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Remembering 9/11

Guest wsc425

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What are your thoughts and memories of 9/11? Where were you? Did you know anyone in it? Do you know of any stories?

The real heros of this country are the Police officers and Fire fighters.

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I was down at Ft. Stewart, Ga with my army unit. The next day, (the 12th) I was scheduled to begin class at the base sergeants academy. While the attacks were happening I was out buying some last minute items & when I got back to the base gate I noticed that they were checking ID's & searching vehicles for the first time ever. I wondered to myself why the change. When I got back to my room I turned on the TV & on CNBC I saw NYC under a cloud of smoke ( I think it was the second tower that had just come down ). I just kinda stood there in stunned silence for a few minutes trying to figure what the hell was happening. Then the alerts started. We all got called in & we were locked down on base all day. Unless you wore a green suit to work you weren't let in.


Later that afternoon my CO gathered us together & gave us the official word but by then we'd all seen the news & knew what was up. There were rumors flying everywhere about us deploying to Afganistan that week & others that said we were going to have to go secure critical infrastructure. We ended up doing none of the above & I did get to go to school that month, although nobody there really gave a s*** about the classes, we all were talking about what had happened.


As it turned out we didn't get to go play in Afganistan, but we did get to lead the way into Iraq a year and a half later so at least I got to go play a part in the war against terrorism. Here's hoping things stay quiet for a while.


God Bless the USA!!


:usa :usa

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I was in school and I thought it was a joke at 1st but soon later I found out it wasnt, I was worried about my Dad who is in the NYPD, I left school early that day and he called at 11, 2 hours after the attack...THE mood was just somber and I live by a big hospital 15 miles from NYC and everyone in my town was worried we were a target....PEOPLE were afraid to leave their houses because of car bombs and all that....AT 1st me and others thought it was an plane accident later when we watched the news we new it wasnt



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I was down at Ft. Stewart, Ga with my army unit.  The next day, (the 12th) I was scheduled to begin class at the base sergeants academy.  While the attacks were happening I was out buying some last minute items & when I got back to the base gate I noticed that they were checking ID's & searching vehicles for the first time ever.  I wondered to myself why the change.  When I got back to my room I turned on the TV & on CNBC I saw NYC under a cloud of smoke ( I think it was the second tower that had just come down ).  I just kinda stood there in stunned silence for a few minutes trying to figure what the hell was happening.  Then the alerts started.  We all got called in & we were locked down on base all day.  Unless you wore a green suit to work you weren't let in. 


Later that afternoon my CO gathered us together & gave us the official word but by then we'd all seen the news & knew what was up.  There were rumors flying everywhere about us deploying to Afganistan that week & others that said we were going to have to go secure critical infrastructure.  We ended up doing none of the above & I did get to go to school that month, although nobody there really gave a s*** about the classes, we all were talking about what had happened.


As it turned out we didn't get to go play in Afganistan, but we did get to lead the way into Iraq a year and a half later so at least I got to go play a part in the war against terrorism.  Here's hoping things stay quiet for a while.


God Bless the USA!!


:usa  :usa

YA my bro also said that they started checkin ID's and all that right after......IM not sure how it was before 9-11 but a month late it took half hour to get onto base..AND he was also in lockdown

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I went to my history class @ 9 am and didn't turn on the TV because my roommate was still asleep. My TA said that he heard a plane flew into the WTC and we all thought he was joking or that it was a freak accident. After I got out of my classes, I had the news on all day long watching it in shock.


I actually had some family that was working near the WTC but got out and had to walk home since the traffic wasn't moving.


And my other major memory was Falwell and Robertson's famous comments the day after about who was to blame for 9/11.

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I was sitting in my classroom and I remember the exact words.

"Good Morning Ross."

"Good Morning Mr. Rennels."

He looked at my White Sox jersey as I was reading the Sports page.

"I heard the Sox won last night. Royce Clayton finally broke out."

"Yeah how about it. They might have a chance."

"Hey you never know."


The phone rang.

"Hello. Yes. No. Your kidding. Seriously? Ok. Bye now."

"Ross, I regret to inform you that history is in the making."

"What happened?"

"There has been an attack. Go into Mr. Russell's room at once."

I went to the room, which was right across the hall.

That image stared right at me, and at first I thought a plance had crashed into the Sears Tower.

Later that night, I stared at the sky, and asked God, why do you need to kill innocent people!

Then I sat down, broke down, and cried.

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I was sitting in my classroom and I remember the exact words.

"Good Morning Ross."

"Good Morning Mr. Rennels."

He looked at my White Sox jersey as I was reading the Sports page.

"I heard the Sox won last night. Royce Clayton finally broke out."

"Yeah how about it. They might have a chance."

"Hey you never know."


The phone rang.

"Hello. Yes. No. Your kidding. Seriously? Ok. Bye now."

"Ross, I regret to inform you that history is in the making."

"What happened?"

"There has been an attack. Go into Mr. Russell's room at once."

