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Apology to Gordon Beckham


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QUOTE (Dunt @ Jun 4, 2015 -> 04:54 AM)
I was wrong about you, you can, in fact, be a starter in the MLB again. Gordon looks great this season and I'm really hoping he gets the lions share of starts from now on.


i am not going to jump on the bandwagon, no matter how much i want to.


i will say, good job and keep it up.

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I don't know if this means squat, but it had to be humbling to go to the Angels and not be much of a factor there, either. Had to change his psyche a bit rather than same/ol same ol with the Sox. No matter how he performed or how many pop ups he hit, he was always penciled in the lineup.


Also there's a chance he picked up some useful things from a second organization.

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QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Jun 4, 2015 -> 04:25 PM)
I will say that he should have never have been moved from third base.


He would be what hawk thought he was as a fielder at 3rd base and make up for some of his hitting shortfalls.

i totally agree, when the sox was thinking of moving him to 2nb, the sox org laid out all this hype and i think, for a young man, everything was too much. in other words, rushing him thru the system.


i ranted on this a long freaking time ago. but then again, i am a fan, so what in hades do i know.

Edited by LDF
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QUOTE (CWSpalehoseCWS @ Jun 4, 2015 -> 09:13 AM)
I still don't think Beckham is a MLB starter. He's technically a platoon player this year that has to produce to keep being inserted into the lineup. The same can be said early in his career - once he was handed a starting job, he started to playing bad. Hope he keeps it up though.

I agree

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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 4, 2015 -> 05:15 PM)
The Sox should have left him at 3B. His defense is great and he was very good at 2B also. I see criticism of his past offense but maybe you should be praising a player who took steps to improve himself.


my main point then and which leads to today's stats,


he was never, imo, fully developed as a hitter. a season or 2 could in the minors could have done wonders for him. oh well, that is the price of rushing a prospect to the majors.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Jun 4, 2015 -> 11:52 AM)
When I hated the Gordon Beckham signing it was for three reasons.


I do think Gillaspie should only start 1-3 times a week against RHSP with good fastballs until Beckham cools. We can't build a pitching staff on guys who manufacture ground balls and throw Conor Gillaspie and Micah Johnson out there.


This has been the most confusing thing to me about Hahn. He has on one hand seemed to focus like a hawk at getting high GB relief pitchers. Makes sense considering the stadium. However, we've consistently downgraded at defense for offense, and to me, not in the good way. A low power, high contact player like Gillaspie would be fine if he wasn't terrible on defense, same with Johnson.

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  • 2 weeks later...
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 13, 2015 -> 03:12 PM)
Since this thread was made Gordon Beckham is 1/22 with 1 walk and 1 sac fly.

Market correction. The guy is never going to hit for a full season. That said, he's already produced more this season than I expected him to do for the full year.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 13, 2015 -> 11:08 PM)
First we heard about the great bullpen that's allowing 35% of inherited runners to score.


Now the Beckham Jinx...whenever you start to believe in the team turning things around or any player not named Chris Sale, you will end up being disappointed.


ok, i am not saying Beckham jinx, how bout many posters jump on his bandwagon when he is going good, which if you look at his history, is proof. now, for me on part 1, is he is back to normal.


part 2 is, i am wondering if he is a player who will produce in a limited role. granted his defense is needed, but still offensively, he was doing good for an extending time while he was playing a limited role.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Jun 4, 2015 -> 12:52 PM)
When I hated the Gordon Beckham signing it was for three reasons.


1.) It rendered Bonifacio's signing useless (or at least a poor allocation of funds) as Beckham took his principal role. - This still holds true. Bonifacio has been underutilized and is a wart, relatively speaking, on the payroll.

2.) Beckham has never been a good defender at 3B - The Sox scouts were right on his defense. He has passed the eye test and been incredible.

3.) Beckham is not a platoon bat. I kept saying that Beckham has sucked equally against RHP and LHP over the course of his 3000+ PAs. - He has been garbage against LHP once again.


RHP: .302./357/.508/.865, 70 PAs

LHP: .240/.333/.240/.573, 30 PAs


I do think Gillaspie should only start 1-3 times a week against RHSP with good fastballs until Beckham cools. We can't build a pitching staff on guys who manufacture ground balls and throw Conor Gillaspie and Micah Johnson out there.


Obviously you can't put much credence into splits of a role player in June but his career has been fun to follow in a statistical sense. Beckham has been a guy who is completely neutral in his career as far as LHP/RHP splits. RHP: .247/.306/.379/.685 and LHP: .243/.315/.368/.683 That is nearly identical. That is what you get with a proper sample size. His statistics on a year-to-year basis are a great token to the ideas that you A.) you cannot put weight into small sample sizes and B.) everything regresses to the mean.


I am jumping all over the place but some of you want to freak out and say the Sox are the worst organization in the world because Melky, Eaton, Alexei and LaRoche aren't hitting to your expectations right now but don't go overboard. Things will regress the mean. If this team sucks in the end there's no prize for the one's who were saying it from April 9th, we all suffer together. Don't fret over the the day to day to results. We have eight weeks to wait for the regression.


Regarding the platoon business, since he has spent much of the season in a sort of platoon role, you can't take his splits from this year as evidence that he still doesn't hit lefties any better. By and large, he has been protected from the toughest righties, so we might just say that Robin has managed his ABs well. Of course, it is very plausible and maybe even likely that he has been about equally effective against both LHP and RHP because that's just his natural tendency prior to last season.


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How about we consider that all players go into a slump from time to time during the season. It is a bit tiring to see this hate on Sox players all the time. Same story just the names change

Edited by elrockinMT
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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 14, 2015 -> 12:53 PM)
How about we consider that all players go into a slump from time to time during the season. It is a bit tiring to see this hate on Sox players all the time. Same story just the names change

It's Gordon Beckham, he's proven year after year that he's not a good hitter. It's not hating on him, it's just the truth.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 14, 2015 -> 06:59 PM)
It's Gordon Beckham, he's proven year after year that he's not a good hitter. It's not hating on him, it's just the truth.

who else do you wish to complain about and expect more of? Let's start by being realistic in our expectations. The team is made of of 25 individuals players hopefully working together. Baseball is a team sport and all 25 have their pluses and minuses

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