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A reason to believe


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I can come up with my own, of course.  What im asking if for you who believe that the sox can make the playoffs and win the world series, to state your reasoning here.  Thanks.  :)

It's real simple. We are tied for 1st place on September 4th and we have very solid big 3 in the rotation. Yes, we CAN win it all. Now, if they just WILL.

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Reasons they COULD win the division:

( I'm not sold that the Sox could win the WS )


Powerful lineup

VERY good starters 1-3, good #4

decent bullpen


As many of us have stated in frustration before, this team SHOULD be way out in front, based on the players' past performances.

The question is not whether or not they have what it takes, but rather if they can use what they have consistently enough to win it.

The Royals and Twins seem to be doing more with less.

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HMMM A reason to believe? Well I just finished watching the tape of Today's Game and here's a few of my points.

1) Carl Everett is struggling to put it lightly. I think he's in a 6 for 34 slump, but he showed some signs od breaking out of it, especially at his 1st 2 at bats. I don't think he can get much worse and he'll only help our offence.

2) Smallball. This team is actually finding other ways to score other than just smashing homers all the time (Sorry Frank, lol). Nice to see both the Alomar's get on by using bunts, something that wouldn't of happened at the start of the year when we were struggling.

3) Mark Buerhle. 1st Inning didn't look promising. But once he gets into a rhythm and pitches quickly, this guy is one hell of a pitcher. Got out of a few jams today, and was hitting his corners pretty good. Needs to get more K's though to take that next step into a really dominant pitcher.

4) Umpiring. Surely we can't get umpiring standards this bad on the way home. That 3-2 ball to Manny, that was WAY more of a strike than the one to Tony G. Unfortunately I think reputation counts more to that stupid home plate umpire than the actual pitch location.

5) Luck. Let's hope we actually get some of the way home and none of it those to those stupid Twins like today. I mean Bengie Molina had more time than Varitek did against Rowand today to size up Dustan Mohr and tag him, and what happens, he breaks his wrist. I think it's about time the balls bounced our way, not theirs.


Hopefully we win the next 2 aginst the indians and retake the lead. We all certainly hope so.


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We can win it all. The offense is spinning its wheels right now, but we are still tied for first with 20 plus games to go. We will face the Twinks and the Royals. Our pitching is better, our bullpen is at least equal if not better and our hitters will hit. We get the bugs out early in the month and start battering the opposition starting with the Indians on Friday.


Evrerett is making better contact, Valentin showed he is coming out of his slump, Konerko is hitting, Crede is hitting, Maggs absolutely crushed that ball in the 9th and Lee is on a roll. We can do it.

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Five reasons to believe


1. Sox starting pitching is better than Minny or KC. Colon and Buehrle threw well against Boston. Loaiza seems to enjoy the stopper's role. Garland is solid at Number Four.


2. Maggs is due to get hot. He's a bit on the streaky side. He was GREAT right after the all-star game and has slowly cooled. He has played the last week after jamming that finger. Just a hunch that he's ready to get locked in.


3. We play both KC and Minny at home before we go there. Excluding the last two days, Sox play better at home. We should take care of business at home, build a little cushion and put the pressure on Minny and KC to have to win when we go to their yards.


4. We have a veteran team. Lots of guys on this team have been to the post=season. A few -- the Alomars, Colon -- have been to the World Series. September shouldn't bother them.


5. Paulie. As bad as he was for 12 weeks, the Gods of Baseball will reward him for working hard and staying positive by letting him finish the season ON FIRE.

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The Sox r just totally killin my spirit right now. I don't even feel like posting anymore. I'm really startin to wonder r we gonna be sittin at home come October. With the talent on this team that would be a tragedy. My worst f***in nightmare has come true....Cubs might make the playoffs while the Sox r at home contemplating what went wrong...

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The Sox r just totally killin my spirit right now.  I don't even feel like posting anymore.  I'm really startin to wonder r we gonna be sittin at home come October.  With the talent on this team that would be a tragedy.  My worst f***in nightmare has come true....Cubs might make the playoffs while the Sox r at home contemplating what went wrong...

Not likes that never happened before where the cubs made the playoffs and not the sox... Anyway.... although those 2 games were fairly big against Boston... we still have a month of baseball left... and we've been known to go in low spurts and high spurts... post that after the minnesota series...



GO SOX + #45!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i dont have any reasons to believe.. i only have the same ol hope that they can do something.....yeah we have a great lineup, bull pen, and a s*** load of talent... but how it all comes together is another story in itself.....and its just not shown that it can continue to come together on a regular enough basis to amount to much....so there are no reasons to believe, all we can do is sit by and hope that something good happens......regularity is key... inconsistancy will destroy us.......and right now we have too much of the later.....mho

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I agree anything can happen.

You said it best.


If I had to bet I would say we will not win the division.


We've lost too many games against teams that are good and lost too many

to teams that are bad.


If we don't win it, JM must go. Like you said we have 3 stud pitchers and a fourth

who is not half bad.

We got Frank and Maggs and CLee.


Unfortunately we had a GM who thought f***ing D'Angelo Jimenez was a player

and Willie Harris a player and Koch a player.

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My only reason to believe this team can win it all is because they have a s***load of talent. Without all the talent, this team would be in last place. This team is not the Minnesota Twins or the Kansas City Royals. If they played like those two teams with the talent they had, we could be talking about two records being broken this year....the all-time loss record(we still are)....and the all time White Sox win record.


It's been proven to me on several occassions that Manuel will not lead this team to the promised land. I like some of his long term decisions(for example, not starting Mark in New York does set up a rotation of Buehrle, Colon, Loaiza, and Garland, not necessarily in that order, for the Twinkie series), but the small things are what kill him. He can't manage a bullpen to save his life, and using all the scrubs in one game(like having Daubach, Rowand, Harris, and Graffanino starting in one game) is what kills him. You do it slowly and you ride the hot bats.


I got hope because this team is so talented....but that's about the only hope I have.


I have a lot of confidence as far as us getting to the playoffs. I think we have a very good chance of winning the division mainly because we play the Twinks and Royals so much down the stretch, and we've had very success against them.

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He can't manage a bullpen to save his life, and using all the scrubs in one game(like having Daubach, Rowand, Harris, and Graffanino starting in one game) is what kills him. You do it slowly and you ride the hot bats.


This was another of his unpopular "short term" decisions that was actually a good long term decision. He took a day game after a night game, and a getaway day as well, and gave a few of his regulars a day off ... so they'd be able to produce... now!

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