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Remembering 9/11

Guest wsc425

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Well, I happened to be wearing Sox gear on the next day...And this Cub fan comes up from nowhere telling me that he wished that the entire Sox team had died there in NYC that morning!

Well, there's the class you've come to expect...


Actually, it is a bit unfair to paint ALL Cub fans with the same brush. I have several good friends who cheer for the Cubs, and MOST of them are not "haters" of the Sox, and can hold enjoyable rational conversations about why their team is better in their opinions.


There is a certain percentage of f***heads who ruin the reputations of any fanbase, because they're usuallly the ones talking out their asses and causing fights. The "f***tard Minority" always ruin it for decent human beings...

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I was at school and I remember walking through the halls with the TV on and heard people start talking about it. Being the little idiot that I was, I didnt even know what the Pentagon was back then.

ME either infact I thought it was the building about 2 blocks from my school at 1st



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I knew what the Pentagon was when I was about five... :o

Yeah, I can remember it being in my mathbooks in stuff when I was learning about shapes.


Plus I have always watched the news for as long as I can remember so I was familiar with the pentagon at the time. THe place is a f***ing beast, its so huge

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On the anniversary of 9.11.01, let's remember that murdering civilians no matter where they are in the geo-political landscape is evil and wrong.


http://www.einswine.com/atrocities/iraq/?page=1 These are some graphic photos, so bring your best stomach.


Also, can we get a little rememberance for the original September 11? Of course, I am talking about 1973 in Chile when we helped install the militaristic dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and helped him murder thousands of Chileans.

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On the anniversary of 9.11.01, let's remember that murdering civilians no matter where they are in the geo-political landscape is evil and wrong.

If you are implying that we shouldn't ever go to war, you are clearly wrong! Sometimes war can't be averted...It can be HELPFUL in stopping something major from happening before it even starts.

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On the anniversary of 9.11.01, let's remember that murdering civilians no matter where they are in the geo-political landscape is evil and wrong.


http://www.einswine.com/atrocities/iraq/?page=1  These are some graphic photos, so bring your best stomach.


Also, can we get a little rememberance for the original September 11?  Of course, I am talking about 1973 in Chile when we helped install the militaristic dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and helped him murder thousands of Chileans.

You just don't ever f***ing quit, do you?

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The only reason my cousin's bf wasn't in the towers at the time was because he stopped to vote that morning. It took several days to find out if she was okay or not as we had to wait for a call from Ireland from her mom as her phone was out when my Uncle tried calling from Chicago.


I was watching a show on Discovery about the falling of the towers last night. My bf and I were talking about it afterwards and it astounded us how we remember each and every little detail about that day.

From when my co-worker (at the job I was at when this happened) came in late because of the news flash,

to when my boss and I realized those buildings had no chance,

to when reports of the pentagon being attacked came over the wires,

to when the GM (jerk from Greece) turned off the TV after the first tower collapsed told us to go back to work,

to the collapse of the second tower,

to when reports of the Pennsylvania flight came over the wires

to when my mom and I were trying to calm each other down on the phone (we tried a little humor about my dad not going to work - downtown was under lock down for the entire night and we figured they wouldn't let a foreigner in anyways) to when I talked to my bf at about 8PM before he went to work (he works right outside of downtown) and I begged him not to go, to the gas gouging,

to when he called at 11 after he started work (all the guys were on the phone with their families for the first 1-2 hrs of work) and we talked about the fighter jets above and how quiet it was without commercial airliners over head...


Reading through this thread brings tears to my eyes remembering all the emotions and thoughts that I was experiencing.

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If you are implying that we shouldn't ever go to war, you are clearly wrong!  Sometimes war can't be averted...It can be HELPFUL in stopping something major from happening before it even starts.

So, war with a 3rd world nation that had NOTHING to do with the terrorist attack on our nation and has ZERO weapons of mass destruction was beneficial for us? Losing the lives of over 9000 people was beneficial for the United States? The billions of dollars being spent on the war declared "Mission Accomplished" yet our troops are still dying over there because the Iraqis don't want a US imposed government.


