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2014 Video game thread


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 09:43 AM)
I feel like the games were mostly retreads. Another Madden. Another Call of Duty/Battlefield. Another LBP. Another AC that i'll probably buy and will enjoy the very average experience. All of the interesting games are a year away - Uncharted, The Order, The Division, etc. So what's the point in talking about them now?



Oh, but we got PlaystationTV coming! WTF Sony, who gives a crap? Americans have had 10 choices for streaming TV since 2008. A little late to the game.

Probably the three biggest 2014 games shown were remakes. GTA, Last of Us and Halo Collection. Ridiculous. It's clear Sony nor Microsoft were ready for a new generation and a full year in they still won't be either.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 09:51 AM)
Probably the three biggest 2014 games shown were remakes. GTA, Last of Us and Halo Collection. Ridiculous. It's clear Sony nor Microsoft were ready for a new generation and a full year in they still won't be either.


Ha, I totally forgot about those. How dumb.

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TIME - 59 minutes ago

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto demonstrates the new control scheme in Star Fox for the Wii U. Nintendo. The creator of some of Nintendo's most ...


Plus, Metroid Prime 4 basically confirmed by streetpass today


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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 10:12 AM)
Excited to see Miyamotos 2 new IPs. Also first Star Fox game developed by Nintendo in 17 years so hopefully they have big plans for it.


A StarFox game would almost make me need to buy a WiiU too for mere nostalgia. DO A BARREL ROLL.

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So far Nintendo has announced


Smash Bros and Kart will incorporate NFC figurines to add powerups and characters to games, Miis playable in SB, SB 3ds delayed until fall

Hyrule Warriors

Yoshis Yarn

Toads Treasure Tracker(basically the game in Mario 3d world)

Xenoblade Chronicles X

New Kirby Game

Bayonetta 2 (will be bundled with Bayonetta 1)

Mario Maker

New Zelda will be open world, non linear story

Devil's Third, the next game from Ninja Gaiden director Tomonobu Itagaki, is coming exclusively to Wii U.



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In more Far Cry 4 news, it's been announced that for PS4 users only, you can have a friend jump in and out of your campaign to help you WITHOUT them ever owning the game. Basically taking the Watchdog's online play of not owning the game even FURTHER with the 2nd person actually playing the game exactly like the person who has the disc in their PS4. Even though I will buy the game no matter what, it's cool that my friends that may not be getting the game will still be able to play. I'm sure this is going to tie in with the future PS4 update that will allow PS4 users to take over each other's games through a sharing function, without that 2nd person owning the game.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 10, 2014 -> 06:04 PM)
The Nintendo Smash Bros Invite is pretty cool. Sold out arena and the viewer count over 200,000. Should make them realize Smash should be monetized as a competitive game.


I think it is awesome that they are releasing a GameCube controller and adapter for it, they know how much that game was liked on that console


Also, Pacman announced as character in Smash Bros

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This game isn't getting a lot of pub, probably because the first one didn't do well, but Crytek took over and this demo has a lot of Crysis touches to it. Crysis is really the only first person shooter I play and is a great series. From highlighting things on your hud to looking through missions and options through an in-game thing like the phone as opposed to a pause menu and the gun customization is exactly the same. Of course, Crysis mechanics without being able to stealth isn't going to get me to buy it, but the story of Homefront is at least a little interesting.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 12:35 AM)
Hahah, that's pretty funny. They should have protected against that and had the same guy say "Xbox off" somewhere else in the commercial.

He would also have to say "yes" afterwards lol

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