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Roster dead weight


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QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Apr 12, 2014 -> 09:40 PM)
No, it was pure hope from raw tools and upside. The scoutiest, non-Fangraphs thing there is. I'm glad you could feel good about s***ting all over it anyway.


Here's a question: what are you going to post if things ever start going well?


Sorry, but Fangraphs is awful. You don't think things are going well right now?

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QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 12, 2014 -> 09:46 PM)
Sorry, but Fangraphs is awful. You don't think things are going well right now?


Fangraphs is at the forefront of mainstream baseball analysis right now. Even conservative outlets are buying in -- Fox Sports JUST signed a contract with FG to have them start writing articles for them, for example.


Also, FanGraphs has NOTHING to do with us being hopeful about Felipe Paulino. That would be like me saying, "Man I hate paying Chicago street sweeping tickets. THANKS OBAMA."


I would be inclined to take your anti-SABR criticisms seriously (because there are a lot of valid criticisms to make) if you ever even put an ounce of effort into actually understanding what you're talking about. You don't even know what you hate about it, you just hate it for the sake of hating it. It's like when a child wants to play in traffic and won't listen to his parents when they try to explain why he can't.


I guess the question would be this: why is FanGraphs awful? I don't expect you to answer that because you never do. Because you don't actually read it and have nothing to say about it. You just know Hawk probably wouldn't like it.


I think there are a lot of promising things going on with the White Sox. I just notice you never want to talk about them. You seem to just like raining on everyone's parade. Like, why was it so hard to accept that witesoxfan was happy that Paulino had a shot to be good on the cheap? It looks like the gamble isn't paying off. No one will argue that. But why couldn't we be happy about taking a low-risk shot in the dark?

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I do agree on there being dead weight on the roster, Paulino, Belisario, Leury Garcia would be my main offenders. Unfortunately the first game of the season I paid for I had to watch all 3 of them play. It is only April so I don't want to demand them all being replaced now but all 3 should be on notice that come May their job on the roster could be in trouble.

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I'm not impressed with what I've seen from Paulino. I wonder how long it will be before he is demoted and Hanson is promoted? It is still very early but I really do not see Paulino in the longterm plans. Our pen has been very bad as well. I'll be alittle more patient with them before I judge.


The offense has really surprised me thus far. The future of this lineup is very bright. Especially once Avi Garcia returns in 2015.

Edited by GreatScott82
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QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Apr 12, 2014 -> 09:58 PM)
Fangraphs is at the forefront of mainstream baseball analysis right now. Even conservative outlets are buying in -- Fox Sports JUST signed a contract with FG to have them start writing articles for them, for example.


Also, FanGraphs has NOTHING to do with us being hopeful about Felipe Paulino. That would be like me saying, "Man I hate paying Chicago street sweeping tickets. THANKS OBAMA."


I would be inclined to take your anti-SABR criticisms seriously (because there are a lot of valid criticisms to make) if you ever even put an ounce of effort into actually understanding what you're talking about. You don't even know what you hate about it, you just hate it for the sake of hating it. It's like when a child wants to play in traffic and won't listen to his parents when they try to explain why he can't.


I guess the question would be this: why is FanGraphs awful? I don't expect you to answer that because you never do. Because you don't actually read it and have nothing to say about it. You just know Hawk probably wouldn't like it.


I think there are a lot of promising things going on with the White Sox. I just notice you never want to talk about them. You seem to just like raining on everyone's parade. Like, why was it so hard to accept that witesoxfan was happy that Paulino had a shot to be good on the cheap? It looks like the gamble isn't paying off. No one will argue that. But why couldn't we be happy about taking a low-risk shot in the dark?


I'm still waiting for your answer about how, if performance matters more than track record as you claimed in an earlier thread, why Jake Peavy returned more in a trade than Scott Feldman last year.


As far as Fangraphs goes it has been elevated by the people who read it to something more than opinion. It's got a LONG way to go before it reaches the stuature of the NY Times.


Why should I be happy that even though Paulino is awful, he is cheap?


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QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Apr 12, 2014 -> 09:40 PM)
No, it was pure hope from raw tools and upside. The scoutiest, non-Fangraphs thing there is. I'm glad you could feel good about s***ting all over it anyway.


Here's a question: what are you going to post if things ever start going well?


All the things we need to trade for, and free agents we need to sign.

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QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 09:40 AM)
I'm still waiting for your answer about how, if performance matters more than track record as you claimed in an earlier thread, why Jake Peavy returned more in a trade than Scott Feldman last year.


As far as Fangraphs goes it has been elevated by the people who read it to something more than opinion. It's got a LONG way to go before it reaches the stuature of the NY Times.


Why should I be happy that even though Paulino is awful, he is cheap?


Is this really a real question? You can't be serious.

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QUOTE (staxx @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 03:39 PM)
How is Nieto dead weight when he is doing better than anything we had last year?


This is a player that has never played above A ball, I think he deserves more than ~10 games or whatever they have played. Get used to him too, they aren't letting him go.

I mean, I think he's only played 3 games and two were decent.

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First and foremost, don't feed the Marty troll.


I also highly disagree with some of you that this team is s***ty. Obviously time will tell but I still like the roster more than most.


As for the "dead weight," I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you on the players but it's still far too early to come to that conclusion.

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Alright, Marty. I'll bite again.


QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 08:40 AM)
I'm still waiting for your answer about how, if performance matters more than track record as you claimed in an earlier thread, why Jake Peavy returned more in a trade than Scott Feldman last year.


1. This is completely unrelated to the topic


2. What does "performance vs. track record" even mean? Is performance not the primary component of track record? They are not mutually exclusive. It makes no sense.


