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NYC Sends Gun Confiscation Notice


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 10:16 AM)


You should be helping me support policies that keep people like him from developing their own private arsenal.


You've heard of one person spoiling it for everyone? It's right there.


I've also heard of people killing people with other means as well. Time to look into that too I guess. BECAUSE ONE PERSON!!!!


Honestly, who the f*** cares if he has a private arsenal. My family does. If you're responsible you have that right.


Frankly, I think it should be harder to legally acquire firearms. But I don't think that right should be taken away.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 10:18 AM)
Well, that's pretty sad if you won't let your kids play with kids of a person because of their politics. I'd happily let kids if I had any do so with Republicans, I have Republican friends, but I wouldn't want them going to a place with loaded guns lying around.


Once again, putting words into someone else's mouth. It's not about politics.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:16 AM)


You should be helping me support policies that keep people like him from developing their own private arsenal.


You've heard of one person spoiling it for everyone? It's right there.


Your position here is bulls*** though because you honestly believe all guns are evil and no one should have them. This isn't about some "reasonable" restrictions that you want that Duke refuses to agree to. You're the same extreme as Duke just on the opposite end of the argument and with a little more tact.



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 10:22 AM)
Like I said, you've done a stellar job of showing me why I should just believe that "Responsible gun ownership" is a myth.


And you've done a stellar job of showing me why you're incapable of having an open-minded discussion with someone who doesn't have the exact same opinions as you do.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 10:25 AM)
I wish that random other guy who I've never met in my life didn't just disprove my existence.



Keep telling yourself that all you want, and if it requires disarming you in order to disarm people like duke, that's going to be my goal.

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I'm never going to believe that a person who is 18+, not a convicted felon, and not mentally ill shouldn't be able to keep firearms in their own home.


Beyond that, I believe there is serious need for reform in order to keep firearms out of the hands of minors, felons and the mentally ill.



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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:31 AM)
I'm never going to believe that a person who is 18+, not a convicted felon, and not mentally ill shouldn't be able to keep firearms in their own home.


Beyond that, I believe there is serious need for reform in order to keep firearms out of the hands of minors, felons and the mentally ill.


Most states already cover minors and felons. I agree with you on the mentally ill, but I also think it's a pretty dubious task. You're still going to have Sandy Hook style shootings because there are just evil people in the world.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:11 AM)
Because that person has the ability to kill in a split second.


He's a great example of what I think of when I think of a "responsible gun owner". He will call himself that. He will not call himself irresponsible, and the law as it stands right now agrees.


You want to prove to me that there is such a thing? You should be cracking down on people like that. You want to know why I don't believe you when you say you're responsible? Because you're not cracking down on him.


Why do you believe that Duke should not be allowed guns? Because he's crazy/eccentric/extreme?


Is there a history of violence? Does he suffer from mental illness? Does he have a history of being irresponsible with his guns? If your answer is no, no, and no to those, then you can't say he is an irresponsible gun owner and he should not own a gun. Obviously there are other factors too, but those are the biggest ones.

Edited by witesoxfan
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:09 AM)
I'd say part of responsibility is making sure that people who shouldn't have them...can't get them. You keep your guns locked up so your kids can't get them...great...but then you let people like that get their hands on them? What's the point, just give them to your kids. Works just as well.

How is my father in law supposed to stop duke from getting a gun?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:34 AM)
Most states already cover minors and felons. I agree with you on the mentally ill, but I also think it's a pretty dubious task. You're still going to have Sandy Hook style shootings because there are just evil people in the world.

There are concerns about restrictions on the mentally ill discouraging people from seeking help when they need it out if fear of losing their guns

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:43 AM)
There are concerns about restrictions on the mentally ill discouraging people from seeking help when they need it out if fear of losing their guns


Hadn't thought about that, but that's something to keep in mind too.


I just don't see how you implement it. Obviously someone who has been diagnosed would be easy to restrict, just like a felon. But if Balta believes Duke shouldn't be able to have guns because of his opinions, how do you stop that?

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 10:32 AM)
This thread is full of... wow.


We have a poster saying they just don't care about school children being gunned down? Another one who has decided there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner?


I sincerely hope neither actually believes what they typed.


This thread took a turn for the weird extreme in the past few hours.

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Why should I really care? So I can formulate some self-serving political motive I can brag to my friends about? Maybe a way I can passive aggressively attack the rural culture of America? None of it ever comes from a place of truly caring about anyone. The closest you get to an actual magnanimous thought regarding this are the people who just want to stop seeing it on the news (but they paradoxically watch that crap religiously). Its all fake outrage exploited by those in power to score some more control for the state.


If you actually gave a s*** you'd do something. And by "do something" I dont mean raising awareness or similarly useless tripe. You'd send those families some money, you'd volunteer to offer some support to the siblings... s*** if it effects you that much write them a letter expressing your condolances. But you do NONE of that. It shows you dont care, at least I have the self awareness to admit it.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 11:14 AM)
Why should I really care? So I can formulate some self-serving political motive I can brag to my friends about? Maybe a way I can passive aggressively attack the rural culture of America? None of it ever comes from a place of truly caring about anyone. The closest you get to an actual magnanimous thought regarding this are the people who just want to stop seeing it on the news (but they paradoxically watch that crap religiously). Its all fake outrage exploited by those in power to score some more control for the state.


If you actually gave a s*** you'd do something. And by "do something" I dont mean raising awareness or similarly useless tripe. You'd send those families some money, you'd volunteer to offer some support to the siblings... s*** if it effects you that much write them a letter expressing your condolances. But you do NONE of that. It shows you dont care, at least I have the self awareness to admit it.