And war can be averted. It's called diplomacy. Maybe if we had a President who had a handle on English, we could have used that.

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You just don't ever f***ing quit, do you?

Conservatives love America like a child loves his mommy. And mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America like an adult loves someone -- recognizing our mate has some faults and taking the good with the bad and always working to appreciate what's there and being critical of what's wrong and trying to help make it better.

--Al Franken

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Conservatives love America like a child loves his mommy. And mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America like an adult loves someone -- recognizing our mate has some faults and taking the good with the bad and always working to appreciate what's there and being critical of what's wrong and trying to help make it better.

--Al Franken

If you b****ed this much about your mate they would have dumped you by now.


That was one of the stupidest analogies I've ever heard.

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On September 11 we had a community service - more of a gathering - that evening at the largest church building in our city. As the longest serving pastor in this community I offered this prayer:


For those who have died,

we shudder at the horror of their deaths in these acts of terror.

Rest eternal grant them O God, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Almighty God, you are the shield of the oppressed,

hear us as we pray for injured and the hurting.

Be merciful to those who suffer,

in body or in mind,

to those who are in danger or distress,

and who have suffered loss.

Let your love surround the infirm and the helpless.

Be especially near to those who may yet pass through the valley of death.

Grant them also merciful and eternal rest,

and the warmth of your perpetual light.

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Give strength to doctors, nurses, technicians, ambulance drivers, paramedics, chaplains and ministers,

and those who care for the ill and injured.

Bless with your mercy

all fire and police personnel,

and all those who watch over the public safety.

Comfort them in their own pain in the midst of these things.

Keep them strong as they battle the devastation of terrorist attacks,

trusting in your power to overcome death and pain and crying.

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For those who are filled with fear

because of the unknown fate of those that they love;

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For those who are filled with fear

because they are of the Islamic faith or Arabic descent,

for my friend Alif

and all who may be threatened by prejudice and bigotry,

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For the children,

those who have lost parents,

and for all children who have been taught this week about evil

and who have lost all innocence

in seeing the world

that they shall inherit from us,

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For those who have witnessed these tragic events

which shall burn forever in their memories,

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For the people of Israel and Palestine,

for the people of Kosovo and Macedonia,

for the people of Rwanda, Congo, and Nigeria,

for the people of Chiapas, Peru, and Columbia,

for the people of Ireland,

and all people who suffer and have suffered from recent terrorism

and found us unconcerned or oblivious or unhelpful

because they were far away and their suffering did not concern us,

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For those in other countries

who have expressed their grief for our suffering

and who are praying for us and all people who hurt,

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For those who organized and who committed these acts,

we know that they too are your children;

while we may not this day be comfortable with the yoke of love,

we must forgive and find a common humanity with those who hate us.

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For the leaders of our nation and all nations that they might have wisdom,

and seek political solutions so that this cycle of violence might end;

others must not be added to the list of victims of these days.

We beg you in your mercy to stop the headlong rush to war.

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


For those in the military who are on alert,

for Jeremy my son whose birthday is this week

and for the families of those who serve in the armed services,

of this nation and all nations,

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


O God of love, O God of peace,

make wars throughout this world to cease.

The wrath of sinful folk restrain,

give peace, O Holy One, give again.

Holy One, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Into your hands, O God, we commend all for whom we pray,

trusting in your mercy; through your Begotten, Jesus Christ our Savior.


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I also offered these readings. The first is from Walt Whitman's Song of Myself. The second is by American poet (19th century) Ebenezar Elliot.


I understand the large hearts of heroes,

The courage of present times and all times,

How the skipper saw the crowded and rudderless wreck of the


and Death chasing it up and down the storm,

How he knuckled tight and gave not back an inch,

and was faithful of days and faithful of nights,

And chalk'd in large letters on a board,

Be of good cheer, we will not desert you;


How he follow'd with them and tack'd with them three days and would not give it up,

How he saved the drifting company at last,

How the lank loose-gown'd women look'd when boated from the side of their prepared graves,

How the silent old-faced infants and the lifted sick,

and the sharp-lipp'd unshaved men;

All this I swallow, it tastes good, I like it well,

it becomes mine,

I am the man, I suffer'd, I was there.


