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Return of the Koch II: Billy's Revenge


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whether Koch struggled in the early going or not, he has been a good reliever in the AL since his rookie season. with that, NOBODY should say a damn thing about Koch.


maybe he was hurt when he came here because the A's overused him last year, is that his fault?


only problem I have with Koch is his unwillingness to accept he lost something on his fastball, but he apparently has and is trying to fix it, AND if he does, he's a HUGE addition to this pen; not as a closer, but reliever.

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whether Koch struggled in the early going or not, he has been a good reliever in the AL since his rookie season. with that, NOBODY should say a damn thing about Koch.


maybe he was hurt when he came here because the A's overused him last year, is that his fault?


only problem I have with Koch is his unwillingness to accept he lost something on his fastball, but he apparently has and is trying to fix it, AND if he does, he's a HUGE addition to this pen; not as a closer, but reliever.

"whether he struggled...." ? "Noone should say a damn thing...."?



Oh please... :rolleyes:

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umm, you are saying you don't want Koch back, basing that on the fact that he struggled this year, yet ignoring the fact that he's been a good reliever his entire career and is rehabbing right now.


that makes no sense.

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umm, you are saying you don't want Koch back, basing that on the fact that he struggled this year, yet ignoring the fact that he's been a good reliever his entire career and is rehabbing right now.


that makes no sense.

Where did I say that?

Yes, please show me where.

I specifically said THIS YEAR in several of my posts.

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Hey Steff sorry I didnt respond earlier but I dont live my life on the boards..


Billy Koch is having A bad year.. and you say we should get rid of him? Well then I guess Paul Konerko is going to be along with him out of here in the offseason nevermind he was a .300 hitter last yr


The POINT is he is having a bad year, he hasnt always been bad like this. I never said he didnt suck but I am saying there is no way you just make this guy go away


that is stupid, because he is one of the best closers in the league

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Anyone who says that we should "get rid" of Koch must not know how trades work. You never want to trade someone when they're down. And you definitely don't want to release him and get nothing.

Besides, don't we have him signed through next year.

Sure, Koch has sucked this year. Maybe he'll suck next year too. Maybe not.

If he does then he'll be gone after next year and we won't have to worry about him. If he returns to the billy koch of old, he should be able to help us big in another division race.

Give him a chance to regain his strength in the offseason. Then start talking about getting him off of the team.


I'm cheering for ya billy. :headbang

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For those Koch detractors, you'd better come to the realization that unless he comes back healthy and throwing in the upper-90's, the Sox are going to make a quick exit in the post-season if we happen to make it that far. His healthy return would make our bullpen so much better, and any real baseball fan knows that.


We all are disappointed with the way he's pitched so far in '03, but nobody is more disappointed in his performance than Billy himself, and I think he's got a lot to prove not only to Sox management, but to the Sox fans themselves. As Sox fans, though, how can you not be rooting for the guy? :huh:

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For those Koch detractors, you'd better come to the realization that unless he comes back healthy and throwing in the upper-90's, the Sox are going to make a quick exit in the post-season if we happen to make it that far.  His healthy return would make our bullpen so much better, and any real baseball fan knows that. 


We all are disappointed with the way he's pitched so far in '03, but nobody is more disappointed in his performance than Billy himself, and I think he's got a lot to prove not only to Sox management, but to the Sox fans themselves.  As Sox fans, though, how can you not be rooting for the guy? :huh:

I don't think there is anyone here not rooting for him. Its just that after stinking up the place all year to think 2 weeks off is going to make things better is "cub fan optimistic." I remember countless F-Koch posts on this board and he deserved them, but now all of a sudden he's a stand up guy. What about the time he was rightfully yanked from a game by JM, uttered an expletive,and threw his glove in the stands. What about the homerun he gave up in Tampa, when he said the guy didn't hit it very well. The one misconception about Koch is this even when he was throwing 98-100 he wasn't as dominant as some here believe. His strikeout rate last year is lower than Gordon's and Marte's this year. And his ERA was higher than Martes and about the same as Gordon's. I do agree if he came back to last year's form it would be a big boost to the Sox, but I think they can still win without him. By the way, his proclamation that his fastball is back, is at least the third such proclamation he has made this year. I do hope it is though.

