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Would you go to more games if the SOX repealed this decision  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you go to more games if the SOX repealed this decision

    • 1) YES
    • 2) NO
    • 3) MAYBE

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As for those who suggested scalpers as a solution it's certainly a good answer to solving a personal issue & I did bring it up to the group. But it really has little to do with the policy or the SOX. Scalpers are not something the SOX rely on to get more fans into the park. At least I've never heard JR say that.


In any case so I have greater weight in this argument with my friends for the remaining games & next year, can you please let me know if you run into any & what the price is they were selling the LD for?



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Once again, this is a moot point.

The other thread as no such insults & the season ticker holders still voted the same.

The implication of the votes is quite clear.

Maybe people just don't think it affects attendance that much. It's not like it was packed up there before they put in the policy. It hasn't been packed on a consistent basis since 1993.

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As for those who suggested scalpers as a solution it's certainly a good answer to solving a personal issue & I did bring it up to the group.  But it really has little to do with the policy or the SOX.  Scalpers are not something the SOX rely on to get more fans into the park.  At least I've never heard JR say that.


In any case so I have greater weight in this argument with my friends for the remaining games & next year, can you please let me know if you run into any & what the price is they were selling the LD for?



You want to know what the scalpers are selling the tickets for..? Face or under. I have yet to see one selling them over this year for anything but the AS festivities. Anyone else..?

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As for those who suggested scalpers as a solution it's certainly a good answer to solving a personal issue & I did bring it up to the group.  But it really has little to do with the policy or the SOX.  Scalpers are not something the SOX rely on to get more fans into the park.  At least I've never heard JR say that.


In any case so I have greater weight in this argument with my friends for the remaining games & next year, can you please let me know if you run into any & what the price is they were selling the LD for?



You want to know what the scalpers are selling the tickets for..? Face or under. I have yet to see one selling them over this year for anything but the AS festivities. Anyone else..?

You can get them by the 35th st. EL stop pretty cheap, never over face, unless maybe the Cubs.

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I voted no. I don't have season tickets and it wouldn't affect me. I don't walk the concourse anyway, so I don't care. If you want to walk the concourse, make plans ahead of time and by a LD ticket.

This is a typical answer. Me, me, me. It's a general question asking you to think beyond YOURSELF!


There's already evidence in the pro's & con's of these 2 threads.

The cons argued that before the policy people used to buy UD tix & sneak down.

The pros argue that with the policy their attendance is worse.


So let's go to ESPN for the numbers:

The SOX are at 1,637,696 with 10 gms left at the Cell.

That would put them at 1.9MIL for the season.


That would put them 200K over what they did in 2K2, & 2K1 without a pennant chase.

It doesn't seem like a major increase to where you should be suggesting exclusitivty for the fan base.

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This is a typical answer.  Me, me, me.  It's a general question asking you to think beyond YOURSELF!


There's already evidence in the pro's & con's of these 2 threads.

The cons argued that before the policy people used to buy UD tix & sneak down.

The pros argue that with the policy their attendance is worse.


So let's go to ESPN for the numbers:

The SOX are at 1,637,696 with 10 gms left at the Cell.

That would put them at 1.9MIL for the season.


That would put them 200K over what they did in 2K2, & 2K1 without a pennant chase.

It doesn't seem like a major increase to where you should be suggesting exclusitivty for the fan base.

Ummm.. excuse me. Where was there a pros and cons listing..? You asked if people would go to more games. Yes, no, and maybe were the replies. Where and when did this turn into an attendance issue..?




But there ya go again.. attacking a poster cause he doesn't agree with your logic. :rolleyes:

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This is a typical answer.  Me, me, me.  It's a general question asking you to think beyond YOURSELF!


There's already evidence in the pro's & con's of these 2 threads.

The cons argued that before the policy people used to buy UD tix & sneak down.

The pros argue that with the policy their attendance is worse.


So let's go to ESPN for the numbers:

The SOX are at 1,637,696 with 10 gms left at the Cell.

That would put them at 1.9MIL for the season.


That would put them 200K over what they did in 2K2, & 2K1 without a pennant chase.

It doesn't seem like a major increase to where you should be suggesting exclusitivty for the fan base.

Ummm.. excuse me. Where was there a pros and cons listing..? You asked if people would go to more games. Yes, no, and maybe were the replies. Where and when did this turn into an attendance issue..?




But there ya go again.. attacking a poster cause he doesn't agree with your logic. :rolleyes:

Steff, there is a separate poll specific to attendance. The vote is the same.

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You people are hopeless. 

Try thinking of someone other than yourselves once in a while.

Try doing something for yourself rather than b****ing and moaning and blaming others.

Are you brain dead?

I'm obviously doing something for myself with gathering votes to get the policy changed.


And only a loser would become a season ticket holder for a team that hasn't won a WS in nearly a century now. It's not a logical option.

No.. I'm not brain dead at all. But you obviously have some issues from the logic you're attempting to justify in this thread.


And only a "loser" would wait until the last minute and whine like a baby that he can't get a ticket.


BTW guys.. I have 2 extras for tonight.. who needs 2?

