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So good news everyone! My cousin owns his own business and is planning to create a spot for me in it. I've worked for him for a short time before on a trial basis, mostly to see what I was and wasn't good at. He knows how I can contribute in a more productive way this time. He suggested I start getting some Comp TIA and other certifications. I just am getting started today and I'm excited for what the future holds! 

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15 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

So good news everyone! My cousin owns his own business and is planning to create a spot for me in it. I've worked for him for a short time before on a trial basis, mostly to see what I was and wasn't good at. He knows how I can contribute in a more productive way this time. He suggested I start getting some Comp TIA and other certifications. I just am getting started today and I'm excited for what the future holds! 

Fantastic news. My main advice...work hard, put your head down, and do your best. And if you need to..try yoga or other techniques to calm your nerves.  Oh and think and be positive...the power of positivity is huge.  

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

What were there backgrounds, did they already have a science background? What program includes the prerequisites and graduate coursework?

Most have business degrees so it took them a couple of years as part time students to complete the prereqs. There really isn't a degree that gets all if them. The older students usually take them individually and do not get an additional degree.

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1 hour ago, Jack Parkman said:

So good news everyone! My cousin owns his own business and is planning to create a spot for me in it. I've worked for him for a short time before on a trial basis, mostly to see what I was and wasn't good at. He knows how I can contribute in a more productive way this time. He suggested I start getting some Comp TIA and other certifications. I just am getting started today and I'm excited for what the future holds! 

Nice, congratulations. 

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1 hour ago, ptatc said:

Nice, congratulations. 

There are some other details to be ironed out on his end, like whether he's going to take full possession of his current business in which he's a minority owner, or whether he's going to bow out of his current business and start an IT consulting company. Either way, he said I'm in his plans. 

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6 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

So good news everyone! My cousin owns his own business and is planning to create a spot for me in it. I've worked for him for a short time before on a trial basis, mostly to see what I was and wasn't good at. He knows how I can contribute in a more productive way this time. He suggested I start getting some Comp TIA and other certifications. I just am getting started today and I'm excited for what the future holds! 

Congrats Jack!

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43 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

Congrats Jack!

it isn't 100% set in stone what I'm doing yet, but I'll have something when I finish my foot surgeries next spring. Really looking forward to it. It's going to take some time for him to create the position and get his own stuff together. Nothing's happening until next spring at the earliest. All I know is that I'm in and once everything is good with him, I'm good. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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On 9/18/2019 at 12:39 PM, ptatc said:

Most have business degrees so it took them a couple of years as part time students to complete the prereqs. There really isn't a degree that gets all if them. The older students usually take them individually and do not get an additional degree.

Do you think students could take prerequisites at a community college and then transfer in for the doctorate degree? Just asking in case I ever were to do this.

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29 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Do you think students could take prerequisites at a community college and then transfer in for the doctorate degree? Just asking in case I ever were to do this.

Most programs allow this. Some restrict courses like anatomy to a 4 year university. If you're serious about it go to www.ptcas.org. It's where the application is completed through an external service. It will list all of the programs and the specifics about the prereqs for individual schools.

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On 9/18/2019 at 11:39 AM, Jack Parkman said:

So good news everyone! My cousin owns his own business and is planning to create a spot for me in it. I've worked for him for a short time before on a trial basis, mostly to see what I was and wasn't good at. He knows how I can contribute in a more productive way this time. He suggested I start getting some Comp TIA and other certifications. I just am getting started today and I'm excited for what the future holds! 