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No he wasn't.  He certainly isn't now, he doesn't deserve anybody's spot, it is a shame he will cost us a roster spot.

But he won't, because he won't come up until September 1st when rosters expand so no one has to go anywhere and the Sox can see whether he has it back. If he does, he wll definately be in the pen and he should be in the pen. If he doesn't, then they will shut him down for the rest of the season.


Seems like a no brainer to me (Placing him on the DL and giving him a shot). I think we all know what kind of pen the Sox could have with a healthy, last year Billy Koch.

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But he won't, because he won't come up until September 1st when rosters expand so no one has to go anywhere and the Sox can see whether he has it back.

Well, the article on Chisox.com said that Koch could return to us this weekend in Detroit. If so, that's not quite September 1, so we'd likely send Harris down for a couple of days, then recall him on the 1st. So either way, it's not going to affect the roster in that big of a way.

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The ignorance of people really amazes me. They take players and they make it personal. Listen Players like KOCH and COLON have proven they can dominate games. Giving up on them because they have had the NERVE to disappoint you is crazy. I get tired of this. If you people think KOCH and COLON cant and dont NEED to help this team, you are TOTALLY clueless. If you think they arent capable, you are even more clueless. Unbelievable.

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Well, the article on Chisox.com said that Koch could return to us this weekend in Detroit.  If so, that's not quite September 1, so we'd likely send Harris down for a couple of days, then recall him on the 1st.  So either way, it's not going to affect the roster in that big of a way.

I'd say it would be a big way, simply because it means Willie Harris can't be on the playoff roster.


If the Sox sent him down and activated Koch then Koch would be on the playoff roster and Harris wouldn't, unless Billy was once again put on the disabled list.


If the Sox waited till September 1st, then Koch would still be eligible for the playoff roster as would Willie Harris and they could play things out and see exactly how things folded.


Or I think thats how it works. If it isn't like that, then I see the sense in bringing Koch up now. Now if the Sox are confident and his fastball is lighting up the radar guns in Charlotte, then it may be the thing to do.


I did love the quotes from Billy. He has always came off as a great guy to me.

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The ignorance of people really amazes me.  They take players and they make it personal.  Listen Players like KOCH and COLON have proven they can dominate games.  Giving up on them because they have had the NERVE to disappoint you is crazy.  I get  tired of this.  If you people think KOCH and COLON cant and dont NEED to help this team, you are TOTALLY clueless.  If you think they arent capable, you are even more clueless.  Unbelievable.

If they weren't good players you couldn't be dissapointed. I think that statement says it all: They have to be good players.


If a nobody from the minors comes up and sucks, your like oh well, he's a nobody. But when COlon or Koch does it your like damn, they are a good pitcher and they don't have it.


In regards to Colon, I don't have stats on me, but I'd guess over his last 20 starts he's been pretty damn good overall. He hasn't been as good as he was last year, but he's still been pretty damn good.

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Another thing. Sorry people, but Koch and Colon arent failing to live up to your expectations on purpose. Theyre good guys. Calling them BOCH and FARTOLO and all that doesnt seem to show your true loyalty. There is only One player on the sox i have any problem with at all, and i dont bash him daily or call him names. I love the sox and every player on their team.

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The ignorance of people really amazes me.  They take players and they make it personal.  Listen Players like KOCH and COLON have proven they can dominate games.  Giving up on them because they have had the NERVE to disappoint you is crazy.  I get  tired of this.  If you people think KOCH and COLON cant and dont NEED to help this team, you are TOTALLY clueless.  If you think they arent capable, you are even more clueless.  Unbelievable.

All Koch has proven this year that he isn't healthy. A week off isn't going to give him 6-7 more mph on his fastball. And until he finds that missing speed on his fastball he is a glorified Bp pitcher. Now if he comes back throwing 98-99mph he will be fine, but if he is throwing 93 still, he is not going to help us at all.

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All Koch has proven this year that he isn't healthy.  A week off isn't going to give him 6-7 more mph on his fastball.  And until he finds that missing speed on his fastball he is a glorified Bp pitcher.  Now if he comes back throwing 98-99mph he will be fine, but if he is throwing 93 still, he is not going to help us at all.

He is coming backl throwing 98 mph, trust me.

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