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Hawk and DJ just said that MLB announced that aluminum bats are no longer allowed to be used during batting practice.


Is this just a slam at Frank?


How come they let sam-me use a corked bat then.


This doesn't make any sense.


I guess it didn't really hurt frank as I typed this he hit home run number 37

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  ytz37 said:
Hawk and DJ just said that MLB announced that aluminum bats are no longer allowed to be used during batting practice.


Is this just a slam at Frank?


How come they let sam-me use a corked bat then.


This doesn't make any sense.


I guess it didn't really hurt frank as I typed this he hit home run number 37

yeah its a stupid rule.. as if they have nothing better to do all day but come up with new s*** to piss everyone off............geez how about spending that time cleaning up the problems that surround mlb instead......and aluminum bats in batting pratice just isnt much of a problem .......as least not in mho........

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  hotsoxchick1 said:
  ytz37 said:
Hawk and DJ just said that MLB announced that aluminum bats are no longer allowed to be used during batting practice.


Is this just a slam at Frank?


How come they let sam-me use a corked bat then.


This doesn't make any sense.


I guess it didn't really hurt frank as I typed this he hit home run number 37

yeah its a stupid rule.. as if they have nothing better to do all day but come up with new s*** to piss everyone off............geez how about spending that time cleaning up the problems that surround mlb instead......and aluminum bats in batting pratice just isnt much of a problem .......as least not in mho........

Yeah other anouncements by MLB today include saying they won't be able to meet thier own self imposed deadline of labor day in finding a new home for the Expos.


Surprise Surprise

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  Chisoxfn said:
This is really stupid considering there is nothing professional about this.  It would be like saying MLB players couldn't use tennis balls to practice if they wanted to.


MLB...stay the hell out of it.

i agree jas.. no reason they need to make a decision on this matter... wtf.. its batting pratice.. who the hell cares how they work out...its what they do during the official game that matters and as long as they follow all the rules i honestly dont see a problem here with using aluminum bats in batting pratice......

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  Jim Fainter said:
Actually, I was very surprised that the aluminum bats were being (publicly) used/allowed in the first place for practice.  Illegal is illegal all the time.

If its not during a game then whats it matter. It would be like a golfer carrying extra clubs in his bag during a training match.


Its not like he's cheating during the game or something. Plus its not like the effect from using an aluminum bat carries over (ie...the extra power gained).


Then again this is coming from MLB who will fine a player if they wear their cap backwards during warmups.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  Jim Fainter said:
Actually, I was very surprised that the aluminum bats were being (publicly) used/allowed in the first place for practice.  Illegal is illegal all the time.

corked bats are also illegal and shamme uses one in batting pratice....... ;)

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  hotsoxchick1 said:
corked bats are also illegal and shamme uses one in batting pratice....... ;)

The difference being sam-ME is a media darling. So MLB pats him on the back and says OK. So he can "put on a show for the 'fans' in BP" :angry:


Frank has had his problem with the media and thus MLB can't spin the story so they chose to "regulate" :nono

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  Jim Fainter said:
Does Shammie still use cork in BP?  I didn't think so.

umm yeah he still uses it.. i read it somewhere in the trib or times..... not too long ago......

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  clujer420 said:
A little girl got hit with a line drive during BP before Thursday's Yankee game.  The article did NOT specify which team hit the ball, but either way, I'm sure this is just a knee-jerk reaction by MLB.

ahh but aluminum bat or wood that could have happened at any time......thats part of the risk involved in going to a game..... there shouldnt be a new rule made just because of that..........if thats the case then they should enclose all the fans to protect them while they view a game period.........besides on the back of your ticket it states that stuff about paying attention for balls and broken bats and such.... and they announce it before the games... well at least at comiskey park they do.......

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  clujer420 said:
A little girl got hit with a line drive during BP before Thursday's Yankee game.  The article did NOT specify which team hit the ball, but either way, I'm sure this is just a knee-jerk reaction by MLB.

haven't you ever read the back of your ticket??


They obsolve themselves of you getting hurt by everything but the kitchen sink. I don't have the exact language on the back of the ticket but I know i've read one during a rain delay before.