Agonies are one of my changes of garments,

I do not ask the wounded person how he feels,

I myself become the wounded person,

My hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on a cane and observe.


I am the mash'd fireman with breast-bone broken,

Tumbling walls buried me in their debris,

Heat and smoke I inspired,

I heard the yelling shouts of my comrades,

I heard the distant click of their picks and shovels,

They have clear'd the beams away,

they tenderly lift me forth.


I lie in the night air in my red shirt,

the pervading hush is for my sake,

Painless after all I lie exhausted but not so unhappy,

White and beautiful are the faces around me,

the heads are bared of their fire-caps,

The kneeling crowd fades with the light of the torches.

Walt Whitman

"Song of Myself"




When will you save the people?

O God of mercy, when?

Not kings and lords, but nations,

Not thrones and crowns, but your children!

Flowers of your heart, O God, are they;

let them not pass like weeds away,

Their heritage a sunless day.

God save the people!


Shall crime bring crime forever,

Strength aiding still the strong?

Is it your will, Creator,

that we shall toil for wrong?

No, say your mountains; No, say your skies;

our clouded sun shall brightly rise,

and songs ascend, instead of sighs,

God save the people!


When will you save the people?

O God of mercy, when?

The people, God, the people!

Not thrones and crowns, but your children!

God save the people; for we are yours,

your children as your angels fair;

from vice, oppression and despair,

God save the people!


Ebenezer Elliott

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So, war with a 3rd world nation that had NOTHING to do with the terrorist attack on our nation and has ZERO weapons of mass destruction was beneficial for us? Losing the lives of over 9000 people was beneficial for the United States?  The billions of dollars being spent on the war declared "Mission Accomplished" yet our troops are still dying over there because the Iraqis don't want a US imposed government.


And war can be averted.  It's called diplomacy.  Maybe if we had a President who had a handle on English, we could have used that.

Sideshowapu, you have no f***ing clue!!!

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So, war with a 3rd world nation that had NOTHING to do with the terrorist attack on our nation and has ZERO weapons of mass destruction was beneficial for us? Losing the lives of over 9000 people was beneficial for the United States?  The billions of dollars being spent on the war declared "Mission Accomplished" yet our troops are still dying over there because the Iraqis don't want a US imposed government.


And war can be averted.  It's called diplomacy.  Maybe if we had a President who had a handle on English, we could have used that.

Sideshowapu, you have no f***ing clue!!!

Please explain to me then why we invaded Iraq. We have found ZERO WMD's, a member of the Department of Defense has come out and said there was a plan to plant WMD, etc. etc. etc.


I have no f***ing clue? I'd have to question you being the source, Miss I drive drunk at 105 mph.


Give me the FACTS as to where I'm wrong in that we have found no WMD etc.

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I will gladly stand with apu on things said there. As far as apu's political posts go, having read them all this time, it is safe that most of anyting he says, I agree with. The differences apu and I have are only those of degree, not polarity. I have respect for apu's insights. He has consistently posted links of solid authority and I know from other conversations with apu that apu knows his stuff.


And yes, apu, some of us know what happened on the "first" September 11th. Some cable channel by design or coincidence showed "Missing" last night. 3,000 died at the hands of the CIA supported Pinochet and since Kissinger bragged on support of Pinochet I hope no one challenges US involvment in Chile. Of course the evidence goes much deeper than that but Kissinger's brag about the irresponsibility of the people of Chile and thus they needed that violent military coup in which a democraticly elected government was overthrown and slaughter followed is a quote to illuminate one of the more shameful chapters in US history.


We have just had a sham war in which a lot of people have died in something that has no connection with terrorism.


But Haliburton's huge contract has perhaps made this all worthwhile for a few people.


