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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 20, 2014 -> 09:27 AM)
What? No. I don't think blacks were the main users of pot, LSD, heroin, meth, etc. in the 60's and 70's when the anti-drug kick started. Crack maybe, but not much else.


Pot was because of those dangerous Mexicans, cocaine was all of those crazed negros, heroin/opium prohibition started with anti-Chinese racism. Most of this stuff was banned or heavily restricted in the early 20th century, not the 60's and 70's.




At the beginning of the 20th century, cocaine began to be linked to crime. In 1900, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an editorial stating, "Negroes in the South are reported as being addicted to a new form of vice – that of 'cocaine sniffing' or the 'coke habit.'" Some newspapers later claimed cocaine use caused blacks to rape white women and was improving their pistol marksmanship. Chinese immigrants were blamed for importing the opium-smoking habit to the U.S. The 1903 blue-ribbon citizens' panel, the Committee on the Acquirement of the Drug Habit, concluded, "If the Chinaman cannot get along without his dope we can get along without him."
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QUOTE (ptatc @ Mar 20, 2014 -> 09:30 AM)
It is for the cardiovacualr system. It's worse than the other two by far. You won't get the liver problems with alcohol or the lung cancer from tobacco however you are much more likely to have a heart attack. Some studies even go further and state you are nearly guaranteed to have a heart attack with regular use.

But you've gone even further said regular uses will have a heart attack with regular use.

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So yeah, Quinn wanting to make this tax break permanent is pretty low considering most people are struggling out there. I'm not saying the republican candidate will be better but when will Illinois get their hands off my ooey gooey chocolate chip cookies?

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Mar 27, 2014 -> 10:29 AM)
So yeah, Quinn wanting to make this tax break permanent is pretty low considering most people are struggling out there. I'm not saying the republican candidate will be better but when will Illinois get their hands off my ooey gooey chocolate chip cookies?


When Illinois quits handing out Cookies to everyone, that it can't afford.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Apr 2, 2014 -> 09:20 PM)
Ummm...California is pretty disasterous in its own right.


Their issues have been in their legislature, Davis, Schwarzenegger, Brown, they'd all run circles around Illinois in that time.

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Sorry to bring this up again but I was researching both candidates for Illinois gubernatorial race. (Can an admin change my spelling error in the title?)


Part of me wants to see a Republican in Springfield just to shake up the Illinois democratic machine. That being said, Rauner just seems like your run of the mill, typical, rich asshole Republican.


How is it that every time an election comes up, where the incumbent should be clearly voted out that Republicans fail to produce a quality candidate?

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 31, 2014 -> 11:07 AM)
Sorry to bring this up again but I was researching both candidates for Illinois gubernatorial race. (Can an admin change my spelling error in the title?)


Part of me wants to see a Republican in Springfield just to shake up the Illinois democratic machine. That being said, Rauner just seems like your run of the mill, typical, rich asshole Republican.


How is it that every time an election comes up, where the incumbent should be clearly voted out that Republicans fail to produce a quality candidate?

Why does being rich make him an asshole? Seriously, Quinn is just bad. Not saying Rauner is much better, but Quinn is bad. Intellect of Biden, and zero likability.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 31, 2014 -> 05:56 PM)
Why does being rich make him an asshole? Seriously, Quinn is just bad. Not saying Rauner is much better, but Quinn is bad. Intellect of Biden, and zero likability.


I saw the video of saying that he would lower minimum wage down to the federal level. I know Chicago's problems have arisen due to poor leadership but saying you're going to take money out of people's pockets is a quick way to give your opponent a landslide victory.


Wages just have to go up at this point otherwise they are just going to be living off the government tit anyway. If Rauner is going to eliminate those social programs, he'll have riots on his hands.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 31, 2014 -> 05:56 PM)
Why does being rich make him an asshole? Seriously, Quinn is just bad. Not saying Rauner is much better, but Quinn is bad. Intellect of Biden, and zero likability.


You're right that Quinn is bad, which is why the Republicans should just produce a likable candidate that can win, preferably a minority. Rauner is the poster boy for the GOP. Can you picture anyone but white people voting for him?


You could say the same about Quinn but he does have (D) next to his name.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 31, 2014 -> 07:27 PM)
saying you're going to take money out of people's pockets is a quick way to give your opponent a landslide victory.


Yea, Quinn really did mess up with his massive tax hikes. It will probably cost him the election. But who knows, I think maybe Quinn's new attack ads on Rauner might stick. The outsourcing ads are probably doing damage to Rauner.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 2, 2014 -> 12:51 PM)
Sadly in this country, and particularly this state and city, "he's rich" is worse than "this dude straight up lied to you AND is taking your money away!!"

And the person telling you that 'that guy is rich, and that's bad!" is also rich. (yeah, not as rich as the other guy, but rich compared to you and me)


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QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Sep 2, 2014 -> 03:54 PM)
rauner is killing quinn in the polls btw


rauner and rahm are tight so expect not much to change

I didn't know this and it's a shame.


Why is it that all of the elections are now becoming vote for the lesser of two evils rather than someone you could really get behind.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Sep 2, 2014 -> 04:21 PM)
I didn't know this and it's a shame.


Why is it that all of the elections are now becoming vote for the lesser of two evils rather than someone you could really get behind.

Money. And not because someone is rich, but because people use money to buy influence or audience with politicians, and it all ends up the same eventually. Need to cut the pay, cut the benefits, hell make them stay in their own state except for a few times a year. With technology they can teleconference anywhere they need to be. Make it harder for lobbyists to get a hold of them, keep them in district, where locals can keep an eye on them.

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