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Now Who Do the Sox Turn To?


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Do they just stick with plan B or consider going after someone like Andy Ashby or sign a Paul Byrd.


Of course Colon and Vazquez are still out their and the Reds are supposedly willing to deal Dempster and the Marlins could be willing to deal Penny.


Also, Sidney Ponson is still out their as well.


Personally, I'd still like to see that rumored 8 player deal or at least see the Sox try to get Colon without giving up Garland.

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Originally posted by Murcielago

I dunno if anyone saw this, but Bruce Wolf from FOX 32 said that Roger Clemens could possibly sign with a chicago team, not on the north side..... I dunno, but I'd love it.


All Clemens said was that he, "wouldn't rule it out." Sounds like the White Sox are a "worst case scenario" for The Rocket. Can't say I blame him. :mad:

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i was hyped out with all the rumors we might be getting another good pitcher (Ortiz/Colon/Vazquez) and i was wrong to be too excited about those.

Plan B probably was KW's first option anyway.


But I still think we still need a good pitcher in our rotation. Dempster would be a good idea if he can revert back from his success 2-3 years ago.


Brad Penny is also an interesting option. I read somewhere today that Marlins might trade Juan Encarnacion also. If we could get them both, then it would be awesome.


How about Mark Redman just to throw in there?


I also heard on ESPN radio that Paul Byrd signed with Atlanta. Look at this rotation if Maddux come back to Braves:






Byrd - - - this is scary!!

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Thats a pretty stinking good rotation. It got them a lot younger and they saved a ton of money.


Their gm may know what he's doing after all.


I like the idea of Clemens.


Right now it appears that if the Yanks get Colon, his options are the Red Sox, and the Texas teams.


None of the Texas teams have the money to bring him in, and the Red Sox so far haven't been interested, leaving the Sox out their, if that is true.

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Is Ismael Valdes all that bad of an option?


He seems to be getting a lot less pub then Omar Daal, but if you compare numbers, Valdes may of had the better season.


First off Ismael pitched in the American League, and did so in the toughest division in baseball, the American League West.


He went 8-12 with a 4.18 era and through 196 innings, making 31 starts, with one complete game. Opponents hit just .257 against him and in his career, they hit .255 against him.


Could he of figured things back out? How about signing this guy for like a million bucks.


I was always a huge fan of his back in his days with the Dodgers and he's only 29 years old. He doesn't turn 30 until August 21st.


Omar Daal


11-9 with a 3.90 era. He made 23 starts and pitched 161.1 innings. Opponents hit just .39 off of him. Career wise they have hit .264 against him. He turns 31 on March 1st and is looking for a long term deal with 3 million a year.


Seems to me like the safer bet would be to get Valdes as you wouldn't be tying things up long term.

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Originally posted by baggio202

i saw we sign mark furhie..i could hear the KW press release..


"our scouts have been following mark for years and really like his fastball (82 mph) and think he will develop into one of the leagues top starters...we are adding a quality arm to our staff"


No no....they'd over-estimate it like they did with Butter in ST....thinking his fastball was in the high 80s or whatever and then it turned out the highest he was hitting was 85....


KW would be more like...


"We like this pickup. Mark has a good arm, with a good fastball which tops out at about 93 and has a good curve ball and a knowledge of how to pitch."


He would then proceed to guarentee 18 wins from him....and somehow, he would trade him Corwin Malone, Dan Wright and Matt Ginter, and all 3 would have good success with the A's. When Fyhrie goes 7-19 with the Sox with an ERA up around 5.89, KW has no comment(we all know what he is thinking...'I got f***ed big time!' ).

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Originally posted by witesoxfan
Originally posted by baggio202

i saw we sign mark furhie..i could hear the KW press release..


"our scouts have been following mark for years and really like his fastball (82 mph) and think he will develop into one of the leagues top starters...we are adding a quality arm to our staff"


No no....they'd over-estimate it like they did with Butter in ST....thinking his fastball was in the high 80s or whatever and then it turned out the highest he was hitting was 85....


KW would be more like...


"We like this pickup. Mark has a good arm, with a good fastball which tops out at about 93 and has a good curve ball and a knowledge of how to pitch."


He would then proceed to guarentee 18 wins from him....and somehow, he would trade him Corwin Malone, Dan Wright and Matt Ginter, and all 3 would have good success with the A's. When Fyhrie goes 7-19 with the Sox with an ERA up around 5.89, KW has no comment(we all know what he is thinking...'I got f***ed big time!' ).


exactly..makes you wanna :puke doesnt it??

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Originally posted by abozichiu

I say we sign Ramiro Mendoza.  I think he can be effective and would come at a pretty cheap price.


hasnt mendoza had alot of arm problems the past 2 seasons???...i remember him in '00 being the guy everyone in baseball wanted from the yanks...seems interest has cooled off...with whats left if the sox were truly looking for a free agent pitcher id go with daal first and the mendoza...


medoza is a free aganr right??...the yanks said they wernt gonna make him an offer..or am i thinking of someone else???

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Baggs....teams are backing off because Mendoza has said he wants to start...he is untouchable when his sinker is working...when it's not....well, you know the drill.


Anyways, he was used primarily out of the bullpen by the Yanks, and that is one of the reasons he probably isn't being wanted...I'm not sure about arm problems though...I'd still take a shot.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

the pickins are getting slimmer each day....i told you pick the worst guy out there and thats who we will get....well there isnt much more to get now is there......espically since we know full damn right well colon isnt coming here.......

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