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Ferguson Riots


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Maybe there should be a push nationwide to get more minorities to become police officers, and to help serve in minority communities. I'm tired of hearing "White cop..." Get some black cops. Or would that ruin their street cred by becoming the Man? Would black cops be called sellouts, or worse?

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QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 3, 2014 -> 07:40 PM)
Some were, no doubt. But for others it was a protest that would get attention. Frustration from people getting killed without a trial versus someone paying a few extra cents for their tea. Just sitting around discussing and acting nice isn't going to fix anything.


So there's no other choice but rioting and violence?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 08:10 AM)
The Garner video is why a lot of people are skeptical that body cams will make any difference.


I haven't read much about that case. I assume there are no charges because of the municipal immunity?


Also, liberals, this is the crap I can't stand:




"This is what American police do." Now imagine someone writes a similar article with 5-10 examples of a black person committing a crime and the author proudly concluding "this is what black people do." (Not saying anyone on the board agrees with this article, but many people here seem to agree with the gist of it.)

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 08:52 AM)
Maybe there should be a push nationwide to get more minorities to become police officers, and to help serve in minority communities. I'm tired of hearing "White cop..." Get some black cops. Or would that ruin their street cred by becoming the Man? Would black cops be called sellouts, or worse?


Seriously? You're acting like there are no black cops or something...

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:58 AM)
I don't think that's the canned response, but let's assume it is. You're advocating violence as a reasonable response, is that correct?

Like Tex pointed out, our nation's existence follows from violence as a reasonable response to certain types of oppression.


How many times have we heard about how "Second amendment solutions" are necessary to prevent the tyranny of government helping poor people see a doctor over the past few years?


This cuts both ways.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 09:59 AM)
Seriously? You're acting like there are no black cops or something...

Did you notice the word MORE in what I wrote? There obviously isn't enough, because every time something like this happens you hear the race-baiters talk about how the department doesn't mirror the communities.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:01 AM)
Like Tex pointed out, our nation's existence follows from violence as a reasonable response to certain types of oppression.


How many times have we heard about how "Second amendment solutions" are necessary to prevent the tyranny of government helping poor people see a doctor over the past few years?


This cuts both ways.

So now you are all for the second amendment? Cool!

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 11:01 AM)
Did you notice the word MORE in what I wrote? There obviously isn't enough, because every time something like this happens you hear the race-baiters talk about how the department doesn't mirror the communities.

Ferguson is 67% African American, its police force is 6% African American.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 11:02 AM)
So now you are all for the second amendment? Cool!

I do wonder how Ferguson would have looked different if there had been a bunch of people with lawfully licensed assault-style rifles standing in with the rioters.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:03 AM)
Ferguson is 67% African American, its police force is 6% African American.

Then perhaps some of the fine upstanding residents of Ferguson should consider a career in law enforcement.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:04 AM)
I do wonder how Ferguson would have looked different if there had been a bunch of people with lawfully licensed assault-style rifles standing in with the rioters.

There were several cases of those guarding building and businesses, of both races.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:01 AM)
Did you notice the word MORE in what I wrote? There obviously isn't enough, because every time something like this happens you hear the race-baiters talk about how the department doesn't mirror the communities.


lol we should hire more minority cops so we won't have discussions on racial tension anymore? Because if it's black on black crimes, you can tell us how violent they are some more? Please stop acting like it doesn't exist. Because it still does. I may not be black or Hispanic, but as a minority living in the south, I still see it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:04 AM)
I do wonder how Ferguson would have looked different if there had been a bunch of people with lawfully licensed assault-style rifles standing in with the rioters.

Good time to point out that California, under the leadership of Reagan, first started instituting strict gun controls in response to the Black Panthers lawfully carrying weapons.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:09 AM)
lol we should hire more minority cops so we won't have discussions on racial tension anymore? Because if it's black on black crimes, you can tell us how violent they are some more? Please stop acting like it doesn't exist. Because it still does. I may not be black or Hispanic, but as a minority living in the south, I still see it.

Have I ever said it didn't exist? Quit projecting an image that you have of me, because you don't know me. I know it exists. Just saying that instead of rioting and acting like idiots, maybe do something positive like police your community. Join the force. Would be a much more positive action than burning and looting a convenience store. Maybe get that force up to 50% black and see if that helps community relations any. See if it helps to ease tensions and get better police protection.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:04 AM)
Then perhaps some of the fine upstanding residents of Ferguson should consider a career in law enforcement.

In many (most? almost all?) suburban and exurban towns, a lot of the police don't actually live in the town but live nearby. It's one thing for a giant city like Chicago to require residency for the position because there's a huge area to choose from, but it'd be hard to attract enough people to small municipal police forces if they had to physically move there, especially when you might change jobs every few years.


edit: here's some data to back that up http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/reexam...olice-officers/

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:01 AM)
Like Tex pointed out, our nation's existence follows from violence as a reasonable response to certain types of oppression.


How many times have we heard about how "Second amendment solutions" are necessary to prevent the tyranny of government helping poor people see a doctor over the past few years?


This cuts both ways.


"Your Honor, can you please instruct the witness to answer the question."


The BTP example is not really comparable, btw. The revolutionaries didn't have much recourse. Who could they complain to? Their local governments were ignored and they had no representation in Parliament. What political route did they have, especially when they're dealing with a monarch? You know what Ferguson people can do? Persuade their elected officials to make changes. They can elect new people if necessary. There are non-violent routes to take.


Also, when Ferguson police officers start living with the people of Ferguson, eating their food, using their supplies, etc., then we can talk about whether an armed revolution makes sense.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:12 AM)
Have I ever said it didn't exist? Quit projecting an image that you have of me, because you don't know me. I know it exists. Just saying that instead of rioting and acting like idiots, maybe do something positive like police your community. Join the force. Would be a much more positive action than burning and looting a convenience store. Maybe get that force up to 50% black and see if that helps community relations any. See if it helps to ease tensions and get better police protection.


Alpha, come on now, you know there's no problem within the black community. If white cops just left them alone the world would be right again!

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:17 AM)
"Your Honor, can you please instruct the witness to answer the question."


The BTP example is not really comparable, btw. The revolutionaries didn't have much recourse. Who could they complain to? Their local governments were ignored and they had no representation in Parliament. What political route did they have, especially when they're dealing with a monarch? You know what Ferguson people can do? Persuade their elected officials to make changes. They can elect new people if necessary. There are non-violent routes to take.


Also, when Ferguson police officers start living with the people of Ferguson, eating their food, using their supplies, etc., then we can talk about whether an armed revolution makes sense.

This assumes that there aren't structural impediments to fair representation by local government for minority citizens deliberately put in place.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 11:20 AM)
This assumes that there aren't structural impediments to fair representation by local government for minority citizens deliberately put in place.

Like, for example, a DA who doesn't want to bring charges in a case and uses the grand jury to make that happen?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 4, 2014 -> 10:12 AM)
Have I ever said it didn't exist? Quit projecting an image that you have of me, because you don't know me. I know it exists. Just saying that instead of rioting and acting like idiots, maybe do something positive like police your community. Join the force. Would be a much more positive action than burning and looting a convenience store. Maybe get that force up to 50% black and see if that helps community relations any. See if it helps to ease tensions and get better police protection.


And what makes you think those people want to join the police force after what they saw as a huge injustice by them?


If you can't beat 'em, join them?

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