First, have a kid and you'll understand. YOU don't have to care, that's your prerogative. But saying that other people are only pretending to care is bulls*** and just wrong.


Second, people did care enough to act. A lot of people did. A lot of people sent money, cards, gifts, food, etc.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 10:36 AM)
Why do you believe that Duke should not be allowed guns? Because he's crazy/eccentric/extreme?


Is there a history of violence? Does he suffer from mental illness? Does he have a history of being irresponsible with his guns? If your answer is no, no, and no to those, then you can't say he is an irresponsible gun owner and he should not own a gun. Obviously there are other factors too, but those are the biggest ones.

This is a person who has a demonstrated history of being simply unable to control his own anger issues on something as trivial as an internet message board. This is a person who has been called out for it, not just by me, not just by people of my political leanings, not just on political topics, but on virtually every single topic he posts about.


And now, this is a person who is so offended by the idea that people might feel grief about a horrific tragedy a year later that he, unprompted by anyone else saying anything, needs to chime in to complain about hearing too much whining about it.


You've got complete, uncontrollable anger issues, you've got borderline sociopathic responses to people's emotions.


And yes, the odds are Duke won't be the one who does something next because only a minority do so. But every single one of these really bad events has a trail like this beforehand and people who wind up saying "how did I ignore that".

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 11:14 AM)
Why should I really care?


That is a great question.

Perhaps you shouldn't, maybe you don't have the capacity to empathize or even care.


I care because I want to leave this planet better than when I arrived. For everyone.

I care because the people that died deserve us to care.

I care because the children that died could not and never will, stand up for themselves.

I care because I give a damn about people.

I care because our society failed its most basic task, to protect the people living here from harm.


I could go on, but you get the idea. Your ideal world is people not caring about each other, in my ideal world people do care about each other.



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 11:35 AM)
First, have a kid and you'll understand. YOU don't have to care, that's your prerogative. But saying that other people are only pretending to care is bulls*** and just wrong.


Second, people did care enough to act. A lot of people did. A lot of people sent money, cards, gifts, food, etc.

You don't even need to have a kid to have empathy, though.

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How many people in this thread actually baked some cookies or wrote a letter to those families? Show of hands, come on. Let's see some proof of this empathy.


I know none of you did. Know how I figured that.


Name the dude who shot up the school. Now name one kid who died in the shooting. Right.


The fact is nobody cares about the kids. You care about the horror, the spectacle, the villian, the story... but in the end the victims just last in your mind as a number. If you actually cared you'd do something about it, not just b**** and whine. You'd help someone affected, you'd make an effort that maybe required some sacrifice on your part. That's what caring is, folks. You invest yourself in something, what the f*** have any of you pretending to be on some moral high ground invested in the aftermath of that tragedy? Some posts on a message board? A conversation at work or amongst friends? Essentially nothing. Just like me. Face up and admit it, this is a political issue for you and has been since you first heard about it. Cut the bulls*** for once.


This is a person who has a demonstrated history of being simply unable to control his own anger issues on something as trivial as an internet message board. This is a person who has been called out for it, not just by me, not just by people of my political leanings, not just on political topics, but on virtually every single topic he posts about.


And now, this is a person who is so offended by the idea that people might feel grief about a horrific tragedy a year later that he, unprompted by anyone else saying anything, needs to chime in to complain about hearing too much whining about it.


You've got complete, uncontrollable anger issues, you've got borderline sociopathic responses to people's emotions.


And yes, the odds are Duke won't be the one who does something next because only a minority do so. But every single one of these really bad events has a trail like this beforehand and people who wind up saying "how did I ignore that".

Lol OK.


So I shouldn't own guns because of my opinions. Alright, I'll ball.


How are you supposed to take them away? Where's your warrant to break in and take them? Or does the 4A no longer apply to me because I hold the wrong opinions? Might as well skip the trial, torture a confession out of me then strap a gag order over my face for life. Because I don't deserve rights since I don't agree with Balta.


This hints at a larger issue that these collectivist state worshippers really don't believe in rights. I mean, if you're a perfectly law abiding tax paying citizen who is content just sitting in a cubicle all day being ultra productive that's fine. He has rights because he's already under control. He's a good little slave and since he's been so good you'll hand him the illusion that he can do what he wants, knowing full well the most he'll do is maybe get a DUI. The state and its corporate f***-buddies still come out way ahead.


The real reason you don't want me having rights is because I'm not so easily controlled. And I know what I'm saying here speaks to everyone here on a level you aren't willing to admit to. So label me an angry nutjob and hopefully you can defame my character enough to discredit what I actually have to say. Because these thoughts, that all of us have, are absolutely fatal to your political ideology of control and repression.



That is a great question.

Perhaps you shouldn't, maybe you don't have the capacity to empathize or even care.


I care because I want to leave this planet better than when I arrived. For everyone.

I care because the people that died deserve us to care.

I care because the children that died could not and never will, stand up for themselves.

I care because I give a damn about people.

I care because our society failed its most basic task, to protect the people living here from harm.


I could go on, but you get the idea. Your ideal world is people not caring about each other, in my ideal world people do care about each other.

You sound like BP after that rig blew up in the Gulf. Tip: come up with something independent that you didn't glean from Upworthy of some other liberal cliche generator. This reads like a corporate PR team loading up on the buzz words the public loves in anticipation of releasing it as a Hallmark "I'm sorry" card after they get caught pumping mercury into the water supply.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2013 -> 09:11 PM)
How many people in this thread actually baked some cookies or wrote a letter to those families? Show of hands, come on. Let's see some proof of this empathy.


I know none of you did. Know how I figured that.


I sent 5 teddy bears to surviving children at Sandy Hook and wrote a few condolence letters.


I imagine you like this right now.


Edited by Quinarvy
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