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Remembering 9/11

Guest wsc425

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I had just finished changing after P.E., and someone said something about a plane crashing into the WTC. I had no idea what was going on. I walked into the foyer and there was probably about 150 people watching any of the 3 TVs. I was stunned at what happened. I went to my 3rd period class and we spent the entire hour and a half watching the news. I can still remember the silence and then the gasps when the towers fell. Our principal then came over the loud speaker and reported all the news that was pouring in. She then told teachers that they should continue with classes and not watch TV, a decision that to this day still annoys me. Well, I decided to go home during lunch and I basically just sat and watched TV for about 10 straight hours.

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She then told teachers that they should continue with classes and not watch TV, a decision that to this day still annoys me.

The GM of the company I worked for at the time did the same thing. So what we did is either huddled in the lab with the radio, went on the internet at our desks (generally 2 or 3 people would sit together and talk while getting info from the internet) and some took the afternoon off to be with their families. The HR lady told him he was a horse's ass and she quit a month or two after that (not due to that, other things going on at that company).

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It was weird, cause I was in my dentist's chair, for a routine cleaning. And there was a TV in there. So we were there watching it in my dentists office, while I thought I was going through pain, little did I know that there would be more pain than I ever went through. Sadly, my sisters birthday is today...and she says that now her birthday will forever be thought of by her as a bad day in American history.

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I have no f***ing clue? I'd have to question you being the source, Miss I drive drunk at 105 mph.





Anyways, I was a Sophomore in High School at the time, was taking the ISTEPs. Always really f***ing great to announce that the WTC and Pentagon were destroyed/damaged and that planes were being grounded in the middle of the f***ing tests. Also, my Dad was in the air when the first planes hit the WTC, so that made it that much better. Dumb f***ing school, jeebus.

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I will gladly stand with apu on things said there.  As far as apu's political posts go, having read them all this time, it is safe that most of anyting he says, I agree with.  The differences apu and I have are only those of degree, not polarity.  I have respect for apu's insights.  He has consistently posted links of solid authority and I know from other conversations with apu that apu knows his stuff. 


And yes, apu, some of us know what happened on the "first" September 11th.  Some cable channel by design or coincidence showed "Missing" last night.  3,000 died at the hands of the CIA supported Pinochet and since Kissinger bragged on support of Pinochet I hope no one challenges US involvment in Chile.  Of course the evidence goes much deeper than that but Kissinger's brag about the irresponsibility of the people of Chile and thus they needed that violent military coup in which a democraticly elected government was overthrown and slaughter followed is a quote to illuminate one of the more shameful chapters in US history.


We have just had a sham war in which a lot of people have died in something that has no connection with terrorism.


But Haliburton's huge contract has perhaps made this all worthwhile for a few people.


Spiff, I suspect you and I disagree a lot on things political but I have great respect for anyone who can respond to a Whitman quote with another Whitman quote.  That poem - at that length is it still a poem or is there another term? - is remarkably apt all these years later. 


This is non political:


One of the posters said that when the towers fell he wondered why God allowed this to happen.  That is a question a lot of people asked.  I will simply state that God did not allow this to happen.  The non political question for everyone in response to September 11th is not "where was God."


The question is: who did this?  People.  Terror begats violence begats terror begats violence.  Pick the place where it starts.  It did not happen in a vacuum.  Where are people in all of this?  It is people who do all of this.  It is not God's job to come riding in like the calvary in an old western to save the day.  It is time for people to take responsibility for the things that people do to people.  The acts of September 11th happened because of things that happened prior to that date and the things that have happened since are continuim of the violence, which solves nothing.


Where are people?  Where is humanity in the suffering and violence and horror in the world?  Causing it and suffering from it - and causing more of it and saying "they started it" and the circle of violence goes round and round.


as John Lennon said, war is over, when we want it.

True, and true...I agree wholeheartedly..



and very much welcome the addition of the Lennon quote.

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