Spiff, I suspect you and I disagree a lot on things political but I have great respect for anyone who can respond to a Whitman quote with another Whitman quote. That poem - at that length is it still a poem or is there another term? - is remarkably apt all these years later.


This is non political:


One of the posters said that when the towers fell he wondered why God allowed this to happen. That is a question a lot of people asked. I will simply state that God did not allow this to happen. The non political question for everyone in response to September 11th is not "where was God."


The question is: who did this? People. Terror begats violence begats terror begats violence. Pick the place where it starts. It did not happen in a vacuum. Where are people in all of this? It is people who do all of this. It is not God's job to come riding in like the calvary in an old western to save the day. It is time for people to take responsibility for the things that people do to people. The acts of September 11th happened because of things that happened prior to that date and the things that have happened since are continuim of the violence, which solves nothing.


Where are people? Where is humanity in the suffering and violence and horror in the world? Causing it and suffering from it - and causing more of it and saying "they started it" and the circle of violence goes round and round.


as John Lennon said, war is over, when we want it.

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best line from song of myself =


Have you outstript the rest?

Are you the President?

It is a trifle, they will more than arrive there every one, and

still pass on.

a few people around here would do well to remember those few lines.

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best line from song of myself =


Have you outstript the rest?

Are you the President?

It is a trifle, they will more than arrive there every one, and

still pass on.

a few people around here would do well to remember those few lines.

very much agreed, my friend, very much agreed.

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Down here in Australia, It was about 10:40 p.m local time when the terrible tragedies of September 11 occurred. My birthday is actually on September 11 which is 2 days from now, and it is really hard for me to celebrate last year when every1 was remembering and they had the memorial services and eveything. It's sumtimes hurtful when ppl who know me go up to me and say "Hey ur birthday is on the terrorist day isn't it". I have no views on the war on Iraq whether or not the troops should have not gone or not, but lots and lost of ppl down here think that our Prime Minister John Howard "Little Johnny" is nothing more than George Bush's lapdog. But I think the Bali bombings affected more ppl down here than what Sep 11 did cos many Aussies were killed in the Sari Nightclub when the bomb went off.

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Conservatives love America like a child loves his mommy. And mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America like an adult loves someone -- recognizing our mate has some faults and taking the good with the bad and always working to appreciate what's there and being critical of what's wrong and trying to help make it better.

--Al Franken



This is, in a word, BULLs***!

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I had just finished working a midnight shift and had arrived home shortly before the first plane hit. I was checking my email and half ass watching the Today Show when the first plane hit. Wanting hard news and not fluff, I switched to CNN and followed the story from there. Several times in the time frame between when the planes hit the towers, I tried to come up with a reasonable explanation as to how this could accidentally happen.


I, at one point, went to my kitchen to get something to drink, and as I hit the bottom of the stairs returning to me basement family room, I turned the corner just in time to see the second plane in that split second before it hit. The word terrorists jumped to my mind before that plane hit that building. That had been the only reasonable explanation for the first plane that I had found up to that point. Please, take that word "reasonable" in the context in which is was intended.


Then the first of the towers collapsed. The helplessness that I felt at that moment was overwhelming. I knew thousands had to have died at that moment, as opposed to hundreds from the plane crashes. Watching it fall was a case of not believing what you know is actually happening. After comprehending what just happened, then came the realization that the other tower could go as well. So, it was a matter of watching, hoping, praying, waiting to see if we could get it evacuated in time. Intermingled with all of this was the news of the Pentagon "bombing", as it was originally reported and the Pennsylvania place crash, in which, as we later found out, several more heroic Americans died.


My parents were returning from a "road trip" and due home at 10 A.M. CDT. When I called them, they weren't aware of any of the mornings events had transpired. I remember saying at one point, "Turn on the TV. Both towers of the World Trade Center are on the ground."


One final note. September 11, 2001 would have been my late son Mickey's 20th birthday. I guess the rest of you now share that date with me every year as a highly emotional day. I just have a little more to deal on that date than most of you, but it is part of the ongoing healing processes.

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