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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 15, 2014 -> 07:08 PM)



Nothing to see here. Move along. Never thought watergate would look so good. This administration and their lemmings are the biggest bunch of crooks and political thugs ever.


Anyone who can link a story from ABC, NBC, CBS, would like to see it.....May take you awhile...they're too busy sucking BO's cock. Wouldn't want to say anything bad about the black President.

First of all, ew.


Second of all, ha.

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Read the CNN story that Hillary was making nice with the reporters in Iowa, taking the lead from Bill, who was holding court with them enjoying the attention.

Don't know if Hillary can do it in a full campaign. Can a person who does not like the media (Hilly, Chelsea too) suck it up and do interviews and love interviews for 2 plus years? Generally it's hard to fake it that long.

Bill innately loves the media so it's no problem. This should be a fascinating study of a person's demeanor in the Hillary campaign/8 years of presidency. You just wonder if she's capable of playing the game that long with the media/public. Like I said it should be fascinating. Also her relationship with Bill during the 8 years should be fascinating. Is he just going to hide? He's a former president for gosh sakes and deserves the fame/accolades former presidents get.


I think Bill is a MASTER politician/candidate for office. My gut tells me Hillary is not.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 25, 2014 -> 07:41 AM)


I think Hillary may actually be the 2nd least wealthy candidate to be on a ticket since 2000. Kerry, Bush, McCain, Romney were all loaded with legit corporate/inherited wealth.



Greg's forgetting the numerous quotes at the time they left office and were complaining about being broke due to defending the Monica Lewinsky and Whitewater cases, among many.


Almost all of their wealth was accrued post 2000, but it's nothing like a Steve Forbes or Ariana Huffington, or someone of that ilk, Ross Perot, etc.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 15, 2014 -> 10:42 PM)
Read the CNN story that Hillary was making nice with the reporters in Iowa, taking the lead from Bill, who was holding court with them enjoying the attention.

Don't know if Hillary can do it in a full campaign. Can a person who does not like the media (Hilly, Chelsea too) suck it up and do interviews and love interviews for 2 plus years? Generally it's hard to fake it that long.

Bill innately loves the media so it's no problem. This should be a fascinating study of a person's demeanor in the Hillary campaign/8 years of presidency. You just wonder if she's capable of playing the game that long with the media/public. Like I said it should be fascinating. Also her relationship with Bill during the 8 years should be fascinating. Is he just going to hide? He's a former president for gosh sakes and deserves the fame/accolades former presidents get.


I think Bill is a MASTER politician/candidate for office. My gut tells me Hillary is not.


Obama loved the media before it had turned on him and stopped writing all glowing/fawning articles around 2010 or 2011. Double edged sword, as they say.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 16, 2014 -> 12:42 AM)
Read the CNN story that Hillary was making nice with the reporters in Iowa, taking the lead from Bill, who was holding court with them enjoying the attention.

Don't know if Hillary can do it in a full campaign. Can a person who does not like the media (Hilly, Chelsea too) suck it up and do interviews and love interviews for 2 plus years? Generally it's hard to fake it that long.

Bill innately loves the media so it's no problem. This should be a fascinating study of a person's demeanor in the Hillary campaign/8 years of presidency. You just wonder if she's capable of playing the game that long with the media/public. Like I said it should be fascinating. Also her relationship with Bill during the 8 years should be fascinating. Is he just going to hide? He's a former president for gosh sakes and deserves the fame/accolades former presidents get.


I think Bill is a MASTER politician/candidate for office. My gut tells me Hillary is not.

Yeah, I know, how on earth would Hillary survive a campaign. I can't think of any other time in the past decade when Hillary Clinton has spent a year on the campaign trail. That must be exhausting and draining and I can't imagine her ever doing it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 16, 2014 -> 03:48 PM)
Yeah, I know, how on earth would Hillary survive a campaign. I can't think of any other time in the past decade when Hillary Clinton has spent a year on the campaign trail. That must be exhausting and draining and I can't imagine her ever doing it.


She has a record though of getting grouchy and saying things that are not very nice, certainly normally things not heard on a campaign trail. Even the glowing coverage of the Iowa appearance pointed out the media was shocked she was acting nice.

Obama seemed like a regular guy . If Hillary was Republican she wouldn't stand a chance.

How is she going to handle the impasse in Congress as well. Those Repubs will have nothing to do with her, even worse than Obama in trying to get any support I'd think.


You have to admit this is going to be fascinating to unfold. Hillary is going where most winning candidates do not go -- having a Bob Dole-ish type demeanor.For so many years, part of an election is electing the person who looks the best and sounds the best on camera. Obama and Bill? PERFECT candidates. They are matinee idols in how they look and what they say.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 16, 2014 -> 02:42 PM)
She has a record though of getting grouchy and saying things that are not very nice, certainly normally things not heard on a campaign trail. Even the glowing coverage of the Iowa appearance pointed out the media was shocked she was acting nice.

Obama seemed like a regular guy . If Hillary was Republican she wouldn't stand a chance.

How is she going to handle the impasse in Congress as well. Those Repubs will have nothing to do with her, even worse than Obama in trying to get any support I'd think.


You have to admit this is going to be fascinating to unfold. Hillary is going where most winning candidates do not go -- having a Bob Dole-ish type demeanor.For so many years, part of an election is electing the person who looks the best and sounds the best on camera. Obama and Bill? PERFECT candidates. They are matinee idols in how they look and what they say.

