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Worst President since WWII?


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So polls say Obama is worst president since WWII.

This is so bizarre because you know and I know if Obama could run again he would win in a landslide again. Does it make Americans feel better to say this s*** to pollsters when they know damn well King Obama would win in the next election and again four years after that and four years after that?

Obama should laugh at the polls cause he gets the last laugh ... every time he runs for office!

Do you think he's worst president since WWII? Do u agree with my premise here??



Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 05:20 PM)
So polls say Obama is worst president since WWII.

This is so bizarre because you know and I know if Obama could run again he would win in a landslide again. Does it make Americans feel better to say this s*** to pollsters when they know damn well King Obama would win in the next election and again four years after that and four years after that?

Obama should laugh at the polls cause he gets the last laugh ... every time he runs for office!

Do you think he's worst president since WWII? Do u agree with my premise here??




Why exactly do you hate Obama, greg? Just curious.



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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 03:20 PM)
So polls say Obama is worst president since WWII.

This is so bizarre because you know and I know if Obama could run again he would win in a landslide again. Does it make Americans feel better to say this s*** to pollsters when they know damn well King Obama would win in the next election and again four years after that and four years after that?

Obama should laugh at the polls cause he gets the last laugh ... every time he runs for office!

Do you think he's worst president since WWII? Do u agree with my premise here??



I've already made that statement, although Jimmy Carter was truly awful. Everyone has short memories though so hard to say, especially in this day and era with the media.

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QUOTE (gatnom @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 11:37 PM)
Why exactly do you hate Obama, greg? Just curious.


I despise Hillary, not Obama. In fact, I couldn't believe it but I walked in the booth and voted for Obama. I couldn't stand the thought of Romney and figured I owed it to the country to vote for a candidate.

I despise the fact Obama is not a leader, though. He can't get anything done. There are ways presidents can charm Congress to get some things passed. The Obama era will in my opinion go down in history as the one in which it became ALL partisan politics and it sets the tone for the future in which no president will be able to get Congress to pass anything. It'll be the same, only worse if possible, for Hillary. She'll stand no chance to get anything passed.

I just find it amusing these polls come out when we all know Obama would win, win, win if he could keep running.


p.s. Obama's statements yesterday show he's given up. The statements in which he ripped Congress and just barked something like, 'pass some bills!'

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 12:26 AM)
I've already made that statement, although Jimmy Carter was truly awful. Everyone has short memories though so hard to say, especially in this day and era with the media.


Do you think he's been horrible because of the reason I listed or do you have others?

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 04:30 PM)
Do you think he's been horrible because of the reason I listed or do you have others?

I think our whole political system is a complete train wreck right now (just better then plenty of other places still) but I think he's a failure for the reasons our country is becoming a failure. More and more people in our country are expecting things from the government and expecting to receive hand outs and more and more of those people construe the voting public, therefor, we are getting to a place with less and less self empowerment and more and more government dependency (since you have to pan handle to that majority to win). I blasted Bush on this site for his role increasing the government and it has gotten even worse. It is an utter joke in my opinion.


The republicans don't help things by focusing on what I consider to be social issues that are far less important then the broad base government bloat that is going on. I do not want to rely on the government to get me places. I rely on myself and my family. It is the same problem with society as a whole. Lets figure out what excuses to make and who to blame vs. taking ownership and responsibility.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 12:35 AM)
I think our whole political system is a complete train wreck right now (just better then plenty of other places still) but I think he's a failure for the reasons our country is becoming a failure. More and more people in our country are expecting things from the government and expecting to receive hand outs and more and more of those people construe the voting public, therefor, we are getting to a place with less and less self empowerment and more and more government dependency (since you have to pan handle to that majority to win). I blasted Bush on this site for his role increasing the government and it has gotten even worse. It is an utter joke in my opinion.


The republicans don't help things by focusing on what I consider to be social issues that are far less important then the broad base government bloat that is going on. I do not want to rely on the government to get me places. I rely on myself and my family. It is the same problem with society as a whole. Lets figure out what excuses to make and who to blame vs. taking ownership and responsibility.


This is the post of the year. Great points. Amazing post.

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I don't think he's even close to being the worst. I try and know my history and I maybe off on some stuff, but I could make arguments that Bush Jr and even LBJ were worse.

I wish O was a lot more tougher but he was dealt a tough hand and hasn't gotten any help in Congress. I'd still prefer him over anyone else that ran the past two elections.


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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 06:35 PM)
I think our whole political system is a complete train wreck right now (just better then plenty of other places still) but I think he's a failure for the reasons our country is becoming a failure. More and more people in our country are expecting things from the government and expecting to receive hand outs and more and more of those people construe the voting public, therefor, we are getting to a place with less and less self empowerment and more and more government dependency (since you have to pan handle to that majority to win). I blasted Bush on this site for his role increasing the government and it has gotten even worse. It is an utter joke in my opinion.


The republicans don't help things by focusing on what I consider to be social issues that are far less important then the broad base government bloat that is going on. I do not want to rely on the government to get me places. I rely on myself and my family. It is the same problem with society as a whole. Lets figure out what excuses to make and who to blame vs. taking ownership and responsibility.