So, I actually misunderstood what he said. He said there is the potential for it to happen but there are no guarantees. He asked me to try to find work for the next 18 months and then we'll re-evaluate, because he'll have a better idea about what's going on with his business then. The potential still exists, but there's no way of knowing for at least another 15 months or so. Everything is on hold here, and he asked me to assume that it doesn't exist for the time being. Sorry for jumping the gun guys. He wants to help, but he also wants him to be my "if nothing happens in the next 18-24 months" fallback plan. Because of my chronic pain issues and corrective surgeries I've been doing for the last 5 months and will end up taking away 12 months of my work potential, I can't even start looking for a job in good faith until February. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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4 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

So, I actually misunderstood what he said. He said there is the potential for it to happen but there are no guarantees. He asked me to try to find work for the next 18 months and then we'll re-evaluate, because he'll have a better idea about what's going on with his business then. The potential still exists, but there's no way of knowing for at least another 15 months or so. Everything is on hold here, and he asked me to assume that it doesn't exist for the time being. Sorry for jumping the gun guys. 

From when you were talking about it previously, I was going to tell you to keep looking anyway just in case it fell through since it was so far away.

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5 minutes ago, soxfan2014 said:

From when you were talking about it previously, I was going to tell you to keep looking anyway just in case it fell through since it was so far away.

You don't know how much the combination of autism+chronic pain hinders your ability to find work and make a living for yourself. I hate sitting around feeling like a worthless sack of shit most of the time. Even though there are never any guarantees with surgery for chronic pain, it's worth the risk and cost because if I didn't do anything it was only going to get worse, and I was going to get fat and die  and start to have to use a motor scooter while waiting for heart disease to kill me. 

I think I could have overcome the autism issues if I didn't have chronic pain as well. 

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50 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

You don't know how much the combination of autism+chronic pain hinders your ability to find work and make a living for yourself. I hate sitting around feeling like a worthless sack of shit most of the time. Even though there are never any guarantees with surgery for chronic pain, it's worth the risk and cost because if I didn't do anything it was only going to get worse, and I was going to get fat and die  and start to have to use a motor scooter while waiting for heart disease to kill me. 

I think I could have overcome the autism issues if I didn't have chronic pain as well. 

I've worked at a couple of chronic pain clinics. If you're to the point of surgery, I feel for you. I hope you've tried the pain clinic route. We were able to help the vast majority of people. Surgery is always the last resort. Stick with it.

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3 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

So, I actually misunderstood what he said. He said there is the potential for it to happen but there are no guarantees. He asked me to try to find work for the next 18 months and then we'll re-evaluate, because he'll have a better idea about what's going on with his business then. The potential still exists, but there's no way of knowing for at least another 15 months or so. Everything is on hold here, and he asked me to assume that it doesn't exist for the time being. Sorry for jumping the gun guys. He wants to help, but he also wants him to be my "if nothing happens in the next 18-24 months" fallback plan. Because of my chronic pain issues and corrective surgeries I've been doing for the last 5 months and will end up taking away 12 months of my work potential, I can't even start looking for a job in good faith until February. 

you may have told us before, Jack, but how do you survive? How much money do you get via government? I just wondered how it works and have always wondered if it's possible to live without income. Take care sir. I don't like this scenario you painted. Sounds like your cousin is not coming through for yu after all. 15 months is a long time minus $. Good luck to u Jack.

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46 minutes ago, greg775 said:

you may have told us before, Jack, but how do you survive? How much money do you get via government? I just wondered how it works and have always wondered if it's possible to live without income. Take care sir. I don't like this scenario you painted. Sounds like your cousin is not coming through for yu after all. 15 months is a long time minus $. Good luck to u Jack.

My folks support me. They're kind enough to know that it's tough out there for a person on the spectrum. Between my SSI and Uber Eats I can cover most of my bills. My folks cover my healthcare and food, but I'm ok for the most part. If I didn't live at home there would be no way in hell I'd make it. 

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3 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

My folks support me. They're kind enough to know that it's tough out there for a person on the spectrum. Between my SSI and Uber Eats I can cover most of my bills. My folks cover my healthcare and food, but I'm ok for the most part. If I didn't live at home there would be no way in hell I'd make it. 

I didn't know u drove for Uber Eats.