It's truly amazing to see how one can shape their memories to fit whatever narrative they want. Yeah, they presented the college professor and great speaker with the crazy black preacher as a regular guy. Sure. Plus they kept saying how great he was at bowling and that didn't dominate any news cycles.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 16, 2014 -> 10:27 PM)
It's truly amazing to see how one can shape their memories to fit whatever narrative they want. Yeah, they presented the college professor and great speaker with the crazy black preacher as a regular guy. Sure. Plus they kept saying how great he was at bowling and that didn't dominate any news cycles.

You have to admit, though, that Obama and Bill Clinton are a campaign manager's dream. They are great looking men. They look great on TV. They are very very likeable. Hillary, meanwhile ... I cant believe you all don't agree with me about the Bob Dole comparison. She, like Mr. Dole, is cranky at times, known probably more for a scowl than a smile. I am amazed that the Democratic candidate for president has it so easy nowadays. The Republicans are un-electable. That party is so out of date it is unelectable no matter who the Demos toss out there.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 16, 2014 -> 09:22 PM)
You have to admit, though, that Obama and Bill Clinton are a campaign manager's dream. They are great looking men. They look great on TV. They are very very likeable. Hillary, meanwhile ... I cant believe you all don't agree with me about the Bob Dole comparison. She, like Mr. Dole, is cranky at times, known probably more for a scowl than a smile. I am amazed that the Democratic candidate for president has it so easy nowadays. The Republicans are un-electable. That party is so out of date it is unelectable no matter who the Demos toss out there.


They just need to dangle a minority out there that actually has a shot. You can't keep trotting the likes of McCain and Romney and expect to win an election.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 19, 2014 -> 05:38 PM)
They just need to dangle a minority out there that actually has a shot. You can't keep trotting the likes of McCain and Romney and expect to win an election.


You are right. How come the Republican Party has no sharp, handsome, Afr. American presidential candidate in the waiting? Or superstar female? Palin was a laughable joke. The only way the Republicans can beat Hillary is with their own Mr. Obama clone. I'm surprised no incredible super-sharp minority candidate has surfaced.


p.s. why are Afr-Americans referred to as minorities when isn't it true there are more black individuals than white now in the United States? Whites are the minority now, right?

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 12:15 AM)
You are right. How come the Republican Party has no sharp, handsome, Afr. American presidential candidate in the waiting? Or superstar female? Palin was a laughable joke. The only way the Republicans can beat Hillary is with their own Mr. Obama clone. I'm surprised no incredible super-sharp minority candidate has surfaced.


p.s. why are Afr-Americans referred to as minorities when isn't it true there are more black individuals than white now in the United States? Whites are the minority now, right?



really? you are on a computer, check your facts.

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greg, whites are still the majority. In the coming decades, non-Hispanic whites will become the plurality--they'll still be the largest group, but they won't be 50%+ of the population. This is mainly due to increasing numbers of Hispanics, not blacks.



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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 11:49 AM)
She seems to be quite a bit more conservative than the likes of McCain/Romney/Christie. Is being a female Hispanic really going to fool moderate liberals into voting for her??

MAybe it will fool the idiots that vote for identity politics only? You would have a woman and a minority in one candidate. They can check off two boxes on their to-do list!

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 06:00 PM)
Because the Republicans don't give them free stuff, silly.


Damn Alpha Dog. I generally like your posts and I really hope this one was done in jest. I'm black and I don't want free stuff but I would like it if Republicans could do without the whites only club. There may not be a sign that says it but if you look at a RNC, you see a sea of salt.


I was at a posh wedding a couple of years ago. White rich people galore and definitely Republicans. They asked me what I did for a living and most of them practically spit out their drinks because they probably expected me to say I was unemployed or worked as a janitor.


They are simply out of touch, that's why they can't win.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 25, 2014 -> 06:53 AM)
It's not a huge mystery. Just about every policy the Republicans have is not beneficial to lower-income people.


Yet they somehow manage to woo all of those poor and religious rednecks.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 25, 2014 -> 09:30 AM)
Damn Alpha Dog. I generally like your posts and I really hope this one was done in jest. I'm black and I don't want free stuff but I would like it if Republicans could do without the whites only club. There may not be a sign that says it but if you look at a RNC, you see a sea of salt.


I was at a posh wedding a couple of years ago. White rich people galore and definitely Republicans. They asked me what I did for a living and most of them practically spit out their drinks because they probably expected me to say I was unemployed or worked as a janitor.


They are simply out of touch, that's why they can't win.

Half in jest. But was your reply of "It's not a huge mystery. Just about every policy the Republicans have is not beneficial to lower-income people." and mine really that different? { edit, just realized that you didn't post what I pasted here.} Most of the issues that don't revolve around getting something from the government are semantics and framing. Raising minimum wage? Sure, might help some who get it, but many others wold be let go and even more still would have their hours cut, so wouldn't see any real benefit at all. Immigration reform? How does that hurt any person here of minority status? How does keeping out an illegal mexican hurt the poor hispanic/black.white person here? it doesn't. In fact it could help them by having more jobs available for them. War on women? Please, that is a made up piece of crap by the DNC. Not wanting to pay for birth control is not some oppressive patriarchy RNC idea to keep women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. And if I recall, a majority of the offenders in the news the last year or so have been Democratic office holders. (Filner, Weiner, etc.). I also recall a study done around the last Presidential election (trying to find link, but my google-fu isn't that good) that tried to find out why religious, family oriented hispanics kept voting for Democrats, and the self reported answers trended to 'we get more stuff from the Dems'.


As for the whites only club, look at many of the liberal institutions, clubs and even blogs that claim to espouse inclusiveness. They are whiter than my ass in most cases. I don't disagree that it happens. I have seen it a few times, and am happy I haven't seen it more. I've seen it the other way a few times as well.

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