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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 25, 2014 -> 04:16 AM)
So you're saying we shouldn't care because society has become completely anesthetized by the ubiquitous nature of these types of events?


If anything, that only causes the perpetrators to be more creative and vicious in their attempts to break out of the random noise and grab the headlines, like the suburban Denver movie theatre killer.



QUOTE (Reddy @ May 25, 2014 -> 03:22 PM)
You misinterpreted my post. Sarcasm.


Of course we should care but we don't. Real life had desensitized us far better than any game or movie could. The NRA has won.


I care. That video of the dad of his slain son on CNN was heart wrenching. He was screaming at the NRA and politicians. I see Obama ignored this one so far. I haven't seen any comments from him. Maybe I missed them.


I would like to say, this lunatic killer did use both knives and guns, but I do agree the NRA has won. They want us all to be able to be armed in case we are ever in a police state where we need to defend ourselves, in case we run into a madman like Elliot Rodger right? They also want us to be able to defend ourselves if someone invades our homes.

But no question the fact this lunatic could get guns so easily played a huge part in this awful crime. Like he said in the manifesto, he felt so empowered when the guns arrived. Just think, this guy knocked on the sorority door. If somebody had opened that door, this would have been one of the most horrific massacres ever. He was planning on killing everybody in the sorority. Surely there were no armed sorority girls or housemothers in there ready to defend the sorority against siege.


There's probably no answer to this. These killers are going to keep doing this s***. Elliot Rodger will be famous forever and nobody will ever know the victims. Their lives have been erased from the earth for all of eternity. I know I shouldn't say this but I'm glad this freak of a killer killed himself. He doesn't deserve any more time on earth.


Geezus. The guy can't get a girlfriend so he does this. He wasn't a bad looking kid. First thing is he should have gone to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and got a hooker to get his virginity angst out of the way. He'd have been laid finally and maybe that rage would have subsided for gawd sakes. Second he should have fricking TRIED to get a girlfriend the way everybody else tries. Put an ad on match.com for godsakes or ask friends for help in that regard. He was 22 with a BMW and money. Get a girl, man. His manifesto is so much about not getting women as the cause for this.


Then the religious issue on all this. All these killers do not know God. If this guy knew God he would never had considered this bulls*** of a crime. But in the world we live in today ... my last statement will sicken some of you and the loudmouths of America much more than even the acts of this bastard. I'm not allowed to mention God. I'm evil for mentioning God in all this. I'm out of line mentioning how people do not know God. I have to respect everybody's right who believes there is no God. Meanwhile these Godless maniacs keep shooting and killing people in movie theatres and at grade schools and on college campuses.


I DO CARE AND AM SICK OVER THESE MASS MURDERS. We must try to stop them!!!

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:24 PM)
I care. That video of the dad of his slain son on CNN was heart wrenching. He was screaming at the NRA and politicians. I see Obama ignored this one so far. I haven't seen any comments from him. Maybe I missed them.


I would like to say, this lunatic killer did use both knives and guns, but I do agree the NRA has won. They want us all to be able to be armed in case we are ever in a police state where we need to defend ourselves, right? They also want us to be able to defend ourselves.

But no question the fact this lunatic could get guns so easily played a huge part in this awful crime. Like he said in the manifesto, he felt so empowered when the guns arrived. Just think, this guy knocked on the sorority door. If somebody had opened that door, this would have been one of the most horrific massacres ever. He was planning on killing everybody in the sorority. Surely there were no armed sorority girls or housemothers in there ready to defend the sorority against siege.


There's probably no answer to this. These killers are going to keep doing this s***. Elliot Rodger will be famous forever and nobody will ever know the victims. Their lives have been erased from the earth for all of eternity. I know I shouldn't say this but I'm glad this freak of a killer killed himself. He doesn't deserve any more time on earth.


Geezus. The guy can't get a girlfriend so he does this. He wasn't a bad looking kid. First thing is he should have gone to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and got a hooker to get his virginity angst out of the way. He'd have been laid finally and maybe that rage would have subsided for gawd sakes. Second he should have fricking TRIED to get a girlfriend the way everybody else tries. Put an ad on match.com for godsakes or ask friends for help in that regard. He was 22 with a BMW and money. Get a girl, man. His manifesto is so much about not getting women as the cause for this.


