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And to lighten things up


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Pro-lifers murdering people.  It's irony on a base level but I enjoy it.

--Bill Hicks

Yes it is a sort of sick sad irony.


on the eve of his execution for the shotgun slaying of an abortion doctor (the killer boasted): "I expect a great reward in heaven."

On one hand this man is seems too stupid to continue living but on the other hand killing seems to good, he should spend the rest of his life as Bubba's b****.


"We're very concerned that Paul Hill's call for violence may be picked up by any person to whom God speaks," said Abe Bonowitz, the head of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

This man is obviously very confused as well. The only people to whom God is speaking that would take the call to violence seriously are the ones for whom the voice would go away if they just took their medicine.

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I never understood killing abortionists, unless they think it will deter people from becoming abortion doctors.


I personally can not take a stand on abortion right now. Though I think it is wrong morally and is a sin, if I got a girl pregnant it would be up to her, so I don't know what to think.

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I never understood killing abortionists, unless they think it will deter people from becoming abortion doctors.


I personally can not take a stand on abortion right now.  Though I think it is wrong morally and is a sin, if I got a girl pregnant it would be up to her, so I don't know what to think.

This isn't a thread about a stance if abortion is right or wrong. I just found it darkly hilarious that people who were pro-life were killing people.

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I never understood killing abortionists, unless they think it will deter people from becoming abortion doctors.


I personally can not take a stand on abortion right now.  Though I think it is wrong morally and is a sin, if I got a girl pregnant it would be up to her, so I don't know what to think.

This isn't a thread about a stance if abortion is right or wrong. I just found it darkly hilarious that people who were pro-life were killing people.

I agree with you. It would be like peace protesters killing people.


The whole thing was stupid. As far as abortion goes, I really don't know what to think. I think killing a person is wrong, yet I also don't think having a child with unwanted or unfit parents is any better.


I mean whats better, a kid that becomes a druggy in society and steals, etc or a kid that isn't there to begin with. I guess every kid deserves that chance to prove they can be good, but its a tough call, one I wouldn't be comfortable making, thats for damn sure.


I know if I knocked up a girl right now I wouldn't want to take care of her, but if she wanted to keep the baby and its her call, then I'd have to do what needed to be done and work more hours and basically put that kid first and my goals last.

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In other news, Irony was arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter. He is expected to server 10-15 years without probation.

Thats BS...life in PRISON is what he should get.


In my law class today we were discussing a case that our teacher is doing right now (no names were mentioned) and its currently in the appeal process.


But this guy is accussed with intent to kill his wife (She only had a minor bruise on the back of the neck and evidence proves her story is wrong (She was too big for the story too cooberate; csi style); but the original attorney never called any expert witnesse so basically he was screwed out of a fair trial).


Anyway, he's in prison for 25 years unless his appeal gets heard. This guy actually kills someone and gets less time...what a joke.

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I never understood killing abortionists, unless they think it will deter people from becoming abortion doctors.


I personally can not take a stand on abortion right now.  Though I think it is wrong morally and is a sin, if I got a girl pregnant it would be up to her, so I don't know what to think.

This isn't a thread about a stance if abortion is right or wrong. I just found it darkly hilarious that people who were pro-life were killing people.

LOL yeah. Lets stop people from doing something you consider murder bu murdering the person responsible. Poor misguided fools.

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I never understood killing abortionists, unless they think it will deter people from becoming abortion doctors.


I personally can not take a stand on abortion right now.  Though I think it is wrong morally and is a sin, if I got a girl pregnant it would be up to her, so I don't know what to think.

This isn't a thread about a stance if abortion is right or wrong. I just found it darkly hilarious that people who were pro-life were killing people.

I know what the thread is about. but I figured I would throw in my opinion while the gates are open.

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Thats BS...life in PRISON is what he should get.


In my law class today we were discussing a case that our teacher is doing right now (no names were mentioned) and its currently in the appeal process. 


But this guy is accussed with intent to kill his wife (She only had a minor bruise on the back of the neck and evidence proves her story is wrong (She was too big for the story too cooberate; csi style); but the original attorney never called any expert witnesse so basically he was screwed out of a fair trial).


Anyway, he's in prison for 25 years unless his appeal gets heard.  This guy actually kills someone and gets less time...what a joke.

Um, you took that out of context, but ok. :)

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I never understood killing abortionists, unless they think it will deter people from becoming abortion doctors.


I personally can not take a stand on abortion right now.  Though I think it is wrong morally and is a sin, if I got a girl pregnant it would be up to her, so I don't know what to think.

This isn't a thread about a stance if abortion is right or wrong. I just found it darkly hilarious that people who were pro-life were killing people.

Why???? There are lunatics everywhere. What they "believe in" has no inflluence whatsover. IF they werent killling abortion doctors theyd be beating their wives or destroying their children. There are zillions of pro choicers killing too.

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