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tonights attendance


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that is what really p.o.'s me.


I think that no one should be allowed to buy any play off or world series tickets unless they have a canceled ticket stub from a Tampa Bay game. 


All the front runner fans who want tickets who haven't been there all year - no use for them.

I just turned in four unused tickets from the Tampa game for tonight I am in the UD. I can't wait.

that is smart!


:headbang :headbang :headbang



but it means you had Tampa Bay tickets and in my my own fantasy world, if I ran the Sox, that would be enough!


:cheers :cheers :cheers

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Who cares?  Our attendance is up 8% from last year; remarkable considering they're having another "magical" year on the North Side of town.  That's enough good news for me.  If we average 25,000-30,000 (very realistic, IMO), then we'll at least break around 10-15% increase from 2002.  The Sox will not become a big draw in baseball again until several years of sustained winning; and I don't mean s***ty division titles followed by three-and-outs.


By the way... Anyone notice the Yankees drew 8,848 yesterday?

Yep and it was on Matsui bobblehead day too.


As far as the Sox and attendance I agree wholeheartedly with ya.


By the way, I've only been to 5 Sox games (3 vs Angels; 2 vs Dodgers) this year plus two spring training games. If I could make more I would. And I plan on doing so if things go as I hope they will and the Sox play in October :cheers

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I am a season ticket holder and I split my lot with a few others. I get to about 30-40 games a year. Either way, I am mystified by the lack of attendance for a playoff contender. I suppose if the Cubs were not in it we would see more 'chicago fans' Steff in regard to your meeting prior to the game, I have never met with you folks, maybe its timing, maybe its my lack of finding the correct information, but I would love to meet you folks in the near future.


Anyway, I think the people on this board are true fans I hope we can get a few more.

Tonight. 6:15 BPB. Tomorrow likely the same. Thursday afternoon lunch at Jimbo's at noon. After that, I dunno.



As for why the park is not full. Don't know, don't care. There are people paid to worry about that crap... and I aint one of them :lol:

We were there last night and will be there tonight and Thursday. I would go Wednesday, but those damn doctor appointments get in the way of everything.

Not sure if I can meet you tonight since we will get there right before game time, but I will see you at Jimbo's Thursday for lunch.

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Tonight will be 25. In 1993 I went to 62. Sat on 37th Street after work and drank a 30 pack of Old Style before every game. Ah, the good ole blue collar, street parking days. Work until 3:30, drink until 3:30 and sweat it all off. White collar and family life have their perks and I feel better as person. I notice attendance began to fall in 1994 as my abiltiy to make games tappered off as well. Was I that entertaining?

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Tonight will be 25.  In 1993 I went to 62.  Sat on 37th Street after work and drank a 30 pack of Old Style before every game.  Ah, the good ole blue collar, street parking days. Work until 3:30, drink until 3:30 and sweat it all off.  White collar and family life have their perks and I feel better as person.  I notice attendance began to fall in 1994 as my abiltiy to make games tappered off as well.  Was I that entertaining?

62 games is impressive. 30 beers ain't to bad either! :cheers :drink

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31 for me tonight.


Steff, some of us are just warriors!

With the remaining tickets I have, I will make 34 games. I am hoping to make it the 20th, and go to 35 total this year.

I'm going to ALL the remaining games. That'll make it 45 for me this year.

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Tonight will be 25.  In 1993 I went to 62.  Sat on 37th Street after work and drank a 30 pack of Old Style before every game.  Ah, the good ole blue collar, street parking days. Work until 3:30, drink until 3:30 and sweat it all off.  White collar and family life have their perks and I feel better as person.  I notice attendance began to fall in 1994 as my abiltiy to make games tappered off as well.  Was I that entertaining?

I don't know how I did it.. but in 1997, 98, and 99 I went to every home game, the AS festivities, and Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Texas, and Ahaheim. I was traveling so much I lived out of a suitcase. I put 20K miles on my car in 7 months all 3 years, and got 6 free trips from Southwest :lol:

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I'm sorry, but all of you that constantly start these threads preaching to the choir about attending Sox games can go take a long walk off of a short pier. Or pound sand up your ass. Whatever you'd prefer.


I've been to games against Detroit (including a 1-0 Loaiza loss!), Tampa Bay, Cleveland, KC, Oakland, and Minnesota. I think that qualifies me for cwsox's playoff lottery :lol: .

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i was at the game last night, it was half price night, we're playing the team we were tied for first place with and it was 76 degrees. You'd think it would be packed but no! a pathetic attendance figure of 32,807. I'm disgusted! GO TO THE BALLPARK!

LOL I was in Iraq until the end of July & didnt make it back to Chicago till Aug 22nd. I've been to 5 games.


I think you're preaching to the choir here. Most of the folks on these boards go whenever they possibly can.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I think you're preaching to the choir here. Most of the folks on these boards go whenever they possibly can.


exactly... im sick of the attendance s***.. who cares... if i go or not my tickets are already paid for either way .. so whats the f***in difference...if i cant go someone is always in my seats in my place.... some of us do have to work for a living and have a life outside of the sox believe it or not..... ;) wanna support the sox in a better way.. cut uncle jerry a check to help pay for a few good players.. wanna fill up the park make a donation to some type of chairity for tickets.... im sure there are boys and girls clubs who would love to see a few games...or just bring a few friends and neighbors with you on your next visit... ;)

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