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Ray Rice Cut and Suspended Indefinitely

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 01:46 PM)
I'm sure it's more likely than not that I would be fired, but I don't think that it would be an immediate, no thinking required kind of decision.


But comparing the NFL to any other employer is comparing apples and oranges. I'd be fired for using drugs too. Most people would. So should NFL players be cut for that?


I'd love that personally. As of today, the NFL is the worst of all of the major sports when it comes to doping and drugs, except for maybe the NBA. They don't even test for HGH>

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 01:56 PM)
Ray Rice punched her 4 hours ago?


Prior to this morning the Ravens had no plans to cut Rice. They actively and proudly supported him.


This morning, that video leaked, and 4 hours later he was cut. That is "immediate" by my definition. As soon as the video leaked, he was gone.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 10:54 AM)
Listen, this isn't the victim olympics. Just because this other terrible event happened that you think is being underappreciated doesn't mean another terrible event is unimportant. But you almost certainly will not gain support for your view by justifying domestic violence. You can say that's not what you were doing, but you were quite clearly saying Ray Rice's incident was not that bad because his wife was being drunk and annoying.


Drunk driving in the NFL has a terrible history, as does this country. The Leonard Little era was disgusting. But there is likely less outrage for Brent because he did face criminal charges. Ray manipulated his way out of the charges, and the league showed way too much support for him. This also happens to be a common situation for victims of domestic violence, whereas victims of drunk driving tend to get the sympathy they deserve. People don't act like it was their fault.

He never justified domestic violence. He said Rice's wife was being drunk and annoying, which she was. To point that out in no way justifies what Rice did, but it does show that Rice's wife wasn't showing impeccable judgment herself. There is nothing wrong in pointing that out, and once again (I believe it does bear repeating), it gets nowehere close to justifying domestic violence.


Secondly, Rice did not manipulate his way out of charges. He struck a plea deal, which was the intelligent thing to do.


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I'm a little conflicted by this. On one hand, I agree with a policy of zero tolerance for violence against women. On the other hand, life is about second chances and unless Rice has some history that I'm not aware of, he isn't getting one.


I guess one big question is: Did Rice lie about the severity of the incident to the league and/or the judicial system and did this video counter his lie? If so, then I can justify what happened today. If not, then I find it hard to justify suddenly changing his penalty just because video evidence surfaced.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:09 PM)
I'm a little conflicted by this. On one hand, I agree with a policy of zero tolerance for violence against women. On the other hand, life is about second chances and unless Rice has some history that I'm not aware of, he isn't getting one.


I guess one big question is: Did Rice lie about the severity of the incident to the league and/or the judicial system and did this video counter his lie? If so, then I can justify what happened today. If not, then I find it hard to justify suddenly changing his penalty just because video evidence surfaced.


I dont think he could have possibly lied in order to get a lesser punishment. Everyone knew he knocked her silly in the elevator, we just didnt SEE it happen.


I think what happened here was the NFL believed that this was able to be swept away and severely misjudged the reaction.

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I dont think he could have possibly lied in order to get a lesser punishment. Everyone knew he knocked her silly in the elevator, we just didnt SEE it happen.


I think what happened here was the NFL believed that this was able to be swept away and severely misjudged the reaction.


OK, but then isn't an indefinite suspension an overreaction the other way? They just came out with a policy that gave first time offenders a six game suspension but now he is retroactively getting more? Not to absolve Ray Rice for what he did, but it isn't his fault that this tape didn't come out until now.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 12:23 PM)
OK, but then isn't an indefinite suspension an overreaction the other way? They just came out with a policy that gave first time offenders a six game suspension but now he is retroactively getting more? Not to absolve Ray Rice for what he did, but it isn't his fault that this tape didn't come out until now.

It just sets a poor precedent, but perhaps that is better than stubbornly sticking to a decision which was wrong to begin with.


The NFL's punishments should not be this highly influenced by public opinion, but it is clear that they can be.


This new age of the 24/7 news cycle and social media is going to force organizations to assume the worst and act swiftly, rather than trying to limit the damage.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:23 PM)
OK, but then isn't an indefinite suspension an overreaction the other way? They just came out with a policy that gave first time offenders a six game suspension but now he is retroactively getting more? Not to absolve Ray Rice for what he did, but it isn't his fault that this tape didn't come out until now.


an indefinite suspension is such a fluid term in the NFL. this isnt done by a long shot

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:23 PM)
OK, but then isn't an indefinite suspension an overreaction the other way? They just came out with a policy that gave first time offenders a six game suspension but now he is retroactively getting more? Not to absolve Ray Rice for what he did, but it isn't his fault that this tape didn't come out until now.