Then the religious issue on all this. All these killers do not know God. If this guy knew God he would never had considered this bulls*** of a crime. But in the world we live in today ... my last statement will sicken some of you and the loudmouths of America much more than even the acts of this bastard. I'm not allowed to mention God. I'm evil for mentioning God in all this. I'm out of line mentioning how people do not know God. I have to respect everybody's right who believes there is no God. Meanwhile these Godless maniacs keep shooting and killing people in movie theatres and at grade schools and on college campuses.


I DO CARE AND AM SICK OVER THESE MASS MURDERS. We must try to stop them!!!


It's about his view of women as objects and his sense of entitlement to their bodies and affections. It wasn't that he couldn't get a date, it was that he felt he was entitled to the most attractive white girls because he was a wealthy, white Alpha Male.


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 28, 2014 -> 08:27 PM)
It's about his view of women as objects and his sense of entitlement to their bodies and affections. It wasn't that he couldn't get a date, it was that he felt he was entitled to the most attractive white girls because he was a wealthy, white Alpha Male.


What you say is true I'm sure. On the other hand, what I read in the manifesto and heard him say was he wanted a girlfriend. He was furious whenever he saw couples walking together and he had no girlfriend. He kept pointing out how unfair it was he had no girlfriend. He's say girls went for these other slobs but not him. And he said in response, "I will slaughter you." Real nice.



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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 28, 2014 -> 08:37 PM)
I swear you're schizophrenic.


Somebody said nobody cares anymore. I point out I care deeply and you call me a name like that?

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:37 PM)
What you say is true I'm sure. On the other hand, what I read in the manifesto and heard him say was he wanted a girlfriend. He was furious whenever he saw couples walking together and he had no girlfriend. He kept pointing out how unfair it was he had no girlfriend. He's say girls went for these other slobs but not him. And he said in response, "I will slaughter you." Real nice.

He wanted a girlfriend and he felt that he was entitled or owed one. It was unfair in his mind that these girls were dating inferior men who were poorer or less white or less gentlemanly than he was because obviously someone as white and wealthy and gentlemanly as he is owed a pretty girl.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 28, 2014 -> 08:40 PM)
He wanted a girlfriend and he felt that he was entitled or owed one. It was unfair in his mind that these girls were dating inferior men who were poorer or less white or less gentlemanly than he was because obviously someone as white and wealthy and gentlemanly as he is owed a pretty girl.


Yes that's part of what he said. I also heard him mention the slobs who he'd see walking with women. He'd say, 'You want them but not me. So I'll slaughter you.''' I don't think we disagree here or am not sure where we disagree. He said he wanted a girlfriend repeatedly and was enraged these other slobs had girls and he didn't. He even wanted to kill his little brother cause his brother would certainly have no problems getting girlfriends as he got older. Did you catch that part?

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 28, 2014 -> 08:42 PM)
Because you rant like a madman. It was like reading another "manifesto".


Did you watch the father on CNN? He screamed and shouted. I am upset about this murder. One of my best friends got killed in Kansas by a mass murderer. The dad of the slain woman until he died wanted to go to Leavenworth and kill the guy for murdering his daughter. I had to talk him out of it. Yes, murders bother me.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:42 PM)
Yes that's part of what he said. I also heard him mention the slobs who he'd see walking with women. He'd say, 'You want them but not me. So I'll slaughter you.''' I don't think we disagree here or am not sure where we disagree. He said he wanted a girlfriend repeatedly and was enraged these other slobs had girls and he didn't. He even wanted to kill his little brother cause his brother would certainly have no problems getting girlfriends as he got older. Did you catch that part?


I don't think we really disagree here, except that I wouldn't say he "wanted" a girlfriend but that he believed he was owed a girlfriend. There's nothing wrong with a person who wants a significant other, but there is with people who believe they are owed one.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:27 PM)
It's about his view of women as objects and his sense of entitlement to their bodies and affections. It wasn't that he couldn't get a date, it was that he felt he was entitled to the most attractive white girls because he was a wealthy, white Alpha Male.

He was Jewish and Chinese. Not exactly Aryan Nation material.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:24 PM)
But no question the fact this lunatic could get guns so easily played a huge part in this awful crime.

Well you have what turned out to be a crazy person in one of the most gun-hostile states in the country who managed to get a gun. California right NOW has everythign the so-called moderate anti gun groups claim would prevent this.


