will still be frustration from a contingent of posters, but there will finally be some relief and resolution once some young players start making an impact.


See, there you go right there. Your're right. Once the fire sale begins this place should be jumpin.


Oh BTW let me emphasize that my worst day here still beats my best one at WSI. Whatever you think of the mods here, they're not Orwellian speech police like they are over there which is why a lot of us are refugees from there.


*kneels down and kisses the ground at Soxtalk*

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I'm a little more concerned about baseball in Chicago in general. WHen was the last year both teams were terrible? I straight up haven't heard a conversation about baseball this summer while on the train or at bars. There is complete apathy over both teams. And I can't even claim I'm apart from it. I've had a really difficult time watching this year, even though I've been to 5 games. I haven't watched on tv at all really.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 11:38 AM)
I'm a little more concerned about baseball in Chicago in general. WHen was the last year both teams were terrible? I straight up haven't heard a conversation about baseball this summer while on the train or at bars. There is complete apathy over both teams. And I can't even claim I'm apart from it. I've had a really difficult time watching this year, even though I've been to 5 games. I haven't watched on tv at all really.


Even when they are good, it's never consistent.


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This place is always rocking when the rumors start, that's for sure. I remember being in a car trying to refresh soxtalk from my cell phone with terrible signal in the rocky mountains last year on deadline, knowing that I could get the fastest and best info here on that front.

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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 06:03 PM)
Even when they are good, it's never consistent.


I think it carries the interest more even when one team is winning. But when nobody is talking about either team...

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 2, 2013 -> 12:06 PM)
This place is always rocking when the rumors start, that's for sure. I remember being in a car trying to refresh soxtalk from my cell phone with terrible signal in the rocky mountains last year on deadline, knowing that I could get the fastest and best info here on that front.



Likewise, we'll be testing I-pad capability on the Serengeti plain and Egypt the last two weeks of July...maybe KW will be there again this year, too.

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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 30, 2013 -> 02:34 PM)
First, knowing J4L this is all going exactly to his plan. There's no frustration on his behalf in regards to the team, believe me. He masterfully threw out the bait and sat in the corner twiddling his thumbs awaiting the bites.


However, as one of those 10yr veterans of Soxtalk this thread is an example of EXACTLY the time of atmosphere that existed in the "golden age" (definitely from 2003-2004). Reflecting back, I recall Old Roman, BMR, Cluer, Beastly (or WSC), JimH constantly instigating trouble and riling up everyone. There was no message board decor or rules, it was literally the equivalent of a youtube comments section.


Also, consider that 10-11 years ago when this site began most of the active members were in the 16-25 age range. I'm sure this same age range is represented across all message boards. Most within this group were either in school or just finishing and had the available free time to regularly post. Now, consider a decade passing; these same people have careers and families draining their lives and free time. I was 18 when I joined here, and having just started college my time was devoted to not only following the White Sox and our minor league system, but those of other teams. Enough to where, when draft time came around I could have probably created my own Top 30 draft board. Now, I'm practically baseball retarded outside the White Sox. With my career and other obligations I'm lucky to post once a week.


This issue isn't on the Soxtalk moderators, really. Through the years an unexpected incident would arise that would ban a few people, and as a result new rules would form. It's the natural progression of any site. It probably helped this place survive so long. I've always felt, the chat room is where the fun is. I remember numerous nights of past years where several of us would be up long after the end of a game. Unfortunately, I haven't been around to promote it and I don't believe others have had the motivation, either.


Personally, I'm content with Soxtalk. I still check this board every day even if I don't post, and I'm sure other old-timers do the same. There's always a new influx of posters to replace those that have since stopped contributing. Without it, there'd just be Fathom and ss2k5 talking to themselves.


But as always, f*** WSI. That sentiment hasn't changed over time.

Great post, especially the point about the age groups and WSI. But Beastly/Wsc425 still does exist. This board is extremely entertaining to read and I wish I had something significant to contribute. This is where I come for all of my White Sox news and fact checking before a journalist talks out of his/her ass. And I even enjoy the reaction after a positive or negative event in Chicago sports. It is still a fantastic source for everything White Sox even with the bickering and wild trade speculation.

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After reading through the thread, I would like to clarify that the reason I stopped coming to this site is because it seems the majoriity of people would rather s*** on my baseball team than enjoy their successes (although they're fewer and farther between now). I'd like to come here and "whoop and holler" about Dunn's f***ing bomb tonight with others, but instead I constantly have to read what trash people think he is. I know he's hitting .200, but he's our guy and he's here, and dammit he hit that ball a long way.


I've loved every guy but two that have put on this uniform since 1997 when I began watching. Those two guys, Jose Paniagua, for obvious reasons, and for some reason that I don't remember, Scott Schoeneweis. Hell, I even grew that stupid stripe on my chin for Billy Koch when I was 16.


Point is, this was a place where I would come to share the intense passion and love I have for the Chicago White Sox, and the last few years its become a place to read people s***ting on what I love. Not too appealling.


Other than elrockinMT, of course. That guy has cracked me up for years. And I mean that in the nicest way.

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