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Ferguson Riots


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 09:06 AM)


What I don't get is why someone didn't have the human decency for 3-4 hours to at least cover his body with a sheet or something...anything? It is a bit unreal.


It sure sounds like the cops were brutal and awful in so many ways. Where we are now, though, a person is critical condition tonight because the looters shot one of their own in the street. The cops have to get tough rounding up the looters.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 02:23 AM)
It sure sounds like the cops were brutal and awful in so many ways. Where we are now, though, a person is critical condition tonight because the looters shot one of their own in the street. The cops have to get tough rounding up the looters.



Those "Purge" movies are getting closer and closer to reality...



Meanwhile, Twitter co-founder/billionaire and St. Louis native Jack Dorsey gets involved with chronicling and supporting Ferguson protesters (good for business or his conscience tweaking him?)



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QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 09:33 AM)
The more the community ignores laws and the harder they make it to serve and protect their community from looters the more empathy I have for the police.


Do cops get to ignore laws?

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 09:53 AM)
Do cops get to ignore laws?


Neither side gets to ignore laws and our justice system. But the punishment for cops breaking the law can't be unending looting, violence, and lawlessness. Protesting against someone breaking the law by breaking the law is hypocrisy on the grandest scale.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 10:29 AM)
Neither side gets to ignore laws and our justice system. But the punishment for cops breaking the law can't be unending looting, violence, and lawlessness. Protesting against someone breaking the law by breaking the law is hypocrisy on the grandest scale.


I'm with you on the looting, but what about the right to peacefully protest or freedom of the press down there? It was all taken away by that force.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 02:41 PM)
I gotta imagine that they didn't cover up the body for fear of contaminating the crime scene.

Cmon. Human decency says throw a blanket on the body. If fibers get on the body, deal with it. Having him lay there for 3 hours is a f***ing disgrace.


QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 03:33 PM)
The more the community ignores laws and the harder they make it to serve and protect their community from looters the more empathy I have for the police.




Problem is the cops have been horrible in this case and violated a lot of laws. Looting is horrible, but the cops incensed the community by releasing the tape of the kid robbing a store. What purpose did that serve at this time except to say the kid was a thug stealing some cigars and putting his hands on the clerk. You've got to have more black cops in a city that is 60 percent black for gosh sakes.

But I am against the asshole looters as well. Nobody's talking much about the looter who is in critical condition cause he got shot by one of his own.

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I was told by some guy there is an increasing "us vs. them" mentality regarding cops and the public nowadays. Is this true? Does anybody know?

Last time I looked, the cops shiny new facilities were paid for by taxpayers. Protect and serve or are we headed for more of these confrontations??


A libertarian I know last night said he thinks the cops are convinced the public won't be able to handle the total collapse of the economy when it comes soon and cops will take to the streets in their shiny new tanks we paid for and it'll be armageddon basically.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 03:27 PM)
I was told by some guy there is an increasing "us vs. them" mentality regarding cops and the public nowadays. Is this true? Does anybody know?

Last time I looked, the cops shiny new facilities were paid for by taxpayers. Protect and serve or are we headed for more of these confrontations??


A libertarian I know last night said he thinks the cops are convinced the public won't be able to handle the total collapse of the economy when it comes soon and cops will take to the streets in their shiny new tanks we paid for and it'll be armageddon basically.

1. There's no way to quantify that. However, this type of confrontation is definitely possible when you have a complete breakdown of trust between authorities and the community. Take a look, for example, at LA recently as a counterpoint. They had a shooting of a person by the police, possibly unjustly, last week, but there are no riots in the street there right now. A big part of that is having some degree of trust between the people and the police that if the police did something wrong, it will be dealt with, which is missing in this location.


2. Your "libertarian" predicting the end of the world will have a very poor record in predicting the end of the world but he will continue making that prediction until you laugh at him. We're on the 4th season of "doomsday preppers" currently. How many seasons will they get before people start thinking "hey wait a second, they're prepping for doomsday and it hasn't come! Maybe I should stop giving them attention". You should respond similarly.

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Obviously both sides are guilty of wrongdoing. That being said I am finding hard to find empathy. Mike Brown was doing stereotypical black male actions. He was not minding his own business. He was doing criminal acts, not that the cop that shot him knew that. Now I'm not condoning the use lethal force on the kid but cops are human too. A lot of the decisions they have to make have to be quick where hesitation can get you or others killed. I think people that believe that all cops kill blacks kids for lolz are being disingenuous.


Mike Brown is a tragedy but sadly s*** like this goes on everyday. Does that mean we accept it? No, but the looting, civil disobedience, and overall chaos in Ferguson is not going to bring that kid back.