Uh, no. Losing your job isn't an overreaction to punching someone in the face and knocking them out.

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Brandon McCarthy ‏@BMcCarthy32 50m

Roger Goodell is like a more powerful and rich version of David Brent/ early seasons Michael Scott.


Jorge Arangure ‏@jorgearangure 46m

Even if you want to believe NFL didn't see video, the fact TMZ acquired it and NFL didn't shows how seriously NFL took the case. Not very.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:00 PM)
Prior to this morning the Ravens had no plans to cut Rice. They actively and proudly supported him.


This morning, that video leaked, and 4 hours later he was cut. That is "immediate" by my definition. As soon as the video leaked, he was gone.

It was an excuse to finally make the move that should have been made initially.


They knew (and presumably saw this on tape) what happened a long time ago, this video didn't show them anything.

Edited by IlliniKrush
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QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:02 PM)
He never justified domestic violence. He said Rice's wife was being drunk and annoying, which she was. To point that out in no way justifies what Rice did, but it does show that Rice's wife wasn't showing impeccable judgment herself. There is nothing wrong in pointing that out, and once again (I believe it does bear repeating), it gets nowehere close to justifying domestic violence.


Secondly, Rice did not manipulate his way out of charges. He struck a plea deal, which was the intelligent thing to do.


How can you tell she was being annoying in that video?

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:51 PM)
How can you tell she was being annoying in that video?


Did you not watch it? She was throwing her hand in his face when they were in the lobby, and then getting all confrontational with him in the elevator. And this is without even being able to hear what was being said. As it has already been pointed out multiple times, it doesn't justify at all what Ray Rice did. Its just an observation from the video.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:37 PM)
Uh, no. Losing your job isn't an overreaction to punching someone in the face and knocking them out.


Im not really sure most people would lose their job over this. Its slightly different because the NFL is high profile and therefore there is public perception, but generally speaking most employers dont really give a f*** what you do on your own time. Many companies have plenty of dirt bag wife beaters.




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QUOTE (TRU @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 03:00 PM)
Did you not watch it? She was throwing her hand in his face when they were in the lobby, and then getting all confrontational with him in the elevator. And this is without even being able to hear what was being said. As it has already been pointed out multiple times, it doesn't justify at all what Ray Rice did. Its just an observation from the video.

Did you watch the video? In the lobby or hall, I see Rice provoke her by sticking his face out like he was going to do something to her. Then in the elevator, he does the same thing then smacks at her face before she moves in and gets knocked out.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 03:04 PM)
I really have a hard time understanding how this isn't justification. You are, you may not think you aren't, but you are.


Oh get over it, im telling you for like the 10th time I don't think he was justified and I don't think what he did was right. My observation from the video was that, I don't think it makes what he did ok.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 02:37 PM)
Uh, no. Losing your job isn't an overreaction to punching someone in the face and knocking them out.


It is given the punishments handed out for other offenses, including domestic violence, in the past:





Three games was the most given out for domestic violence. Now we can add being cut and and an "indefinite suspension."


I don't see how this isn't considered an over-reaction. Rice is a moron and a terrible human being and I have no love for the guy. I don't like defending him. But given how the NFL has handed out punishments - and will in the future - this is just crazy to me.


edit: and I get why the Ravens and NFL did what they did. But it bothers me they were swayed so much by public opinion that their precedent and procedures were basically ignored. I mean if that's the case, let's go back and change some other crazy punishments (or lack thereof), like Gordon. Even if he is repeat offender, dude just smoked pot and got banned for a year.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 03:06 PM)
Did you watch the video? In the lobby or hall, I see Rice provoke her by sticking his face out like he was going to do something to her. Then in the elevator, he does the same thing then smacks at her face before she moves in and gets knocked out.


Then you just have a different opinion about it, I dunno what to tell you.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 01:29 PM)
Wow, what an overreaction. But I don't feel bad for the guy. They have to pay out the remainder of his contract right?

Just take a cap hit. He gets nothing. He was dragging her by the hair after knocking her out, what did they think happened in the elevator?


But props to TMZ for getting justice served.


Maybe it is too much. People have done worse with lesser punishment. But once people actually see the punch, there is no way Rice can play for another team again.


The Ravens should have cut him long ago. The NFL should have suspended him longer, but maybe zero tolerance will make some of these idiots think twice before doing something that vile. As they say, playing professional sports for millions is a priveledge, not a right.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 8, 2014 -> 03:10 PM)
Just take a cap hit. He gets nothing. He was dragging her by the hair after knocking her out, what did they think happened in the elevator?


But props to TMZ for getting justice served.


Yeah justice served. His wife (the victim) now doesnt get the benefit of his huge contract that was just terminated.





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