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Volunteering with Refugees


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 03:19 PM)
And of course when we release them they head out into the forests to find bushes to sleep under and hunt squirrels for food. Because it's the wild. And they're not people, they're animals.



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 03:02 PM)
When taxes are used as punishment or as a way to steer the market, for example with sin-taxes, they absolutely inhibit free market ideals. It's not about paying your share to the government, it's about limiting your market exposure with government intervention.




So for the next 10 years and however many billions of dollars, the tens of thousands of kids coming into the country are going to help the country how? You're speaking and dreaming in idealistic terms, not reality. The reality is we're letting tens of thousands of people in who are just skipping in front of others who have been waiting in line, and then they're released into the wild. It's not fair to LEGAL immigrants, and it's not fair to the suffering people who are already here.


Like I said, there is not really any point in belaboring the economics issue. Taxes are part of any govt economy. Even a sin tax is because it is taking into account the cost to the govt. Sick humans cost more. Sick humans arent as productive. Thus if you cause humans to be sick, you pay more taxes. But again, no real point, you just simply do not believe it. It is like arguing for or against religion, either you believe or you do not.


How will it help the country? The same way that my great grandfather did, be a part of the American economy, add to the pie. That is how economics works. You just simply dont believe it. Its like arguing with someone that the Earth is the center of the Universe. If their "faith" tells them that, there is no point in arguing.


And Im not sure how my idea wouldnt be "fair". The people in line would get to come here too. They wouldnt be skipping anyone. It would just be fixing a broken program that forces people to wait in line. Its like if Im waiting for the train and it breaks so I have to wait another 45 minutes. When they fix the train they dont force other people who arrived later to "wait another X minutes because its not fair I had to wait for a broken train". That is just idiocy. It would have been like after the slaves were freed telling them that "Its not fair that some of you were only slaves for 10 years, so you dont get freedom today". When you fix a problem, sometimes it may be unfair to those who were subject to the problem. But it doesnt mean you dont fix it.


As for the people that are here. It will help them, so I dont see how it is "unfair". Its only "unfair" if somehow these immigrants are getting a benefit that the current americans dont, which isnt the case.


But its your opinion, just like the people who thought that women shouldnt vote or there shouldnt be interracial marriage.


As an American you are entitled to it, no matter how unfounded it may be.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 03:34 PM)
If you don't want to be accused of dehumanizing children then don't call them animals. Really simple.


When you have no money, no friends/family, you don't speak the language, you have no home or place to go, it's analogous to "the wild." Jesus Christ.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 03:35 PM)
Like I said, there is not really any point in belaboring the economics issue. Taxes are part of any govt economy. Even a sin tax is because it is taking into account the cost to the govt. Sick humans cost more. Sick humans arent as productive. Thus if you cause humans to be sick, you pay more taxes. But again, no real point, you just simply do not believe it. It is like arguing for or against religion, either you believe or you do not.


How will it help the country? The same way that my great grandfather did, be a part of the American economy, add to the pie. That is how economics works. You just simply dont believe it. Its like arguing with someone that the Earth is the center of the Universe. If their "faith" tells them that, there is no point in arguing.


And Im not sure how my idea wouldnt be "fair". The people in line would get to come here too. They wouldnt be skipping anyone. It would just be fixing a broken program that forces people to wait in line. Its like if Im waiting for the train and it breaks so I have to wait another 45 minutes. When they fix the train they dont force other people who arrived later to "wait another X minutes because its not fair I had to wait for a broken train". That is just idiocy. It would have been like after the slaves were freed telling them that "Its not fair that some of you were only slaves for 10 years, so you dont get freedom today". When you fix a problem, sometimes it may be unfair to those who were subject to the problem. But it doesnt mean you dont fix it.


As for the people that are here. It will help them, so I dont see how it is "unfair". Its only "unfair" if somehow these immigrants are getting a benefit that the current americans dont, which isnt the case.

But its your opinion, just like the people who thought that women shouldnt vote or there shouldnt be interracial marriage.


As an American you are entitled to it, no matter how unfounded it may be.


You know you come off as a real condescending prick with these back-handed statements right? Just argue the damn issue. Why do you have to add crap like this, as if you and your opinions are so much better than everyone else?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 04:27 PM)
You know you come off as a real condescending prick with these back-handed statements right? Just argue the damn issue. Why do you have to add crap like this, as if you and your opinions are so much better than everyone else?


You are right. Its a subject that infuriates me because there is very little evidence to support that position that immigrants hurt the economy. So to me it seems like nothing more than cloaked racism. And as someone whose family has been the "other" for thousands of years, I feel an obligation to fight for those who are in a similar situation.


Everyone deserves a place as great as America, and it really just enrages me that so many people in America take it for granted, b**** about it etc, and then we deny the people who actually want to come here because they recognize just how amazing it is.

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A sin tax is an example of a government trying to make the right thing happen (people not smoking cigarettes) without completely eliminating the freedom to do so (banning cigarettes). It's just altering the circumstances that lead to our choice of using or not using

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 05:21 PM)
So to me it seems like nothing more than cloaked racism.

That is the problem, if you can't see criticism as anything other than racism. Can someone hate what Obama is doing just because they think it is f***ed up, or does it always have to be because he is black? While not denying that there will always be some people that think that (Obama bad because black, immigrants bad because brown, etc.), to assume that all reactions are because of that is just as bad as what you accuse others of. I would be as pissed if they were from Croatia, France or Germany. I might give Canada a break for a bit, as they are almost like our 51st state, but even that would get old pretty fast.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 26, 2014 -> 08:40 AM)
Why is Canada like our 51st state and you'd not have as much of a problem with Canadian immigrants as you would with Mexican or central American immigrants?

