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UCSB School Shooting


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QUOTE (Reddy @ May 24, 2014 -> 09:13 PM)
four posts. this stuff's old hat. no one cares. move along.






So you're saying we shouldn't care because society has become completely anesthetized by the ubiquitous nature of these types of events?


If anything, that only causes the perpetrators to be more creative and vicious in their attempts to break out of the random noise and grab the headlines, like the suburban Denver movie theatre killer.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 24, 2014 -> 10:16 PM)
So you're saying we shouldn't care because society has become completely anesthetized by the ubiquitous nature of these types of events?


If anything, that only causes the perpetrators to be more creative and vicious in their attempts to break out of the random noise and grab the headlines, like the suburban Denver movie theatre killer.


That's an old way of looking at these events that isn't supported by psychologists. Seems to be a media created motive because mental health experts really don't have an answer.

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QUOTE (G&T @ May 25, 2014 -> 07:12 AM)
That's an old way of looking at these events that isn't supported by psychologists. Seems to be a media created motive because mental health experts really don't have an answer.





Yet another angle, that he was taken advantage of by Pick-Up-Artist "indoctrination/marketing" and lashed out because it didn't work out for him successfully.


BTW, I thought THE GAME was really old news? Even Ders on WORKAHOLICS gets ridiculed for using "negs" in one of the episodes this season.




The Angry Underground World of Failed PUA's


The goal of the Anti-Pickup-Artist Movement, as stated on its highly official title page, is to reveal "the scams, deception, and misleading marketing techniques used by dating gurus and the seduction community to deceive men and profit from them." Here, you'll find the sad, scary, skeezy world of men who have turned their backs on said seduction community after spending thousands of dollars on "educational materials," seminars, and boot camps to no avail.


Click on "Get Instant Access" and you'll find yourself amongst, as one PuaHate poster puts it, "thousands of ex pua students that payed the $ , learned and practiced the materials, and got no results based on said materials." Results, apparently, would entail mass quantities of sexy women lining up to bone him and his ilk, regardless of the fact that they spend all of their time ranting and raving on a misogynistic website.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 24, 2014 -> 11:16 PM)
So you're saying we shouldn't care because society has become completely anesthetized by the ubiquitous nature of these types of events?


If anything, that only causes the perpetrators to be more creative and vicious in their attempts to break out of the random noise and grab the headlines, like the suburban Denver movie theatre killer.


You misinterpreted my post. Sarcasm.


Of course we should care but we don't. Real life had desensitized us far better than any game or movie could. The NRA has won.


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Maybe a lot of people care about it, feel sad, remorseful or hurt about it but don't feel the need to post on a comment board about how sad, remorseful or hurt they are to prove that they are more caring?


It is just more fodder for a political argument. He was a lefty! He was brainwashed into a Teabagger by the NRA! He had mental health issues, that needs to be fixed! He had easy access to guns, we need to take everyone else's away from them! You can't predict something like this! The police should have stepped in when the family noticed problems! My kids right to not be shot trumps YOUR right to protect yourself! Go ahead, just pick one and start, they have all been said already. Or just stay with the one you used, the NRA has won.

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I know it gets political in a hot hurry, but that line - "you don't think it'll happen to your child until it does" - it's hard not to feel something when you hear that from an anguished parent

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QUOTE (Jake @ May 26, 2014 -> 09:08 AM)

I know it gets political in a hot hurry, but that line - "you don't think it'll happen to your child until it does" - it's hard not to feel something when you hear that from an anguished parent


The family was caring and attentive, said family friend Adam Krentzman. Peter Rodger "is the sweetest, nicest, most genuine, caring person, and he did everything he could," Krentzman said.


But after Elliot turned 18, he started rejecting mental health care that his family provided, Krentzman said. "He turned his back on all of it," he said. "At some point, your kid becomes an adult."




At 9:17 that night, 13 minutes before the first gunshots rang out, his mother, Chin Rodger, was at home in a western suburb of Los Angeles when her phone rang. It was one of her son's therapists. "Have you gotten Elliot's email?" he asked.


Chin Rodger opened the email, according to an account of the night provided to The Times by a family friend. Something had changed. Her dejected son was gone, replaced by a man with a savage view of the world, and a terrible plan.


"This is the story of how I, Elliot Rodger, came to be," the email said. "It is a dark story of sadness, anger and hatred." Then: "I will punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth."


Chin Rodger frantically called her ex-husband, Peter, who was out to dinner. Together, they raced up the 101 Freeway. But it was too late. The radio started barking while they were still on the road — a vicious rampage in Isla Vista, a young man emptying his guns into crowds of pedestrians. By the time they reached the police station there, it was over.


On Sunday evening, a crowd prayed in front of the Alpha Phi sorority house in Isla Vista, where Rodger shot three women, two of whom died. There was a surprising amount of compassion for Rodger — for how he lived, if not how he died.


"The insecurities and rejection he felt is something I believe exists in a lot of hearts in this city," said Yvette Johnson, 22. "There's this unspoken survival of the fittest.... If you don't fit in a box, you're going to feel rejected."


"Some people think that he doesn't deserve love," said Christina Perez, 24. "But we all deserve love."

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QUOTE (Jake @ May 26, 2014 -> 09:30 AM)
FWIW, I never understand the relevance of pointing out whether a given crime was gang related. It's as if those don't count

If it is gang related it is not likely that they are raving NRA lunatics who had valid concealed carry permits or purchased the guns legally. So no matter what laws you would pass, short of confiscation, it wouldn't have stopped those.

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QUOTE (Jake @ May 26, 2014 -> 10:08 AM)

I know it gets political in a hot hurry, but that line - "you don't think it'll happen to your child until it does" - it's hard not to feel something when you hear that from an anguished parent

He blames lax gun laws in one of the 3 toughest states in the country. Should blame the shooter. Should blame a mental health system. Should blame the parents. Should blame his biology for having a f***ed up chemical imbalance or whatever made him crazy. The gun didn't shoot itself. And as people seems to keep 'forgetting' he also stabbed half his victims. Maybe he should also blame that evil cutlery lobby.



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 26, 2014 -> 12:02 PM)
He blames lax gun laws in one of the 3 toughest states in the country. Should blame the shooter. Should blame a mental health system. Should blame the parents. Should blame his biology for having a f***ed up chemical imbalance or whatever made him crazy. The gun didn't shoot itself. And as people seems to keep 'forgetting' he also stabbed half his victims. Maybe he should also blame that evil cutlery lobby.

How about we blame all of the above and this time actually do something about all of the above rather than not doing anything about any of them?

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My first act of preparation was the purchase my first handgun. I did this quickly and hastily, at a local gun shop called Goleta Gun and Supply. I had already done some research on handguns, and I decided to purchase the Glock 34 semiautomatic pistol, an efficient and highly accurate weapon. I signed all of the papers and was told that my pickup day was in mid-December.


After I picked up the handgun, I brought it back to my room and felt a new sense of power. I was now armed. Who’s the alpha male now, b****es

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