3. What I DID say in an earlier thread is that GMs should (and increasing DO) pay for players (in both money and assets) based on the performance they expect going forward as opposed to the performance that has occurred in the past. Track record is one thing that can inform a projected performance going forward, but it would be foolish to use it exclusively. Why could Carlos Beltran only sign a 2yr/$26m contract this offseason? His track record suggests he's a borderline hall of famer! Should someone have paid him $100m? Because that's what Ellsbury got and Ellsbury doesn't have as good a track record.


4. Regarding Peavy/Feldman: There are more factors that go into trade value than simply the quality of one player versus the other. Here are some examples: number of suitors, contract length, contract dollars, budget of teams involved, value of marginal wins to team involved, personality of front office, ownership expectations, near and long-term revenue opportunities, perceived window of competition, etc. You're comparing two different players with different contracts who were traded from two different teams to two other different teams at different parts of the season and expecting that their trade values should be compared apples to apples. That's like saying "if this burger isn't better than steak, how come it cost the same today as a steak cost in 1911?"


QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 08:40 AM)
As far as Fangraphs goes it has been elevated by the people who read it to something more than opinion. It's got a LONG way to go before it reaches the stuature of the NY Times.


What in this god-forsaken world does FanGraphs have to do with the NY Times? If I want to learn about the latest in global politics, I'll read the NY Times. If I want to know if Dayan Viciedo has stopped swinging at s***ty pitches, I'll read FanGraphs. I have no idea what you're trying to argue here.


QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 08:40 AM)
Why should I be happy that even though Paulino is awful, he is cheap?


You shouldn't, now that we actually know he's bad. But there was reason to believe we could fix him at little cost when we acquired him, and that's a good thing.


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QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 11:13 AM)
Alright, Marty. I'll bite again.




1. This is completely unrelated to the topic


2. What does "performance vs. track record" even mean? Is performance not the primary component of track record? They are not mutually exclusive. It makes no sense.


3. What I DID say in an earlier thread is that GMs should (and increasing DO) pay for players (in both money and assets) based on the performance they expect going forward as opposed to the performance that has occurred in the past. Track record is one thing that can inform a projected performance going forward, but it would be foolish to use it exclusively. Why could Carlos Beltran only sign a 2yr/$26m contract this offseason? His track record suggests he's a borderline hall of famer! Should someone have paid him $100m? Because that's what Ellsbury got and Ellsbury doesn't have as good a track record.


4. Regarding Peavy/Feldman: There are more factors that go into trade value than simply the quality of one player versus the other. Here are some examples: number of suitors, contract length, contract dollars, budget of teams involved, value of marginal wins to team involved, personality of front office, ownership expectations, near and long-term revenue opportunities, perceived window of competition, etc. You're comparing two different players with different contracts who were traded from two different teams to two other different teams at different parts of the season and expecting that their trade values should be compared apples to apples. That's like saying "if this burger isn't better than steak, how come it cost the same today as a steak cost in 1911?"




What in this god-forsaken world does FanGraphs have to do with the NY Times? If I want to learn about the latest in global politics, I'll read the NY Times. If I want to know if Dayan Viciedo has stopped swinging at s***ty pitches, I'll read FanGraphs. I have no idea what you're trying to argue here.




You shouldn't, now that we actually know he's bad. But there was reason to believe we could fix him at little cost when we acquired him, and that's a good thing.


Like, oh I don't know... Scott Feldman.


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QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 01:11 PM)
This team is hardly s***ty. If we get some good starts from Paulino and Johnson and some good outings from the pen, were at least 9-3.


I think some of the "dead weight" will take care of itself as well. Nate jones can take belisarios spot, keppinger take garcia's spot, rienzo take Paulinos spot if he doesn't shape up.


Maybe leesman take one of veal or downs spot, just need to give it sometime and roster will clean itself up.

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I'm not saying Bellisario, Paulino or Veal will absolutely start paying dividends, but to me it's still a bit early to judge. Not a great start at 5-5, but not terrible and certainly correctible if a few pitchers get on track. Keep in mind that Alexei Ramirez will not hit .400 this season, so there will be corrections in the offense as well. Let's see where they are in a couple of weeks.

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QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 07:11 PM)
This team is hardly s***ty. If we get some good starts from Paulino and Johnson and some good outings from the pen, were at least 9-3.


While a 5-5 start is awesome after last season, I do hate these type of posts. Ifs drive me crazy.


Our bullpen is so bad and starting pitching so average, thinking 9-3 is a possibility is silly.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 12, 2014 -> 04:36 PM)
Paulino. It's time to take him out of the roation. No idea what YOU PEOPLE saw in him. Wasn't particularly good before, injured, and certainly not good now.



Nieto is why you can have A level players on the roster.



Scott Downs is 39. He's done, apparently.




There's more but let's start with these three, particularly Paulino. It's Rienzo time.

Nieto's on here because we don't want to lose him. He's a backup catcher anyway.

Downs was a bad signing.

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QUOTE (GreenSox @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 04:37 PM)
Nieto's on here because we don't want to lose him. He's a backup catcher anyway.

Downs was a bad signing.


Downs wasn't a bad signing. 4 mil is a little steep but not the end of the world. Just hasn't worked out yet.

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QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Apr 13, 2014 -> 01:11 PM)
This team is hardly s***ty. If we get some good starts from Paulino and Johnson and some good outings from the pen, were at least 9-3.


If these two unproven starters had good starts and if these crappy relievers had better outings, the Sox would be 9-3. I think every team in the league could say that.

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