Universal background checks? Check

Very strong mental health requirements for gun ownership and possession? Check

Full registration? Check

Waiting periods before purchasing a firearm? Check

Magazine restrictions? Check

Assault weapons bad? Check

Handgun registration? Check

One gun a month? Check

Handgun Safety Certificate required to buy a handgun?

Microstamping requirement? Check


Tell me, what more could have been passed, short of confiscation?



Not to mention that they could have at ANY TIME 5150'ed him and put him under involuntary supervision for a brief bit, which would have triggered a notice in the state system that he had guns and had them removed.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2014 -> 08:48 PM)
Well you have what turned out to be a crazy person in one of the most gun-hostile states in the country who managed to get a gun. California right NOW has everythign the so-called moderate anti gun groups claim would prevent this.


Universal background checks? Check

Very strong mental health requirements for gun ownership and possession? Check

Full registration? Check

Waiting periods before purchasing a firearm? Check

Magazine restrictions? Check

Assault weapons bad? Check

Handgun registration? Check

One gun a month? Check

Handgun Safety Certificate required to buy a handgun?

Microstamping requirement? Check


Tell me, what more could have been passed, short of confiscation?



Not to mention that they could have at ANY TIME 5150'ed him and put him under involuntary supervision for a brief bit, which would have triggered a notice in the state system that he had guns and had them removed.


He got more than one gun. The manifesto said he needed two so he could shoot himself in the head with both guns simultaneously in committing suicide and needed two for the rampage in case one locked.

I'm no expert on gun control. I just think it's wild that the day he got his gun was the best day of his life cause in his own words he knew he was now the bad ass with all the power. He was gonna slaughter everybody and get even. What a f***ing loser. At least he killed himself. He doesn't deserve to stick around this planet. If he'd have turned himself in, I'd have had to have another rant about it taking 10 years to finally kill the guy for his crimes. Wonder how long it'll take to convict the movie theatre lunatic. I guess his trial is in October. He wants off for insanity.


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:48 PM)
Well you have what turned out to be a crazy person in one of the most gun-hostile states in the country who managed to get a gun. California right NOW has everythign the so-called moderate anti gun groups claim would prevent this.


Universal background checks? Check

Very strong mental health requirements for gun ownership and possession? Check

Full registration? Check

Waiting periods before purchasing a firearm? Check

Magazine restrictions? Check

Assault weapons bad? Check

Handgun registration? Check

One gun a month? Check

Handgun Safety Certificate required to buy a handgun?

Microstamping requirement? Check


Tell me, what more could have been passed, short of confiscation?



Not to mention that they could have at ANY TIME 5150'ed him and put him under involuntary supervision for a brief bit, which would have triggered a notice in the state system that he had guns and had them removed.

A couple things worth noting.


1. He didn't have a high capacity magazine. He was forced to reload multiple times. This almost certainly saved lives, his ammunition was distributed amongst dozens of clips.

2. He didn't have an assault weapon. Based on the much higher rate of wounded compared to the recent ones that involved such weapons, again, probably saved lives.

3. Your statement of a "very strong" mental health check shows just how weak the mental health checks are.

4. Wow, one gun a month? I mean, amazingly stringent there.

5. Um, his family actively called the police on him believing him to be a danger to himself and to others. Yes, I think confiscation seems like it would have made sense in this case. If that's not a case for confiscation I don't know what is.


The thing that really ought to be realized is how absolutely, ridiculously, pathetically weak the restrictions are in, as you call it, one of the most gun-hostile states in the country. And that's again not even counting his ability to drrive to Nevada.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:19 PM)
A couple things worth noting.


1. He didn't have a high capacity magazine. He was forced to reload multiple times. This almost certainly saved lives, his ammunition was distributed amongst dozens of clips.

2. He didn't have an assault weapon. Based on the much higher rate of wounded compared to the recent ones that involved such weapons, again, probably saved lives.

3. Your statement of a "very strong" mental health check shows just how weak the mental health checks are.

4. Wow, one gun a month? I mean, amazingly stringent there.

5. Um, his family actively called the police on him believing him to be a danger to himself and to others. Yes, I think confiscation seems like it would have made sense in this case. If that's not a case for confiscation I don't know what is.


The thing that really ought to be realized is how absolutely, ridiculously, pathetically weak the restrictions are in, as you call it, one of the most gun-hostile states in the country. And that's again not even counting his ability to drrive to Nevada.

