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WHICH Soxtalk memeber would ya like to be presiden

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lol omfg.... i can see it now.. "what, you cant get anymore tequila for the margaritas? take airforce one to mexico and get some right away" yeah steff i can see it now..... we'd be all about tailgates, the white sox, and anyone who doesnt agree with us on who sucks and  who doesnt would be facing heafty fines and penalties......maybe even prision time or exhile........ :headbang :D  :D  :D  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Damn, Id be in jail for a long long time , huh? :P

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lol omfg.... i can see it now.. "what, you cant get anymore tequila for the margaritas? take airforce one to mexico and get some right away" yeah steff i can see it now..... we'd be all about tailgates, the white sox, and anyone who doesnt agree with us on who sucks and  who doesnt would be facing heafty fines and penalties......maybe even prision time or exhile........ :headbang :D  :D  :D  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Can I be Secretary of Defense?

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why hell ya nuke thats your job......now get to it.... ;)

Oye..! I can just imagine NUKE in full fatigues walking the White House halls with a maching gun, granades, etc.. hanging off his belt. Telling people to drop and give him 50. Screaming out things like "affirmative" and "negatory". :lol: :lol:

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I'd vote for CW. While we disagree that the Democrats can save us [he thinks they can, I doubt they can...since the vast majority of them fail to show up to work and be an opposition party], but we do have a lot of common ground.


Although, his first act as President would have to be the trial of Karl Rove. :D Then he'd have my vote GUARANTEED.

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No offense to ya Vince..


But NO WAY in hell do I want that long winded mofo in office  :lol: . Geez.. the State of the Union is already what.. 2 hours long?

see, you never heard me preach now, have you??????????



my sermons never go longer than 10 minutes, 7-8 minutes usually - and my entire service with Eucharist is very clockable at 45 minutes - I hate being bored by others and I hate boring myself!!!


I learned my timing from Jim "Quick Pitch" Kaat and not Carlton "What day did this game begin anyway" Fisk....


if I did the State of the Union address, I'd have everone out of there in under 15 minutes so I wouldn't have to miss any reruns or new episodes of MTV's Real World!

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Although, his first act as President would have to be the trial of Karl Rove.  :D Then he'd have my vote GUARANTEED.

I was picturing a few more defendants than that.... :headbang :usa :usa :usa :headbang


to raise money for reducing the deficit without raising taxes, I'd have a giant contest, sign up for a buck, get a copy of the subpoena, and like in Where's Waldo, the first person to find Dick Cheney wins it on Sox-split style 50-50.

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I was picturing a few more defendants than that....  :headbang  :usa  :usa  :usa  :headbang


to raise money for reducing the deficit without raising taxes, I'd have a giant contest, sign up for a buck, get a copy of the subpoena, and like in Where's Waldo, the first person to find Dick Cheney wins it on Sox-split style 50-50.

Haha yeah....


Dubya, Cheney, Poindexter, Rummy, Ashcroft, Rice, Wolfowitz, Powell, Ari, Ridge....They can all join Rove! :usa :usa :usa

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I'd vote for CW.  While we disagree that the Democrats can save us [he thinks they can, I doubt they can...since the vast majority of them fail to show up to work and be an opposition party], but we do have a lot of common ground.

Ha, if you are talking about the runaway politicians that hid out in a hotel to avoid redistricting, that was hilarious. Chickens*** tactics, and they got away with it.


Otherwise, forget I said anything.

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Heh...CW for prez....apu for vice pres...I'd like something like Sec. of State...



Wow....that's a lot of liberal... :lol:

Yeah, you three would have me & a lot of guys like me out of a job.




hell no Nuke, hell no -


out of a job?


after I restore the taxes on the rich and throw Rumsfeld's ass out of the Pentegon and get someone competent, we start to take care of our enlisted people - I know my Marine son wants a raise and some better conditions - no more food stamps for military families - I'd take care of the people in uniform. And there are wise and beneficial ways to sue the military and diplomatic support that can be given - I don't like you or my son or anyone being a duck riding across the back of the carnival booth shooting gallery.


(Surprse- I am very popular in local VFW and Am Legion, small town knows who is on their side.)



Except if you mean that such love would prevail that all nations would lay down their weapons, swords beat into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, and lions lay down with lambs, then yeah, by the second term.... ;)



:usa :usa :usa :usa :usa

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