I could bring the boy but at 2 he doesn't find the field and game more entertaining than running up and down the ramps. Wife gets to go tonight and I get tomorrow and/or Wednesday.

Thank God I'm not the only one! My 2 1/2 year old loves baseball and sports, but taking him to an event is just horrible. I look around at other youngsters sitting calmly and ask the Lord why mine won't do that. At least I get a workout though. :lol:

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Thank God I'm not the only one! My 2 1/2 year old loves baseball and sports, but taking him to an event is just horrible. I look around at other youngsters sitting calmly and ask the Lord why mine won't do that. At least I get a workout though.  :lol:

My kids just always went along fine with stuff but I never tried them at the park before age 5.


With my grandson, Mr. I am Bored! I told him that I loved him and I loved the Sox and I wasn't going to fight with him at the ball park, grandpa never leaves a game early, and he was never going to be allowed to go to a game until he told me he could sit through 9 innings.


The day came when he was 6 - he said he could sit through 9 innings - and I took him to his first game, against Seattle in 2001 - and naturally the game went 14 innings. :lol: :lol:


But Mags scored the winning run :headbang :headbang :headbang and he had fallen in love with Mags because he could sing the O-E-O song. Now that he is 8, besides keeping score we also keep track of the frog race, the pizza race, the hat game, the air plane race - sure that stuff is a gimmick but it does help pass the time for a kid - and since he can also keep score and explain what a 6-4-3, 5F, 3A, and other scoring is, as well as do keep score his own self, I don't thinking tracking the video races is such a waste.


We have fun at the park, a lot of fun. Many of our best outings have been to USCF. When I am dead and gone, he'll have all that to remember and that is enough for me.

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Since we had 10 other nights this year on the same basis, I guess we should take our $3240.00 & spend it on some other entertainment venue.

Nobody here works for the White Sox.

You're pissing in the wind.

You asked our opinions, then got mad when they didn't match yours.

And if I recall, YOU were the one throwing attitude first because nobody was voting for a sweeping policy change to bend to your potential sporadic attendance.

I don't care WHERE you throw your hypothetical $3240.00.

Because I don't work for the White Sox.

When I go to games I walk up, and I don't give a s*** where I sit.

I have purchased upper deck tickets when the lower deck was sold out, or when the only lower seats left cost more than I wanted to pay.

I don't go to the ballpark to see a concourse, I go to see a baseball game.


Make a decision and stop crying.

No one cares....except maybe Bateman.

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Nobody here works for the White Sox.

You're pissing in the wind.

You asked our opinions, then got mad when they didn't match yours.

And if I recall, YOU were the one throwing attitude first because nobody was voting for a sweeping policy change to bend to your potential sporadic attendance.

I don't care WHERE you throw your hypothetical $3240.00.

Because I don't work for the White Sox.

When I go to games I walk up, and I don't give a s*** where I sit.

I have purchased upper deck tickets when the lower deck was sold out, or when the only lower seats left cost more than I wanted to pay.

I don't go to the ballpark to see a concourse, I go to see a baseball game.


Make a decision and stop crying.

No one cares....except maybe Bateman.

I never asked for your opinions. Just your vote.

So F off. When this franchise dies because of righteous MOMO's like you don't come crying to me.

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I think it would make you feel like you're not welcome, but I like to sit in the lower sections anyway and am willing to pay the extra $$ to sit there.


I think they should reconsider that, though - it just seems exclusionary to me.

Dude, you need to VOTE! Don't just comment.


How the F any SOX fan could vote NO to this question escapes me.

Perhaps I should have restricted this poll to SOX FANS planning to go the games.


It looks as though we have trolls voting. :angry:

:fyou trolls!

I voted no, not that I'm a regular at the park, but when I went to a few games, I had to have UD for two games. It wads fine for me. Also, that would under no circumstances keep me home from a game if I were a local and I had aspirations of attending.

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Nobody here works for the White Sox.

You're pissing in the wind.

You asked our opinions, then got mad when they didn't match yours.

And if I recall, YOU were the one throwing attitude first because nobody was voting for a sweeping policy change to bend to your potential sporadic attendance.

I don't care WHERE you throw your hypothetical $3240.00.

Because I don't work for the White Sox.

When I go to games I walk up, and I don't give a s*** where I sit.

I have purchased upper deck tickets when the lower deck was sold out, or when the only lower seats left cost more than I wanted to pay.

I don't go to the ballpark to see a concourse, I go to see a baseball game.


Make a decision and stop crying.

No one cares....except maybe Bateman.

I never asked for your opinions. Just your vote.

So F off. When this franchise dies because of righteous MOMO's like you don't come crying to me.

You are messed up.

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And please stop with the idiocy of saying UD people steal your seat in the LD.

Ever since they added ushers for all sections on the stairwells, they don't let you in the section without the proper ticket.  We've sit behind the BPs several times this year on both weekdays & weekends & not once did the usher not check are tickets when returning to our seats.

Ummm.. southsider can you help me out here. Where did we sit Saturday.. 159, right? Did you get asked once to see your ticket before returning to your seat..? I sure didn't.

