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Jesus of Siberia


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Was surfing the web and came across Vissarion.

This guy in the 1990s deemed himself Jesus revisiting the earth after getting laid off as a cop in Russia and started a religion, moved it to nowhereland in Siberia, and now there are 5,000 people in Siberia who follow him and worship him.


He personally lives atop a mountain with his closest buddies also in houses up there next to his house. The rest of the folks live down below or in a neighboring city. They don't eat meat, they farm and build houses.

Vissarion has a wife and six kids.

They are a very peaceful group of people. They don't believe in negativity. They eat what they produce from the land. They have worship services. The little girls are raised to be homemakers. The little boys grow up to be builders/farmers. There is no money in the communities. Nobody has a cent.

Vissarion paints during the day. He has a little scooter to get him up and down the mountain. He's a bit lazy.


So do you think this Vissarion guy just wants sex whenever he can get it from the women who worship him? What's his motivation to do all this? After all he has to live in Siberia to pull this off. It's not like it's totally lavish or anything. I hear it gets cold there in winter. Do they have it all figured out and we are the idiots? Should we all move there?


Vissarion comes across as kind of mean in interviews. If u are interested.


Edited by greg775
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He should move to southwestern China and join the Mosuo tribe.






One of the best known, and least understood, aspects of Mosuo culture is their practice of what has been termed “walking marriage” (zou hun in Chinese).[10] There is no traditional marriage in Mosuo culture. Therefore, there are no husbands or wives. The Western conception of marriage has been replaced by “walking marriages” or “visiting relations,”[11] in which partners do not live in the same household. Children of such relationships are raised by their mothers and the mothers' families. Shih (2010) is the most sophisticated anthropological account of Mosuo practices of sexual union.

General practice[edit]

The Mosuo have large extended families, and several generations (great grandparents, grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc.) live together in the same house. Everyone lives in communal quarters, and there are no private bedrooms or living areas, except for women between certain ages (see the section on “coming of age,” below) who may have their own private rooms.[10]


All on-going sexual relationships in Mosuo culture are called "walking marriages." These bonds are "based on mutual affection."[9] When a Mosuo woman or man expresses interest in a potential partner, it is the woman who may give the man permission to visit her. These visits are usually kept secret, with the man visiting the woman's house after dark, spending the night, and returning to his own home in the morning.[10] Mosuo women and men can engage in sexual relations with as many partners as they wish.[12]


While a pairing may be long-term, the man never lives with the woman's family, or vice versa. Mosuo men and women continue to live with and be responsible to their respective families. The couple do not share property. The father usually has little responsibility for his offspring.[10] "It is the job of men to care more for their nieces and nephews than for their own children."[4] A father may indicate an interest in the upbringing of his children by bringing gifts to the mother's family. This gives him status within the mother's family, while not actually becoming part of the family. Whether or not the father is involved, children are raised in the mother's home and assume her family name.[10]




Ambox_content.pngThis type of marriage practice has many positive outcomes. First, it gives both participants equal measures of freedom. It can be initiated at will and ended in the same manner. Only rarely do families become involved. If a matriarch disapproves of a “visitor,” she can make the participants end the relationship, but this seldom happens. In other Asian cultures, “marriage is seen as a group decision.”[13] China, especially, has a history of focusing more on families' ties than the individuals' and works to serve the economic and political interests of these larger parties.[14] Walking marriages, however, negate these social pressures and allow more independence[citation needed].


Another particularly important result of this practice is the lack of preference for children of a particular sex.[citation needed] For example, in most cultures in the region, a female joins the male partner's family upon getting married.[citation needed] The result is that if a couple has many female children, they will lose them after marriage, and have no one to care for them in old age; but if they have male children, their sons (and their sons' wives) will care for them. So, in poorer populations in particular, there is a strong preference for male children.


However, among the Mosuo, since neither the male nor female children ever leave the household, there is no particular preference for one gender over the other.[citation needed] The focus instead tends to be on maintaining some degree of sexual balance, having roughly the same proportion of males to females within a household.[citation needed] In situations that this becomes unbalanced, it is not uncommon for Mosuo to adopt children of the appropriate sex or even for two households to "swap" male and female children.[citation needed]



Myths & Controversies[edit]

Although sometimes believed otherwise by outsiders:


  • Mosuo women are "promiscuous"?
While it is possible for a Mosuo woman to change partners as often as she likes, few Mosuo women have more than one partner at a time. Anthropologists call this system “serial monogamy.” Most Mosuo form long-term relationships and do not change partners frequently.[10] Some of these pairings may even last a lifetime. Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (scs787 @ Jul 5, 2014 -> 05:17 PM)
Well then, had no idea where this was going....Wasn't expecting a sex angle....was kinda waiting for a presidential angle.



Well, other than the fact that this guy isn't eligible to run for the presidency in the U.S., that would be tough.


Maybe he's writing an anti-Hilary screed?



Sounds more like David Koresh mixed with the Manson Family and Unabomber, with a little Ken Kesey thrown in for good measure.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 5, 2014 -> 11:21 PM)
Well, other than the fact that this guy isn't eligible to run for the presidency in the U.S., that would be tough.


Maybe he's writing an anti-Hilary screed?



Sounds more like David Koresh mixed with the Manson Family and Unabomber, with a little Ken Kesey thrown in for good measure.


Great last sentence. Vissarion appears to be very 'gentle.' His talks to the people are in hushed tones. I did read something about his traveling to Italy and a few other places the past few years to "recruit members." So maybe he is doing some of the lavish thing on the side. But there's no money so I don't know where he'd get money to travel. I did read a line somewhere about people giving up their life savings when they arrive so maybe he gets that. There's not a lot of info written in English on the guy. My take is the sex thing. Surely he can have sex with any of the women he wants since he is the fake Jesus.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2014 -> 05:31 PM)
Great last sentence. Vissarion appears to be very 'gentle.' His talks to the people are in hushed tones. I did read something about his traveling to Italy and a few other places the past few years to "recruit members." So maybe he is doing some of the lavish thing on the side. But there's no money so I don't know where he'd get money to travel. I did read a line somewhere about people giving up their life savings when they arrive so maybe he gets that. There's not a lot of info written in English on the guy. My take is the sex thing. Surely he can have sex with any of the women he wants since he is the fake Jesus.


Except Jesus never had sex, except for The Last Temptation of Christ.

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Supposedly the government may eventually break up the cult. Maybe that's why they have to make sure they don't make any waves. If they go in and bust it up, it'd be interesting to see what happens with Jesus of Siberia. Does he just burn the white robe and apply for jobs as a cop again? To his followers say, "Oh well, that was a good run. See you all later."

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