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The term "Startup Company"


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Is there any difference between a startup company and a premature ejaculation? It looks to me like a bunch of 30 year olds without a plan getting their parents to buy 10 Macs so these entrepreneurs can Skype each other from their apartments; I've witnessed it a few times. It's a way to say you're in business while you really aren't, and not having to explain your business model because it's such a big secret. Just a lot of pompous attitude going around here in Austin since 100k jobless college grads all have an idea for the next billion dollar app; it's the trendy hipster fad right now, and it's all the rage and it's ruining it for those actual startups out there really busting their ass. Is there a lot of this where you live? Sorry for my pompousness toward their pompousness but get out there and get it going people. Apologies if you have a cool startup, but you know what I mean.

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