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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 16, 2014 -> 09:10 PM)
You just pointing out those two things tells us a lot about you and you arent much better than the people youre criticizing.

Oh really? That is literally the only post I've made in this thread, and you know how I feel?


This is why I find discussing things like this with most people a waste of time. Exhibit A. If I told you, are you even going to listen?

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 03:07 PM)
Obviously both sides are guilty of wrongdoing. That being said I am finding hard to find empathy. Mike Brown was doing stereotypical black male actions. He was not minding his own business. He was doing criminal acts, not that the cop that shot him knew that. Now I'm not condoning the use lethal force on the kid but cops are human too. A lot of the decisions they have to make have to be quick where hesitation can get you or others killed. I think people that believe that all cops kill blacks kids for lolz are being disingenuous.


Mike Brown is a tragedy but sadly s*** like this goes on everyday. Does that mean we accept it? No, but the looting, civil disobedience, and overall chaos in Ferguson is not going to bring that kid back.


Would a cop do that to an 18 year old white sorority girl high on weed and drinking alcohol under age? She would be committing multiple criminal acts as well.


We can turn this around later to make up a justification or rationale for the police officer's reaction...and maybe there's something that would exonerate him that we're not already hearing. But that doesn't make a whole lot of sense because they're already putting out the convenience store video and background/feel good/PR spin stories on the police officer. Why then withhold crucial information that directly controverts the prevailing storyline that's already widely-accepted in the Ferguson community?

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 05:39 PM)
Oh really? That is literally the only post I've made in this thread, and you know how I feel?


This is why I find discussing things like this with most people a waste of time. Exhibit A. If I told you, are you even going to listen?




You made similar comments in the Trayvon Martin thread. It's pretty obvious you go around looking to be offended.

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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 06:34 PM)
You made similar comments in the Trayvon Martin thread. It's pretty obvious you go around looking to be offended.


From my many glimpses intoLostFan's personal life, that just isn't accurate. Not that you would necessarily know that, I'm just trying to offer a little help in understanding POV's.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 10:34 AM)
I'm with you on the looting, but what about the right to peacefully protest or freedom of the press down there? It was all taken away by that force.


And replaced by looting and rioting. I'm not seeing peaceful protests. I'm seeing a portion of the community, that probably does not represent the mainstream population using this as a chance to loot and break laws. I also see some people justifying at and believing it is ok. I disagree as did a long line of civil rights leaders.

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This isnt directed at anyone in this thread, but in general I find it pretty interesting to see peoples stances on situations like this and how hypocritical they can be. It seems one side is saying that cops are bad and arent really willing to consider that even though there are some bad cops that not all of them do things like this. On the other side people are saying everyone protesting is bad because of what theyre hearing and seeing about all the looting going on. Both sides are unfairly lumping a larger group of people together to justify what theyre doing.


It will be interesting to see what the 2nd autopsy finds or what other evidence comes out. As of now it looks like the cop should probably be charged with murder and that Michael Brown was a scumbag. As most other people have said barring the officer feeling his life was threatened there is no justification for shooting an unarmed kid, absolutely none. but a lot of choices that Brown made that put him in that position were his own fault. Both Brown and the cop are at fault here.


I also hope they can find and arrest some of these looters too. People that will trash local businesses and steal from stores in their community in the name of justice are huge pieces of s***.

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I'm sorry if I point out when people make clear, obvious, in-your-face derogatory comments towards black people, using occasions like this (not necessarily in this thread, of which I haven't read all 19 pages, but if that shoe fits, lace it on up) to just come out and say how they really feel, and it offends you.


Just search the #ferguson hashtag on Twitter for a couple thousand examples of what I mean

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Aug 17, 2014 -> 08:19 PM)
This isnt directed at anyone in this thread, but in general I find it pretty interesting to see peoples stances on situations like this and how hypocritical they can be. It seems one side is saying that cops are bad and arent really willing to consider that even though there are some bad cops that not all of them do things like this. On the other side people are saying everyone protesting is bad because of what theyre hearing and seeing about all the looting going on. Both sides are unfairly lumping a larger group of people together to justify what theyre doing.


It will be interesting to see what the 2nd autopsy finds or what other evidence comes out. As of now it looks like the cop should probably be charged with murder and that Michael Brown was a scumbag. As most other people have said barring the officer feeling his life was threatened there is no justification for shooting an unarmed kid, absolutely none. but a lot of choices that Brown made that put him in that position were his own fault. Both Brown and the cop are at fault here.


I also hope they can find and arrest some of these looters too. People that will trash local businesses and steal from stores in their community in the name of justice are huge pieces of s***.

I have never at any point said the bolded part, anywhere, but you saw fit to make that judgment (don't bother insulting my intelligence by saying I wasn't included in that statement either).

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