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  clujer420 said:
A little girl got hit with a line drive during BP before Thursday's Yankee game.  The article did NOT specify which team hit the ball, but either way, I'm sure this is just a knee-jerk reaction by MLB.

Those two words ... jerk reaction ... seem somehow appropriate here.


BTW, refering to Selig here. I don't want any misunderstandings. :D

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  ytz37 said:
haven't you ever read the back of your ticket??


They obsolve themselves of you getting hurt by everything but the kitchen sink.  I don't have the exact language on the back of the ticket but I know i've read one during a rain delay before.

Playing devil's advocate, MLB is doing the right thing. If a ball batted by an aluminum bat were to strike a fan during BP, there might be a way for a lawyer to build a case for a lawsuit. The lawyer could make the argument that the disclaimer on the back of the ticket only covers injuries sustained with the proper equipment, and he/she could argue that the aluminum bat is NOT standard equipment and that the risk of injury increases with a metal bat as opposed to a wood bat. And MLB is just protecting themselves from that by imposing this "no aluminum bats in BP" rule.


I'm NOT saying I agree with that, but I can see how they would think that way. And like HSC said, a person can get struck with a ball batted off a wood bat just as easily as they can a ball struck by a metal bat. And in reference to the person being hit being a little girl, where were her parents? She was obviously unable to protect herself from being hit, so her parents should have been doing the protecting.


:nono to neglegent parents.


And BTW, that disclaimer on sporting tickets is a "contract of adhesion", and is often fairly easy to have overturned in court. A very brief way to explain what a contract of adhesion is that it's a contract that you must enter into if you wish to do a certain activity (such as go to a baseball game, go to a concert, park in a commercial parking structure, etc). It's a "take-it-or-leave-it" contract. So when you want to park your car in a parking structure and you have to push the button and take the ticket in order for the arm to raise so you can get in, if you read the back of that ticket, it says they are not liable for any theft, damage, etc that may happen to your vehicle while it's parked in there. But, if something does happen, that does not mean they are not liable. If you can prove that they were in some way neglegent (such as taking inadequate measures to keep theives and vandals out), they are very much liable, regardless of their "disclaimer".


Same could be said for a baseball game. Let's say a player intentionally throws a ball into the crowd and strikes an elderly man in the head, killing him. The ticket says they are not responsible for a fan being struck by a ball, but in this case, there was obvious negligence, and that player, team, and probably MLB as well would be SCREWED. Or, if a ball is fouled back to the screen, and there's a hole in it and the ball sneaks through and strikes someone, they are screwed then too. It's all a case-by-case basis as to whether or not the contract absolves them of liability.

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Get a hold of the Official Rules and it is stated in Rule 1.10 (a)..."The bat shall be on piece of solid wood." Furthermore it says in a note that this includes championship season or exhibition games. I take it MLB includes BP under the exhibition game status.


Yes, I know I am new to actually posting here and lot of you probably think I am nothing but a busy body know it all but I know my rules....oh and I happen to have a copy of official rules right here so I looked it up. ;)

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Who the f*** cares? So what a little girl got hit in the knee. Tell her daddy to catch the ball next time.


My friend's mom got her eye lid ripped open on one of the seats in the upper deck two weeks ago, does that mean that the upper deck should be ripped apart? No. That's straight up retarded.

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  PaulaM said:
Get a hold of the Official Rules and it is stated in Rule 1.10 (a)..."The bat shall be on piece of solid wood."  Furthermore it says in a note that this includes championship season or exhibition games.  I take it MLB includes BP under the exhibition game status.


Yes, I know I am new to actually posting here and lot of you probably think I am nothing but a busy body know it all but I know my rules....oh and I happen to have a copy of official rules right here so I looked it up. ;)

Welcome to Soxtalk, to both you and your rule book. :cheers

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  PaulaM said:
Get a hold of the Official Rules and it is stated in Rule 1.10 (a)..."The bat shall be on piece of solid wood."  Furthermore it says in a note that this includes championship season or exhibition games.  I take it MLB includes BP under the exhibition game status.


Yes, I know I am new to actually posting here and lot of you probably think I am nothing but a busy body know it all but I know my rules....oh and I happen to have a copy of official rules right here so I looked it up. ;)

Welcome Paula! Bem Vindo! ;) :cheers

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