So everything 'worked' until you get to your point #5. Then it was either the cops who missed something and/or were lazy and didn't want to do the paperwork, or the parents who didn't go far enough when they called the cops. Perhaps he wasn't investigated more because he was from a rich family? So perhaps 'money' got him out of some of the rules the little people have to follow?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2014 -> 05:24 PM)
So everything 'worked' until you get to your point #5. Then it was either the cops who missed something and/or were lazy and didn't want to do the paperwork, or the parents who didn't go far enough when they called the cops. Perhaps he wasn't investigated more because he was from a rich family? So perhaps 'money' got him out of some of the rules the little people have to follow?

Or maybe, just maybe, the laws in a "hostile to guns" state are a pathetic joke that helps enable these kinds of tragedies for no good reason.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:33 PM)
Or maybe, just maybe, the laws in a "hostile to guns" state are a pathetic joke that helps enable these kinds of tragedies for no good reason.


You are just beyond rationality on this issue.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 28, 2014 -> 09:19 PM)
A couple things worth noting.


1. He didn't have a high capacity magazine. He was forced to reload multiple times. This almost certainly saved lives, his ammunition was distributed amongst dozens of clips.

2. He didn't have an assault weapon. Based on the much higher rate of wounded compared to the recent ones that involved such weapons, again, probably saved lives.

3. Your statement of a "very strong" mental health check shows just how weak the mental health checks are.

4. Wow, one gun a month? I mean, amazingly stringent there.

5. Um, his family actively called the police on him believing him to be a danger to himself and to others. Yes, I think confiscation seems like it would have made sense in this case. If that's not a case for confiscation I don't know what is.


The thing that really ought to be realized is how absolutely, ridiculously, pathetically weak the restrictions are in, as you call it, one of the most gun-hostile states in the country. And that's again not even counting his ability to drrive to Nevada.

Balta comes through with one of the best posts I've ever read on a message board. Awesome. Well stated. I especially liked 3, 4 and 5.


QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 28, 2014 -> 09:19 PM)
Have people actually said "Oh good, only 7 are dead?"


Not "oh good," but Martinez meant we are numb to this s*** now. It's like "Oh, only 7? That's sad, but it's not really a huge deal. Talk to me when it's 50, 100, a sports stadium of thousands."

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:43 PM)
Balta comes through with one of the best posts I've ever read on a message board. Awesome. Well stated. I especially liked 3, 4 and 5.




Not "oh good," but Martinez meant we are numb to this s*** now. It's like "Oh, only 7? That's sad, but it's not really a deal. Talk to me when it's 50, 100, a sports stadium of thousands."


Wake me when you and others in this country act the same when 10-15 kids in Chicago are killed over a weekend.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 28, 2014 -> 09:48 PM)
Wake me when you and others in this country act the same when 10-15 kids in Chicago are killed over a weekend.


Please don't turn this into that. I feel sorry for those poor kids killed on a daily basis in Chicago. That is so fricking tragic. All the murders in Chicago are f***ing unacceptable!!

I hope all those bastards in gangs and other murderers are caught and thrown in jail with the key flushed down the toilet.


-- I can't believe you said 'wake me.' I hope you have never had a loved one or friend murdered. Maybe you have. I hope not. 'Wake me' seems awfully insensitive. We are talking about cold blooded murders here.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:43 PM)
Balta comes through with one of the best posts I've ever read on a message board. Awesome. Well stated. I especially liked 3, 4 and 5.




Not "oh good," but Martinez meant we are numb to this s*** now. It's like "Oh, only 7? That's sad, but it's not really a huge deal. Talk to me when it's 50, 100, a sports stadium of thousands."

Didn't answer the question tho. What would you have passed that would have prevented this? 3 month waiting period? Crazy knows no time limit. 2 round magazine? He stabbed half his victims. I don't know what the CA background check entails, but I do know that there are many people it rejects, including lots of recently retired military.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:49 PM)
Please don't turn this into that. I feel sorry for those poor kids killed on a daily basis in Chicago. That is so fricking tragic. All the murders in Chicago are f***ing unacceptable!!

I hope all those bastards in gangs and other murderers are caught and thrown in jail with the key flushed down the toilet.


-- I can't believe you said 'wake me.' I hope you have never had a loved one or friend murdered. Maybe you have. I hope not. 'Wake me' seems awfully insensitive. We are talking about cold blooded murders here.


Poor choice of words. I'm just saying, when you hear about this crap on a regular basis, regardless of how tragic, that's just human nature to become desensitized to it.

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