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High Speed Chases


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Man these get real annoying real fast. Especially when they have it on during The Simpsons/King of the Hill/Drew Carey block on Fox.


The cops never do anything but follow them, mainly because they're not allowed or taught the "Pit" manuever(ramming into the rear quarter panel to try to get the car out of control) and all the experts each channel has, just has to repeat the fact that the cops csn't do anything, over and over again. It's so boring. All they need to do it cut in when it ends in a crash or the guy gives up. Wasting my sweet time :D Also if your expert is an ex-cop, he'll give you his opinion on what the cops should do, and how the laws should change for high speed chases, yes I'm talking about you Rod Berson on SkyFox!

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I like watching chases. I like those real TV cop shows where they have the car cameras. I watched some Dallas, maybe they were Los Angeles, cops chase after a guy in a semi once. They werent gonna ram it and it was pretty slow for a chase, but they were showing it live and they were shooting at the guy which was pretty cool...

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