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The Cards pen


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My best friend is a Cards Supporter and it's killing him to c how bad da team's going at the moment, even if they have Pujols, Edmonds and Rolen. It really killed them when Morris went down, and their pitching is one of the weakest in the league at the moment, after Williams. I keep ribbing him about how the Cubs somehow managed to beat them with late inning comebacks, and he came back with "OH yeah, well we've got the better Chicago team in our division." Ugh.


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The cards are garbage, they aren't playing hard and making really stupid mental mistakes, the pen is a wreck too.  They certainly are not playing like a deserving playoff team at all. Doesn't give me much hope for them beating out the Cubs

And Tony Larussa is the most overrated manager in the majors.

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My best friend is a Cards Supporter and it's killing him to c how bad da team's going at the moment, even if they have Pujols, Edmonds and Rolen. It really killed them when Morris went down, and their pitching is one of the weakest in the league at the moment, after Williams. I keep ribbing him about how the Cubs somehow managed to beat them with late inning comebacks, and he came back with "OH yeah, well we've got the better Chicago team in our division." Ugh.


My friends a die-hard cards fan as well, but I always rip the Cubs, and he likes the Sox for his AL team, so it's all good. I fell sorry for him though...

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And Tony Larussa is the most overrated manager in the majors.

Yes hes is. How in the hell do you pitch to Moist-ness Alou when 1st is open and he has already gone 4-4 on the day? What a moron. He gave the Scrubs a couple of those games with his manual-esqe managerial moves.

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That's why you should cheer for the Astros even more. They are the only NL Central team with a good bullpen. I think the Astros will win the NL Central, I'm sure going to be cheering for them.



Problem is after Miller and Oswalt, their starters suck.

Robertson is pretty good....I think he's like 12-7 this year. Not bad....and then Jared Fernandez is OK.


I still like the Astros winning the division though. The Cubs pen isn't quite as bad as the Cards, but it ain't no beauty of a pen either.

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we're going to have to count on the Astros to save us from The Dustys making the post-season because the Cardinals are D-O-A, done in last night by two former Sox in the ninth inning -- Tim Hummel (who scored the tying run) and D'Angelo (who had a big hit).


Home town fans booed them off the field, something you rarely hear in the quote Best Baseball Town in America unquote.


Losing to the Reds like that is as deflating as losing to the Tigers.

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