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The Junction Boys


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Did anyone watch this movie? If so, what did you think of it?


I personally thought it was a pretty good movie and it was pretty dramatic...then again, most sports movies are. I am a big fan of sports movies, unless the movies are absolutely terrible....Rookie of the Year and The Fan are very bad baseball movies, IMO.


Anyways, I thought it was a good show, but I liked the one with Brian Dennehy as Bob Knight last year more than this one...I can't remember its name though. I really liked that one...a lot.

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i thought it was an excellent flick...who'd have thunk that with all his years at alabama and 6 national championships the only piece of jewelry he would wear at his death was a ring from the junction boys....espn is really making some high quality flicks...anyone who hasnt seen it 1 highly recommend it

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by witesoxfan


Anyways, I thought it was a good show, but I liked the one with Brian Dennehy as Bob Knight last year more than this one...I can't remember its name though.  I really liked that one...a lot.




God how could I forget that? Thank you killa


And Cerb...is that why he had no black players on his team, and they were all white?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

of course i freakin missed it... i hope they run it again or something....yeah bear was a racist but you gotta remember the time frame he was in charge.. besides still to this day there is s*** that goes on down there you swear you would think that you were back in the day..... the south really hasnt come around much from what it was before.........

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Originally posted by witesoxfan
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by witesoxfan


Anyways, I thought it was a good show, but I liked the one with Brian Dennehy as Bob Knight last year more than this one...I can't remember its name though.  I really liked that one...a lot.




God how could I forget that? Thank you killa


And Cerb...is that why he had no black players on his team, and they were all white?


whitesoxfan...he had no black players on his team because no schools in the south allowed blacks to attend back then...the only colleges blacks could attend in the south up until the 60's were all black colleges...


cerb..you have any links or facts to back up bryant being a racist or is this just opinion because he was a southerner because i have heard otherwise???


...sometime in the 60's when asked about if he thought black players could help his team he was quoted as saying something to the effect that..if in 10 years you see more then 10 white boys on my team it will mean i had a horrible year recruiting...


that doesnt sound like a racist to me..i got a feeling like alot of southerners from that generation racism was passed down to him by his father and as time went on and he gained life experience he changed with the times...i know towards the end of bryants career he had quite a few black athletes at alabama..


one thing did bother me about that m ovie...if that was an accurate portrayal of the kind of man bear bryant was , why did all his players seem to respect him at that reunion 25 years later???...i got a feeling some of those things...like headbutting that kid in the face or kicking that kid in the ribs when he was dying was a little overboard

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In the early 70's one of Bears teams was soundly thrashed by a USC team that featured Sam (Bam) Cunningham, brother of Randall. Bear was on a losing streak in Bowl games at the time and after that he went for black athletes in a big way. Southerners of his generation were not unanimous in their feelings toward black Americans but all grew up with segregation. Many were able to change their hearts and minds over the years. What good is life if you are not given the opportunity to rise above your prejudices and shortcomings, which all of us human beings have. I think that Bear was able to do that to some degree. If you want to talk about an unreconstructed racist southern coach then I think basketball coach Adolph Rupp is a better example of this. As far as the movie goes, it is not entirely accurate. The guy that gets head butted in the movie contends that it didn't happen the way it was portrayed. He states that Bear was showing him a blocking technique and the heat butt was incidental contact that merely stunned him momentarily. Also, in the book the author contended that this particular player had died, which the still alive man naturally denied.

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this topic got me doing research on bear bryant..fortunately right now ESPN sports century is doing itys story on paul bear bryant...here are some quotes about bear bryant in relationship to racism


kieth jackson " i know for a fact bear bryant wanted to play black athletes long before he was allowed to"


jim dent..author of the junction boys.." in 1963 bear bryant went to govoner george wallace to ask to be allowed to recruit balck athletes...but it was to no avail"


TE and hall of famer ozzie newsome " martin luther king preached opportunity...paul bryant gave me opportunity"


author jimmy bryan said that bear took a real liking to the black athletes on his team..especially the ones that came from the poor rural farm area because thats where he came from...


i dont think calling bear bryant a racist is accurate or fair to him...its hard for the 20 something crowd born to northern cities to understand what the atmosphere was like back then...i spent 4 years in the deep south during high school in the 70's...coming from chicago it was like going to a foriegn country...

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Originally posted by baggio202

this topic got me doing research on bear bryant..fortunately right now ESPN sports century is doing itys story on paul bear bryant...here are some quotes about bear bryant in relationship to racism


kieth jackson " i know for a fact bear bryant wanted to play black athletes long before he was allowed to"


jim dent..author of the junction boys.." in 1963 bear bryant went to govoner george wallace to ask to be allowed to recruit balck athletes...but it was to no avail"


TE and hall of famer ozzie newsome " martin luther king preached opportunity...paul bryant gave me opportunity"


author jimmy bryan said that bear took a real liking to the black athletes on his team..especially the ones that came from the poor rural farm area because thats where he came from...


i dont think calling bear bryant a racist is accurate or fair to him...its hard for the 20 something crowd born to northern cities to understand what the atmosphere was like back then...i spent 4 years in the deep south during high school in the 70's...coming from chicago it was like going to a foriegn country...

Great post baggio. I too have spent some time in the deep south. The whole country has changed a lot since the 50's which is as far as my memory takes me. The south of today is nothing like that of yesteryear. And of course you're right, vilification of the Bear on this thread was unfair and uncalled for.
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Guest hotsoxchick1

baggs i havent seen the flick yet but im sure that they portrayed him in a bad light at times through out the movie... he was a bastard at times to those kids who played for him..but they did respect the hell out of him and play their asses off for him.... tide hasnt been the same ever since his departure from this world....hes burried a few rows away from one of my aunts and each and every year on the anniversary of his death they still come out and flood the grave site with alabama hats and elephants and such, its red and white all over the place.....its just amazing the impact he had on alabama.... as you know having lived there yourself in the south.... college football is all they live for down there...........

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

baggs i havent seen the flick yet but im sure that they portrayed him in a bad light at times through out the movie... he was a bastard at times to those kids who played for him..but they did respect the hell out of him and play their asses off for him.... tide hasnt been the same ever since his departure from this world....hes burried a few rows away from one of my aunts and each and every year on the anniversary of his death they still come out and flood the grave site with alabama hats and elephants and such, its red and white all over the place.....its just amazing the impact he had on alabama.... as you know having lived there yourself in the south.... college football is all they live for down there...........


So that's why they can't sell out for a Braves' postseason game down there in the south.

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