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19 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

So, I actually misunderstood what he said. He said there is the potential for it to happen but there are no guarantees. He asked me to try to find work for the next 18 months and then we'll re-evaluate, because he'll have a better idea about what's going on with his business then. The potential still exists, but there's no way of knowing for at least another 15 months or so. Everything is on hold here, and he asked me to assume that it doesn't exist for the time being. Sorry for jumping the gun guys. He wants to help, but he also wants him to be my "if nothing happens in the next 18-24 months" fallback plan. Because of my chronic pain issues and corrective surgeries I've been doing for the last 5 months and will end up taking away 12 months of my work potential, I can't even start looking for a job in good faith until February. 

No need to apologize to us. I jump the gun a lot too, honestly. I'm sorry it wasn't the more immediate fix that you thought it was. And I'm glad he's trying to help but don't put your life on hold for him either. Keep looking for things.

What about online money making opportunities? I don't know too much about them, but I swear I've seen such things before. Like teaching English to kids in China, or reviewing products, stuff like that. It might not be a ton of income, but it'd at least be something and it could give you something useful to do, and it shouldn't burden your chronic pain issues too much.

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  • 5 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

So, does anyone know of some reasonably priced classes for Java, Python, R and SQL?

Also, does anyone have a good link to an open source C++ compiler? 

Also looking at learning comp TIA Network+ and A+

Check out Coursera. There are tons of free courses on there. I took one on Python programming a few years ago and it was completely free.

The way it worked for me was that I sat and watched a video and they would teach you some specific thing.  Then they would assign you a project to utilize the skill that you learned. You had a week to complete and submit it. Then you would grade the project of 3 other randomly selected students and 3 other randomly selected people would grade your project. Basically making sure the program ran the way it was supposed to, check out your code, etc...

The videos were created by a couple of professors from a college in Texas (don't remember exactly which one) and each week they would build upon the skills that you learned previously. I remember the very last project was to build a working Pong game. One of the other projects was to build an electronic version of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock (Big Bang Theory reference there). IIRC, you get a certificate at the end saying you completed the course.

I wouldn't say I'm an expert in the language, but at least I know the basics. Of course I've been programming for 20+ years now so I was already familiar with how coding in general works.


Also at my current job I took a training course on Learning Tree. Although I think those classes you have to pay for.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/25/2019 at 1:42 PM, Jack Parkman said:

So, does anyone know of some reasonably priced classes for Java, Python, R and SQL?

Also, does anyone have a good link to an open source C++ compiler? 

Also looking at learning comp TIA Network+ and A+

What are you using SQL, Python and R for, Jack?

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9 hours ago, Jack Parkman said:

I was thinking data science, but I'm thinking into going into software development instead. I just want to get away from the UX/QA side and more into the code writing side. 

When I first got into coding the first language I learned was COBOL. It's an older language but fairly easy to learn and gave me a good base to learn other languages. Then when I graduated I spent the first 15 years of my career writing it. All the way up to 2015.

You'd be shocked at the number of companies that still use it. My last company was desperate to find coders that knew it because the average age of their IT department was 55+. A lot of companies have literally 100s or 1000s of programs written in COBOL but very few places even teach it anymore. The companies don't want to spend the time/effort it would take to re-write them all either.

So a suggestion... learn COBOL.

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11 minutes ago, Iwritecode said:

When I first got into coding the first language I learned was COBOL. It's an older language but fairly easy to learn and gave me a good base to learn other languages. Then when I graduated I spent the first 15 years of my career writing it. All the way up to 2015.

You'd be shocked at the number of companies that still use it. My last company was desperate to find coders that knew it because the average age of their IT department was 55+. A lot of companies have literally 100s or 1000s of programs written in COBOL but very few places even teach it anymore. The companies don't want to spend the time/effort it would take to re-write them all either.

So a suggestion... learn COBOL.

They still use COBOL? What's next, people still use FORTRAN? 

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