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Ahhh Back at College


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It felt good getting back, seeing all the buddies from college I didn't see over the summer and more importantly seeing all the hot women wearing their scandilous summer outfits :D . I swear that and the weather is the best part about California.


Schedule seems pretty good thus far and I got a comedian as my Geology Teacher (I put off the GE stuff, namely the Scienes as long as I can). Guy is freaking cracking jokes instead of talking about Rocks which is a plus.


Then my Accounting teacher...milf. My buddy and I were stunned when we walked in.


Business Law seems interesting (Only cause I'm interested in Law) while my psychology class seems pretty cool. All my teacher does is make fun of people and he gets pissed if you don't make fun of him back. Only thing that sucks about him is I already got a quiz on Friday.


No idea how my Bus Writing class will be, but its 3 freaking hours long, so I'm not looking forward to it.


Hope everyone has is having fun now that they are back in College. I don't know about you guys/gals, but I plan on milking the college experience as long as I can. Its nice going to school, compared to working 50 or so hours a week. Plus, summer break, 6 weeks off for Xmas, whats not to like.

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Good to hear, Jason. School isn't bad right now for me (Sr in HS), some girl in Jewelry class if flirting with me BIG TIME, but I hate the fact that she's a Jesus freak (I'm agnostic). Bleh, I'll ask her out to the football game on Friday, see what happens.


Oh, and let me tell all you guys in HS right now:


AP CLASSES f***IGN RULE! German V is a blast, and AP Econ is great mainly because I learn a lot of new and interesting stuff each year. I already knew the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, but I really got it reinforced from today by two pretty neat examples. Have to write nine papers for the class, but that is to be expected.

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Good to hear, Jason. School isn't bad right now for me (Sr in HS), some girl in Jewelry class if flirting with me BIG TIME, but I hate the fact that she's a Jesus freak (I'm agnostic). Bleh, I'll ask her out to the football game on Friday, see what happens.


Oh, and let me tell all you guys in HS right now:


AP CLASSES f***IGN RULE! German V is a blast, and AP Econ is great mainly because I learn a lot of new and interesting stuff each year. I already knew the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, but I really got it reinforced from today by two pretty neat examples. Have to write nine papers for the class, but that is to be expected.

Ahh, I see your already becoming an econ major by busting out the Law of Diminishin Utility.


I'm assuming Sex wasn't an example? :lol:


One thing, what is Jewelry class? Is the school teaching girls the difference between Cubic Zirconium and a Diamond? If so, YOUR SCREWED :lol:


But Cerb its so true, its taken me a long time to realize it, but school really is a great thing. You are always spending time with friends and when your not in class you get a lot of free time, minus a bit of homework.


Best of luck with that girl. I don't think any girl that was big on Jesus would like me, well unless football was moved from Sundays :D

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Good to hear, Jason. School isn't bad right now for me (Sr in HS), some girl in Jewelry class if flirting with me BIG TIME, but I hate the fact that she's a Jesus freak (I'm agnostic). Bleh, I'll ask her out to the football game on Friday, see what happens.


Oh, and let me tell all you guys in HS right now:


AP CLASSES f***IGN RULE! German V is a blast, and AP Econ is great mainly because I learn a lot of new and interesting stuff each year. I already knew the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, but I really got it reinforced from today by two pretty neat examples. Have to write nine papers for the class, but that is to be expected.

DMU, did you get the drinking example? Our drunk prof in college used that as his example of diminishing marginal returns :lol:

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rofl. We used something along the lines of Jack is buying a thing from Jill for x amount of another thing.

This is how it goes. You will never forget DMU after this.


Think of drinking beer. After a hard day at work you head out to the bar and order you first beer. You take that first sip and it tastes great. That whole first beer is just awesome. Beer numbers 2-3-4-5 taste great, but not quite as good as the first one. Now getting into the 6+ range the beers still taste good, but the taste is starting to go away. Now getting into the 12 range you are good and drunk. The beer doesn't have much taste, and the room is spinny, but the beer keeps flowing so you keep drinkin. Now getting into the 15-18 range things aren't going nearly as good. As a matter of a fact you stomach is starting to twist, you are having a hard time staying up on your feet. But somehow beers keep ending up in your hand and you keep drinking. Now with each sip you start to feel like puking. Soon you are stumbling to the bathroom and are praying to the porcelin god.


:drink Enjoy!

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