I think the biggest misconception is people think everyone is looking for hand outs. People maybe looking for help, and rightfully so, and have even gotten said help with stuff he is done.

I don't know anyone personally that says they are looking for "hand outs" and I think it's a generalization put out by certain people.



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Look at the situation he inherited in 2008. He's been a disappointment, but not the worst.


1) Carter

2) Ford

3) Nixon (everything he accomplished was pretty much wiped out by Watergate from a historical perspective)

4) GW Bush


The best


1) Truman

2) Reagan

3) Kennedy

4) Clinton


I'm neutral on both LBJ and Eisenhower, as well as George Herbert Walker Bush.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 05:35 PM)
I think our whole political system is a complete train wreck right now (just better then plenty of other places still) but I think he's a failure for the reasons our country is becoming a failure. More and more people in our country are expecting things from the government and expecting to receive hand outs and more and more of those people construe the voting public, therefor, we are getting to a place with less and less self empowerment and more and more government dependency (since you have to pan handle to that majority to win). I blasted Bush on this site for his role increasing the government and it has gotten even worse. It is an utter joke in my opinion.


The republicans don't help things by focusing on what I consider to be social issues that are far less important then the broad base government bloat that is going on. I do not want to rely on the government to get me places. I rely on myself and my family. It is the same problem with society as a whole. Lets figure out what excuses to make and who to blame vs. taking ownership and responsibility.


How many of the great advances of the 20th century have taken place without the involvement of government?


Nuclear power/nuclear weapons, rocketry, the submarine, antibiotics (including the retrovirals that have stemmed the tide of HIV/AIDS), the Internet, and the interstate/national highway system.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 08:55 AM)
Ronald Reagan. Central America.


"Not funding death squads in Central America" and "not starting a disastrous war and ok'ing torture" should immediately put everyone else below Reagan and W on any "worst presidents" list.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 08:58 AM)
"Not funding death squads in Central America" and "not starting a disastrous war and ok'ing torture" should immediately put everyone else below Reagan and W on any "worst presidents" list.


See, I think rounding up an entire race of people simple because they had slanty eyes and putting them in camps is worse than "torture" of actual enemies who were caught trying to kill Americans. But FDR is a liberal wet dream so... forgotten?


Reagan was great because he rallied the country and made Americans proud to be Americans. He came after Carter, so of course he was going to look like a savior, just like Obama did in his first term. On top of not accomplishing much of anything in 6+ years, Obama has made Americans feel terrible about being Americans. It also cracks me up that Obama has continued and expanded about 95% of the policies that Bush implemented and was chastised for during the majority of his terms (basically all of his foreign policy choices, GITMO, drone use, the Patriot Act/NSA scandals, etc.). But let's ignore that. He's a cool dude!

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 2, 2014 -> 04:35 PM)
I think our whole political system is a complete train wreck right now (just better then plenty of other places still) but I think he's a failure for the reasons our country is becoming a failure. More and more people in our country are expecting things from the government and expecting to receive hand outs and more and more of those people construe the voting public, therefor, we are getting to a place with less and less self empowerment and more and more government dependency (since you have to pan handle to that majority to win). I blasted Bush on this site for his role increasing the government and it has gotten even worse. It is an utter joke in my opinion.


The republicans don't help things by focusing on what I consider to be social issues that are far less important then the broad base government bloat that is going on. I do not want to rely on the government to get me places. I rely on myself and my family. It is the same problem with society as a whole. Lets figure out what excuses to make and who to blame vs. taking ownership and responsibility.

Ugh...the first point you made pretty much precludes anyone from being anything other than a failure in my mind.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 09:18 AM)
See, I think rounding up an entire race of people simple because they had slanty eyes and putting them in camps is worse than "torture" of actual enemies who were caught trying to kill Americans. But FDR is a liberal wet dream so... forgotten?


Check out the thread title!



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 10:18 AM)
See, I think rounding up an entire race of people simple because they had slanty eyes and putting them in camps is worse than "torture" of actual enemies who were caught trying to kill Americans. But FDR is a liberal wet dream so... forgotten?


Reagan was great because he rallied the country and made Americans proud to be Americans. He came after Carter, so of course he was going to look like a savior, just like Obama did in his first term. On top of not accomplishing much of anything in 6+ years, Obama has made Americans feel terrible about being Americans. It also cracks me up that Obama has continued and expanded about 95% of the policies that Bush implemented and was chastised for during the majority of his terms (basically all of his foreign policy choices, GITMO, drone use, the Patriot Act/NSA scandals, etc.). But let's ignore that. He's a cool dude!

I agree. How FDR is not at the top of a "worst president since WWII" list is a question I'll never understand.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 3, 2014 -> 09:20 AM)
Check out the thread title!


"Not funding death squads in Central America" and "not starting a disastrous war and ok'ing torture" should immediately put everyone else below Reagan and W on any "worst presidents" list.


I guess you didn't mean this huh?

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