All I am saying is that it would be so unexpected of Canadians that I would probably not notice it at forst. But once reports get out of 30k a day coming over, that has to end as well. And as usual, you selectively read what you want to see. I put down that I would be opposed to more than just brown people coming over. White, green, yellow, I don't care.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 04:23 PM)
When you have no money, no friends/family, you don't speak the language, you have no home or place to go, it's analogous to "the wild." Jesus Christ.


All of the people I am discussing have family or friends and the ability to buy a bus ticket. Their court dates are always further out than 48 hours. INS is releasing them only if they have bus tickets. Sacred Heart is only helping those that have bus tickets.


Not speaking the language? They don't speak your language, did the European immigrants when they arrived? There is a much greater support group available to Spanish speaking families than to the Italians, Germans, Poles, etc. have immigrated.


Have you thought about my Texas, with all these immigrants from Mexico and other points in Central and South America survived the Great Recession so well? Perhaps our economy expanded to accommodate people needing to buy food, rent a place to live, and work? Japan's economy struggled when their population growth stagnated.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 08:26 PM)
I might give Canada a break for a bit, as they are almost like our 51st state, but even that would get old pretty fast.


Try to explain what makes Canada different without saying white, English speaking, and provided safe haven to Americans avoiding the Vietnam draft.


Long continuous border? Same

Backs us in every war? Same

Allows American companies to build factories and employ laborers for less wages? Mexico


Another point to consider is immigration has increased into countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Belize, and others. People are trying to escape the real hell holes. Not everyone is trying to reach the US. Some believe only really lazy people looking for handouts are willing to walk 2,000 miles for an crappy welcome and an uncertain future. Walking 2,000 miles and they are termed lazy and not wanting to work. Seriously?


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QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 12:40 PM)
Try to explain what makes Canada different without saying white, English speaking, and provided safe haven to Americans avoiding the Vietnam draft.


Long continuous border? Same

Backs us in every war? Same

Allows American companies to build factories and employ laborers for less wages? Mexico


Another point to consider is immigration has increased into countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Belize, and others. People are trying to escape the real hell holes. Not everyone is trying to reach the US. Some believe only really lazy people looking for handouts are willing to walk 2,000 miles for an crappy welcome and an uncertain future. Walking 2,000 miles and they are termed lazy and not wanting to work. Seriously?

Tex, did you even read my reply to that to ss, or are you just mono-focused as well? Canada is different because they DON"T send over people to take farm jobs, welfare etc., and don't have their government encouraging it either. They don't have Canadian drug lords shooting at border patrol agents across rivers. They send troops to fight beside us. But despite all that, I would still be opposed if they were sending 30k unaccompanied kids a day over the border. it would just be so unexpected that it may take an extra moment to notice it.



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QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 12:34 PM)
Japan's economy struggled when their population growth stagnated.

So you think Americans are not f***ing enough? Maybe the economy is reason enough then to overturn Roe v Wade. We need more kids, it is your patriotic duty! Protect the economy!

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 02:01 PM)
Tex, did you even read my reply to that to ss, or are you just mono-focused as well? Canada is different because they DON"T send over people to take farm jobs, welfare etc., and don't have their government encouraging it either. They don't have Canadian drug lords shooting at border patrol agents across rivers. They send troops to fight beside us. But despite all that, I would still be opposed if they were sending 30k unaccompanied kids a day over the border. it would just be so unexpected that it may take an extra moment to notice it.


No, Canada sends over people to take jobs that pay well over minimum wage that Americans actually want. Judging the refugees by the crime they are fleeing is kind of weird, wouldn't you say? If you are fleeing cartels and drug lords and want to work job in agriculture and manual labor the US doesn't want you. If you are just wanting to come and take a primo job from an American? Welcome!


War help? Hispanics make up the ethnic group with the most Medal of Honors, that would be ahead of the Canadians.

Latinos have served with distinction in the U.S. military for generations. Forty-three Latinos have won our nation’s highest award, the Congressional Medal of Honor. As of 2007, 1.1 million Hispanics were veterans of the U.S. armed forces. Approximately 16% of newly enlisted, active duty members of all branches of the military are Hispanic. - See more at: http://www.nclr.org/index.php/about_us/faq...h.ZO3BqDwQ.dpuf








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QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 05:58 PM)
No, Canada sends over people to take jobs that pay well over minimum wage that Americans actually want. Judging the refugees by the crime they are fleeing is kind of weird, wouldn't you say? If you are fleeing cartels and drug lords and want to work job in agriculture and manual labor the US doesn't want you. If you are just wanting to come and take a primo job from an American? Welcome!


War help? Hispanics make up the ethnic group with the most Medal of Honors, that would be ahead of the Canadians.






Latinos serving in the US services. Not the Mexican Army fighting anywhere, other than trying to disarm locals who fight back against the cartels. We have had this discussion many times. if you want to improve the guest worker program to fulfill those AG jobs, then fix that system. I don't see these 'kids' taking those jobs, do you?


And a serious question for you, what are the age ranges for these kids you see? I hear some stories that say they are in their teens, so not exactly the poor 'little' kids that you hear about on TV. As with all politically charged stories, whatever preconceived biases the reporter has always seems to filter into what they do or do not tell you.

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