No one asked me for anything.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well damn.... i miss all the fun once again.. f***in work gettin in the way, i really need to do something about this geez..lol....anyhow.... jugger i can understand what your tryin to say here.... far be it from me to agree with everyone and take a stand alone on this issue here, buuuuuut......lol.......yes i do think it kinda s***ty for the sox to restrict access which was once not restricted......yes i think it s***ty of the sox to also come down and tell fans not to yell loudly as it disrupts broadcasts and such too...i mean really whats the point in going to a game if you have to sit and be quiet huh......anyway....while yes i do agree you can spend the extra bucks and get a lower deck seat, i also think that if you come to the park you should be able to have full access to all the emienties (sp? im too lazy to look it up sorry) the park provides you as a purchaser of any ticket.... i mean really its kinda like singling you ud folks out a bit dont ya think....i do... anyway if the butt heads who check the tickets at each section were on the ball and doing the job they are paid to do, it would actually take way from the "seat jumping" theory and you ud folks could walk around the concourse, enjoy the fan deck (which is still free for now...lol), run through the showers,and be able to hob knob with your friends who sit down below ect. ect. ect......i dont see anything wrong with what your tryin to say here....and i do agree.. the sox org. for whatever reason this year.. have tightened up things alot and have put into effect some new rules which take away from the "fan friendly" atmosphere we enjoyed in seasons past.... i remember back when comiskey park used to be a gathering place of neighborhood folks who went to watch a game and socialize and such.....yeah this day and age we have assholes like ligue who find it funny to jump onto the field.. maybe thats what the restrictions are tryin to prevent but as in everything else in life.. if theres a strong enough will there will be a way to make your desires happen.......i dont mind ud folks coming down to stroll around... not one bit... and in fact i have actually gotten a few of them down with me to enjoy a game or two (illegally of course ask cw ;) ) but geez us were all fans here cheerin for the same end result.. and if i made someones day a bit brighter by gettin them a seat for an inning or two down by me, then so be it, there was no harm done.. if you can behave yourself( not meaning you personally) then i see no problem in letting ud folks come down and partake in all the festivities at the park......mho

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I never asked for your opinions.  Just your vote.

So F off.  When this franchise dies because of righteous MOMO's like you don't come crying to me.

Starting a poll and expecting people not to voice an opinion about the poll is retarded.

And you seem to have an unusual amount of anger about a relatively insignificant issue.

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and for the record, HSC, I agree almost 100% with your post.

I think the policy change was an over-reaction to the morons running on the field.

But I also think it's kinda stupid to stay away from a game just because this guy refuses to pay a little more to sit downstairs.

He has a choice and he knows the situation.

Make the choice, don't b**** and whine about it.

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and for the record, HSC, I agree almost 100% with your post.

I think the policy change was an over-reaction to the morons running on the field.

But I also think it's kinda stupid to stay away from a game just because this guy refuses to pay a little more to sit downstairs.

He has a choice and he knows the situation.

Make the choice, don't b**** and whine about it.

Someone needs to learn how to read, because I've said it several times over this has nothing to do with $$$!


The only time I am ever affected by this is when the LD sells out.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
and for the record, HSC, I agree almost 100% with your post.

I think the policy change was an over-reaction to the morons running on the field.

But I also think it's kinda stupid to stay away from a game just because this guy refuses to pay a little more to sit downstairs.

He has a choice and he knows the situation.

Make the choice, don't b**** and whine about it.

Someone needs to learn how to read, because I've said it several times over this has nothing to do with $$$!


The only time I am ever affected by this is when the LD sells out.

which is never... if you ask at the ticket window for ld seats youll get them.. even on the sox cubs series i was able to score a couple for friends...... ;) ask and you shall recieve.....

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and for the record, HSC, I agree almost 100% with your post.

I think the policy change was an over-reaction to the morons running on the field.

But I also think it's kinda stupid to stay away from a game just because this guy refuses to pay a little more to sit downstairs.

He has a choice and he knows the situation.

Make the choice, don't b**** and whine about it.

Someone needs to learn how to read, because I've said it several times over this has nothing to do with $$$!


The only time I am ever affected by this is when the LD sells out.

If it hardly ever affects you, then it SHOULDN'T affect you enough to get so pissed off about it, SHOULD it? :huh:


and I'll say it again - take this up with WHITE SOX MANAGEMENT if it means so much to you.

Quit wasting our time.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
and for the record, HSC, I agree almost 100% with your post.

I think the policy change was an over-reaction to the morons running on the field.

But I also think it's kinda stupid to stay away from a game just because this guy refuses to pay a little more to sit downstairs.

He has a choice and he knows the situation.

Make the choice, don't b**** and whine about it.

critic yeah i know what your saying.... and your right if your not willing to ask at the window then dont whine about it..... but you have no idea how many fans are so uninformed....if you go up to the window at any given game and tell them you want to sit in the ld.. they have x amount of seats put aside for walk ups day of game..... i know from experience bringing others with me who had no tickets we were always able to score a few no matter what game it was........of course it costs ya 36 bucks.. if your willing to pay then theres no problem........

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