I went to the room, which was right across the hall.

That image stared right at me, and at first I thought a plance had crashed into the Sears Tower.

Later that night, I stared at the sky, and asked God, why do you need to kill innocent people!

Then I sat down, broke down, and cried.

And God didn't reply because he doesn't exist.


Oh, s***, wrong thread.

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I was sitting in my classroom and I remember the exact words.

"Good Morning Ross."

"Good Morning Mr. Rennels."

He looked at my White Sox jersey as I was reading the Sports page.

"I heard the Sox won last night. Royce Clayton finally broke out."

"Yeah how about it. They might have a chance."

"Hey you never know."


The phone rang.

"Hello. Yes. No. Your kidding. Seriously? Ok. Bye now."

"Ross, I regret to inform you that history is in the making."

"What happened?"

"There has been an attack. Go into Mr. Russell's room at once."

I went to the room, which was right across the hall.

That image stared right at me, and at first I thought a plance had crashed into the Sears Tower.

Later that night, I stared at the sky, and asked God, why do you need to kill innocent people!

Then I sat down, broke down, and cried.

And God didn't reply because he doesn't exist.


Oh, s***, wrong thread.

What are you gothic man? Jeez. Fine then, how did you get on this earth?

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Lets try not to start a fight on a thread about 9/11. OK?


As for me, I was in Algebra and the teacher told us she had some bad news. She said Osama bin Laden (who at that time was not really a household name so there were people who didnt know who he was, altho I did) had attacked New York and Washington. I asked if anyone had died and she said she didnt think it could have been avoided. I learned more about it as the day went on and watched everything on CNN for days. It was weird and sad, I wasnt even sure what to think...

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I was sitting in my classroom and I remember the exact words.

"Good Morning Ross."

"Good Morning Mr. Rennels."

He looked at my White Sox jersey as I was reading the Sports page.

"I heard the Sox won last night. Royce Clayton finally broke out."

"Yeah how about it. They might have a chance."

"Hey you never know."


The phone rang.

"Hello. Yes. No. Your kidding. Seriously? Ok. Bye now."

"Ross, I regret to inform you that history is in the making."

"What happened?"

"There has been an attack. Go into Mr. Russell's room at once."

I went to the room, which was right across the hall.

That image stared right at me, and at first I thought a plance had crashed into the Sears Tower.

Later that night, I stared at the sky, and asked God, why do you need to kill innocent people!

Then I sat down, broke down, and cried.

And God didn't reply because he doesn't exist.


Oh, s***, wrong thread.

What are you gothic man? Jeez. Fine then, how did you get on this earth?

No, I'm actually agnostic who learns twoard atheism. And I how I got here, I evolved, I wasn't made in seven days.

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I was taking an exam in my Human Development class sophomore year when the towers actually were struck...When I got back to my dorm, there was a girl standing at the bus stop right in front of my dorm telling all passerbys to turn on CNN. When I got to my room, I turned on CNN and saw a couple of buildings in smoke...no commentary for at least 30 seconds. Immediately, I thought ISU had changed its cable channels, and that Channel 31 was Cinnemax. Then I heard Wolf Blitzer's voice and immediately said "Oh s***!"


Luckily I didn't have any more classes that day, as I was not in the mood to do anything but watch CNN. My eyes were glued to the TV from 9:30 a.m. until about 2 a.m. the next morning, other than getting things to eat and bathroom breaks. I was tearing up immensely the entire day...On the other hand, my roommate didn't even shed a tear, didn't even give a s*** about the whole situation, so she said (jagoff)!


Two days later, ISU had a HUGE gathering of over 10,000 on our quad in support of the 9/11 fund. ISU actually had the second largest university gathering in the nation--only UCLA had more at their support rally. That was the most amazing hour I've ever experienced! We raised over $100,000 as a university for the support fund.


After the rally, a few friends and I decided it was time for lunch, so we headed over to one of the dining centers on campus. We sat down to eat, and nothing else could be heard around us than talks about the events of 9/11. Then I saw something that angered me...


Two caucasian guys were maliciously harassing a foreign female student of Mideastern decent who was wearing a turban. One yelled, "This is the United States. We don't wear s*** like that!" The other ripped it off her head and threw it across the dining center. The two guys left and she stood there for minutes trying to comfort herself. This incident actually made the front page of the Daily Vidette the next day. Horrible!

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Sorry heather but I probably would have killed your room mate. She sounds like a b****. I heard about some Canadian woman who said the falling towers were beautiful, like water falling. She didnt really care about the tragedy but she felt sorry for cats who got hurt by debris. I might have spared the room mate, but I definitely woulda killed her. :angry: :fyou :fyou

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Sorry heather but I probably would have killed your room mate. She sounds like a b****. I heard about some Canadian woman who said the falling towers were beautiful, like water falling. She didnt really care about the tragedy but she felt sorry for cats who got hurt by debris. I might have spared the room mate, but I definitely woulda killed her.  :angry:  :fyou  :fyou

Yea, my roommate was a huge b****...She probably was just pissed off that I changed the station from MTV, which she was watching at the time. I locked the remote in a lock box of which only I had the combination to, so she couldn't get the remote, and she was so lazy she wasn't about to use the buttons on the TV...Thank god she left my room after that semester to go live with another cheerleader, leaving the entire room to myself for the spring semester.

