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This team is depressing


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Anyone who finds baseball games between two playoff bound teams in September 'depressing'  may want to consider another sport. This is exciting baseball, and the race we are in is the most exciting, competitive baseball we've seen in a long time.


Far too many Sox fans are looking for our team to suddenly dominate the division, one which no one has dominated this season for more than a few days at a time. From here on out it will be as it's been, each day the standings will change, one up, one down, one in first the others a game or two out. It looks to go down to the final games, down to the wire, exciting, meaningful, competitive baseball, not for the feint of heart. Each game crucial.


It's September 4th, 23 games to go and each game will be more 'edge of the seat' than last night and more as each game is played. This is a classic, good old fashioned pennant race with 3 cities still in the hunt to the end, the very best entertainment in baseball, no one dominant over the other, no one in a boring cake walk. For those who cannot handle a great pennant race, can't stomach the excitement, don't appreciate the competitiveness, or find it depressing, the Bears start on Sunday.

If someone finds this depressing, I don't think watching the Bears would be a good alternative. :lol:

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Anyone who finds baseball games between two playoff bound teams in September 'depressing'  may want to consider another sport. This is exciting baseball, and the race we are in is the most exciting, competitive baseball we've seen in a long time.


Far too many Sox fans are looking for our team to suddenly dominate the division, one which no one has dominated this season for more than a few days at a time. From here on out it will be as it's been, each day the standings will change, one up, one down, one in first the others a game or two out. It looks to go down to the final games, down to the wire, exciting, meaningful, competitive baseball, not for the feint of heart. Each game crucial.


It's September 4th, 23 games to go and each game will be more 'edge of the seat' than last night and more as each game is played. This is a classic, good old fashioned pennant race with 3 cities still in the hunt to the end, the very best entertainment in baseball, no one dominant over the other, no one in a boring cake walk. For those who cannot handle a great pennant race, can't stomach the excitement, don't appreciate the competitiveness, or find it depressing, the Bears start on Sunday.

If someone finds this depressing, I don't think watching the Bears would be a good alternative. :lol:

Seriously. That looks to be one bad football team. About the play. I was screaming at Kimm to hold him. A 3b coach has to make a split second decision, but that ball was sharply hit and Ramirez got to it quickly, in time for Kimm to see it, react and put the brakes on Rowand. Of course Willie Harris was coming up and he can't hit a lick. Those who criticize Ramirez, I hear you but he got there quickly and Kimm had time to see it and put the stop sign on. Also Nomar is good on relays. It was a great game. We lost a battle. Still time to get hot and take some momentum into October. Like I said before, peaking at the right time is the thing in sports today, not necessarily having the best W-L record in the regular season.

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Burkett is 200 years old  and Lowe's era on road this year was close to 7.00 and they both beat Sox

True, but the Sox had their top guys in the lineup and got two well-pitched games from their starters, so the 200-year-old man and the 7.00 ERA must've done something right.

The two games were tense, dramatic and fun to watch - the only thing I didn't like about them was the ending!


and personally, I'm getting really tired of bashing Manuel - not that I think he's gotten any better, I'm just going to stop beating my head against a wall. He's the manager until he's not, and nothing I say will change that. I tried staying away from the park and that didn't work. Tried booing him at the ASG to get my point across, that didn't work. I'm not a Ligue, so I can't try THAT. So I'm just going to continue to cheer for the players to try to outplay their horrible manager.

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I would have s*** had Kimm held him up at third. I still can't believe Roawnd didn't score. I didn't see him all the way around the bases, but he should have been at second when the ball hit the ground. That ball hit the wall and just laid there for what seemed an eternity. For a second I thought Manny was conceding the run it took him so long to get there. Just a bad break.


Wasn't there someone faster than Rowand on the bench? Would you put in Miles in that situation? Is he even faster? I just think that if your PR can't score on a double, why put him in there? Better off keeping Frank in the game, IMO.

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Alright, just let me say this. The more I got to thinking about it, the more I thought Manuel could actually take part of the blame(seriously). What I'm wondering is why would you put Harris, your fastest player, in the OF when you have a guy in Rowand who is just as good as Harris defensively in CF(with a little less range obviously), but a stronger arm, and then still have Harris's speed on the bench. I figured that I would have sent Harris in that situation, simply because he is a much better runner then anyone on the team and his speed does that for him all by itself, not to mention the fact that he is probably a little more nimble and could make a slide where he just does sneak his hand in there.


That game was very winnable, and was not won. That is my only fear come playoff time(assuming we make it, and that is a very big assumption), is that Manuel will make some seemingly small decision like that and it will come back and bite us in the ass.

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Kimm ran on Manny Ramirez.


You wouldn't wave your runner against Manny "Sir Lawn Gnome" Ramirez? Kimm made the right call. s*** happens, and we're still in first place. Go make friends with a bottom of a cliff.


Fairweather fans are a joke.

Bulls***. Kimm did not make the right call. Even if Rowand had a shot at making it, you still don't send him. You then have runners on 2nd and 3rd with 1 out. One flyball wins the game. We didn't execute earlier, but who says we won't execute in the 9th? If we don't, then the players suck, not the managers or coaches.

I completely agree. Two shots to get a runner home are much better odds. But I do think manual screwed up by putting Harris in a tie game, knowing that there was a chance he would bat with a runner on the following inning. If and only if you make that defensive replacement while still tied, then you put rowand in that 5th spot only because his bat is better. either way they blew chances out the ass last night. I bet he would do it that way next time.


PS I still hate Konerko. The Slowest overpaid player in the league.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The comment of the year!



lol no kidding adam.... and a plethora of beers sure do help make watching this mess a bit better when we have games like this red sox series flop....... :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

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It was a great game to watch, i watched the game for the 2nd time in the season, a Sox game actually.


We have too many opportunities to break the game wide open and coudnt do it.


Kimm made the wrong call.


JM should have put Aaron Miles instead of Rowand, i think if it was Miles in there he would be safe.


JM is a dumbass.


The umpires killed our team also, Manny was out on a ball that was inside and he got the walk, and came Ortiz and crushed the ball for the lead.

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Yeah I think JM erred by putting in Harris instead of Rowand for Everett. By the looks of it on ESPN when I was watching the game, it didn't really look like that Rowand was running flat out, and I think if he did, he just might have scored. But it's not his fault, he's only doing what the 3rd base coach telled him to do. Hopefully we don't get any more JM blunders on the way home, it's hard enough to beat two other teams to win a division title and even harder when ur stupid manager makes some absolutely clueless decisions.

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