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I was at my company's other downtown office ( I work in the Sears Tower ) and I passed a TV. The people watching told me that a plane had hit the WTC and that the "experts" thought it was an accident. Just then we saw the second plane hit and I thought, "This isn't an accident". ( great insight on my part, huh? :bang )


I actually went back to the Sears Tower location ( went back to get my house keys - good thinkin', huh? ) and our company's president said that there was no reason to believe that Chicago was in danger of attack, so we were to continue business as usual until further notice. ( More good thinkin', huh? )


About 10 minutes later ( and after somebody slapped some sense into the guy ), we were told to evacuate "as a precaution". I got on the train home and it was weird - nobody was saying anything, no cell phones, nothing. I was listening to news reports on the radio and just thinking how odd it was to not see ONE plane in the sky.


A very odd feeling, for sure...

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I was at my company's other downtown office ( I work in the Sears Tower ) and I passed a TV. The people watching told me that a plane had hit the WTC and that the "experts" thought it was an accident. Just then we saw the second plane hit and I thought, "This isn't an accident". ( great insight on my part, huh?  :bang  )


I actually went back to the Sears Tower location ( went back to get my house keys - good thinkin', huh? ) and our company's president said that there was no reason to believe that Chicago was in danger of attack, so we were to continue business as usual until further notice. ( More good thinkin', huh? )


About 10 minutes later ( and after somebody slapped some sense into the guy ), we were told to evacuate "as a precaution". I got on the train home and it was weird - nobody was saying anything, no cell phones, nothing. I was listening to news reports on the radio and just thinking how odd it was to not see ONE plane in the sky.


A very odd feeling, for sure...

I woulda told the boss he can fire me, but to go f*** himself and that Im leaving. Your boss musta been an idiot. I woulda said f*** you and told everyone we gotta leave...

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I was at my company's other downtown office ( I work in the Sears Tower ) and I passed a TV. The people watching told me that a plane had hit the WTC and that the "experts" thought it was an accident. Just then we saw the second plane hit and I thought, "This isn't an accident". ( great insight on my part, huh?  :bang  )


I actually went back to the Sears Tower location ( went back to get my house keys - good thinkin', huh? ) and our company's president said that there was no reason to believe that Chicago was in danger of attack, so we were to continue business as usual until further notice. ( More good thinkin', huh? )


About 10 minutes later ( and after somebody slapped some sense into the guy ), we were told to evacuate "as a precaution". I got on the train home and it was weird - nobody was saying anything, no cell phones, nothing. I was listening to news reports on the radio and just thinking how odd it was to not see ONE plane in the sky.


A very odd feeling, for sure...

I woulda told the boss he can fire me, but to go f*** himself and that Im leaving. Your boss musta been an idiot. I woulda said f*** you and told everyone we gotta leave...

I think part of his decision was based on just that - MANY people were just saying the exact thing you said - fire me and I'll see you in court, basically.


I don't know where my mind was, but I didn't really feel like we were gonna get hit - no reason for me to think that, but I just felt that way.

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I was in my gym class and kids were saying "how stupid can you be to fly into a building" and s*** like that, being an intimidated freshman I didn't want to ask them. Then when I went into biology my teacher had the tv on and everyone watched. Our principal cried over the intercom and told us what was happening, because we are a commuter town to NYC about half the school left. The whole day was spent watching and discussing the events as they were going on.


As soon as I got home My mother, father, and me went to the top of a hill and we could see the huge plume of smoke which lingered for a long time. The whole thing was just so shocking.


Oddly, the Saturday before we had planned a trip to go to the World Trade Center (we had moved to NJ from chicago at the end of august and did touristy stuff), but because it was hot out we decided instead to swim in our pool. Later that night AOL published America's most wanted. Osama Bin Laden was #1, it said he may target the united states. I told my mom its pretty freaky that people intend to attack us. Little did I know that Tuesday the world would change forever.

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Just an aside...As you recall, the Sox were in New York when it happened, and Art Kusyner actually saw one tower go down...


Well, I happened to be wearing Sox gear on the next day...And this Cub fan comes up from nowhere telling me that he wished that the entire Sox team had died there in NYC that morning!


What a f***ing jagoff! It made me more than do :fyou to him...I verbally bit his head off.

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That really pisses me off! OMG! I hate the Cubs, the Yanks, the Indians, the Royals, and the Twins but I dont pray for them to die! Whatta prick. I wouldnt have killed him, I woulda beat the s*** out of him just little enough that he lived but so much that he didnt really want to live...

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